Mingyue could hear the irony in the words of Dugu and his son, and she became even more angry.

She turned her head and said viciously: "You two treacherous villains, you have the nerve to mock Young Master Mingyue.

It's true that the wicked will sue first!

It seems that I guessed right, my parents were probably killed by you! "

Dugu and his son had black lines on their faces, they never thought that one day they would be so slandered, and they still couldn't find a chance to refute.

Really speechless.

That's it.

Winners and losers, right and wrong, good and evil are all floating clouds.

Dugu Fang sneered, and said: "Mingyue, it seems that you are not stupid. Someone broke into the City Lord's Mansion before, maybe it was you?"

"of course."

Mingyue was filled with righteous indignation: "I just went to investigate the truth about the death of my parents, so I know you did it!"


Dugu Fang laughed loudly: "That's right, it was the old man who did it, so what? It's because they don't know how to praise themselves, so they can't blame the old man!

Today, the old man will let your Ming family be like no other! "

After all, draw your sword and go up.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi couldn't let this old guy bully his woman, so he immediately followed.

Mingyue went to test a few times first, and found that she was not in the same dimension at all, so she didn't continue.

She turned her head and looked at Dugu Ming who was seriously injured beside her.

Even if the opponent is not injured, Mingyue still feels that she is sure of winning, let alone now.

So he raised his sword and went up.

Duguming was furious, and quickly called the people around him to block him, forcing them out one by one.

Those servants knew that they were not opponents, but they had no way to disobey the order, so they could only bite the bullet.

As a result, there were many casualties and injuries, and there was no way to stop Mingyue from advancing.

Anyway, he is also the guardian of Wushuang City, of course he has two brushes.


Seeing his son facing the threat of death, Dugu Fang roared, and a powerful sound wave swept across the scene.

It's like a lion's roar.

I saw that everything on the scene was rolled up and smashed directly, the power is amazing.

Mingyue could only step back temporarily, only to realize that she had been seriously injured after she stepped back, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.


Sound is not something that can be avoided so easily, it is still affected.


Lin Pingshang went to check the situation, channeled a little of his own internal energy, and after healed the wound, he said, "Leave it to me here, and you can rest by the side."


Mingyue nodded, feeling very warm too.


Dugu Ming next to him also spat out a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that he had also been attacked just now, and his injuries were even more serious.

However, it was not life-threatening.

Dugu's side hurriedly sent a little internal energy over there, and at the same time, they were alert to Lin Pingzhi's actions.

Of course Lin Pingzhi couldn't give them a chance to recover.

Immediately rushed forward with a weapon in hand, using all kinds of sword techniques, never letting the opponent take a breather.


There is really no way for Dugu to stand still and let the opponent attack, that is the most stupid way.

Immediately interrupted the healing, and fought back with Lin Pingzhi.

After the fight just now, he has already seen that the opponent is not a simple character, and he has never even been caught off guard by himself.

From this point of view.

The opponent is very likely to be on par with himself.

He was even more surprised. Fortunately, he still has the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, so he can have a little bit of confidence.

"Sword 22!"

Dugu Fang let out a loud roar, now that Wushuang City is in the most critical moment, he no longer hides it.

This move is out.

The surrounding atmosphere changed instantly.

The whole air seems to be filled with a void sword, which looks transparent and full of power.

Those virtual swords exuded endless sword energy, shuttling back and forth in the air, causing a lot of pressure on people.

This trick.

It is completely different from the tricks he used before, and it is even more threatening.


Seeing the subtlety of this move, Lin Pingzhi twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and finally showed some real skill.

He said: "It turned out to be Sword 22, no wonder it can have such power, it should be taken for granted."


Dugu Fang laughed wildly: "Boy, you know this trick, it is very remarkable, today I will let you experience the unique skills of my Wushuang City!

At the beginning, only my brother was able to peek into this realm. The old man was stupid. After decades of work, he finally managed to grasp the essence.

Originally, I wanted to save it to deal with Xiongba, but now it seems that I have to sacrifice it in advance. This is your honor! "

"Okay, today I will break your pride."

Lin Pingzhi could tell that the opponent was very proud of this move, so he tried to hit him in the face.

That's exciting.


There was a sound of breaking wind in the air, and those virtual swords shuttled back and forth like a swimming dragon, forming a huge body.

"go with!"

As Dugu Yifang shouted, that wandering dragon rushed forward in an instant, causing the surrounding world to turn upside down.

All the things in the entire hall were cut out by sword qi in an instant.

None were spared.

All the furniture was thrown out and cut into two pieces in mid-air.

"Not bad, like a technical job."

Lin Pingzhi laughed, twisted the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade in his hand, and immediately pulled out the flower.

Under the rapid twist of his wrist, the weapon in his hand turned into countless phantoms like a clone.

"Broken Sword Style!"

It is Dugu Nine Swords' Broken Sword Style, which is specially used to deal with sword moves and other unique skills, which can be said to be very suppressive.

Waves of sword energy flew out instantly.

Seeing the wandering dragon made up of virtual swords, it obviously felt the pressure and hesitated.

But under the continuous output of the Dugu side, they still rushed forward indomitably.


There is no longer any threat.

The wandering dragon slammed forward, but it was smashed into pieces by Lin Pingzhi's broken sword. Those virtual swords were instantly thrown out, stuck on the surrounding furniture and the floor, and finally turned into smoke and dissipated.


And the remaining prestige of the trick even bounced back, directly spitting blood on Dugu Fang, and took several steps back.

The Wushuang sword in his hand lay on the ground as if frightened.


After stabilizing his body, Dugu Fang stood with difficulty and looked at Lin Pingzhi in disbelief, not daring to imagine how powerful he was.

He was shocked and said, "How come you have the unique skill of our ancestor of the Dugu family? Who are you?"


Lin Pingzhi just sneered, and said, "Dugu Nine Swords has its own inheritance, why, doesn't your Dugu family not have one?"

Dugu Fang said with a cold face, "Yes, it's just that from a certain generation, the swordsmanship was gradually lost, and finally evolved into Sword 22, which has been passed down to this day."

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