Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1178 1 Stone 2 Birds

The sudden change made everyone present unable to react.

Who would have thought that Dugu Ming would actually play such a vicious trick.

It's simply revenge.


Mingyue began to worry.

Dugu stopped his hand for a while, and cast an admiring look at his son.

he thought.

Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog son.

That's the way it should be.

Winners and losers, those who achieve great things, don't stick to small details, they must be ruthless.

Those so-called moral shackles are simply bullshit.

Of course, the final success can still be achieved, so who dares to say anything, all people are looking at is the result.

He was very satisfied with his son's actions, he sneered while curling his beard, looked at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I want to see what you should do next.

If I kill you with the woman you love, should you fight back, or should you be beaten obediently?

This is really a time to test your understanding of righteousness. Is Master Mingyue willing to give up his life for the woman he loves? "


Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes.

But actually.

He already had a plan in his heart.


the other side.

Although being threatened by others, Ming Jing smiled instead, thinking it was a good idea to do so.

She shouted even more confidently: "Could it be that you really don't want this man you've only known for a few days, don't you want grandma?

Grandma really didn't expect that she was such an ungrateful person. "

"No, Grandma, I didn't"

Mingyue denied repeatedly, she didn't choose at all, no one gave her time to make a choice at all.


She was really struggling and didn't know what to do.

In desperation, he could only shout at Dugu Ming: "Dugu Ming, if you dare to touch a single hair of my grandma, I will never let you go in this lifetime."


Of course Duguming is not afraid: "Mingyue, now you make the choice, and I have the initiative."


Ming Spiegel continued to put pressure: "Grandma's life is in your hands now, you are about to kill him.

Only by killing the so-called Young Master Mingyue did my grandma survive.

rest assured.

Grandma can see that he treats you hard and will never fight back. As long as you beg hard, he will soften his heart. "

It might sound reasonable.


It's disgusting to think about, and even more uncomfortable to do.

Mingyue can't live without such a sense of shame, of course she won't do this.

She didn't know how to refuse, how could she use Lin Pingzhi's love for her to hurt him instead?

Just when Mingyue was a little helpless.

Lin Pingzhi has already taken action.

It happened that everyone's attention was on Mingyue, so of course he could have more room for manipulation.

Quietly picked up a piece of gravel on the ground, sandwiched it between the fingers, flicked it, and shot it out immediately.

The stone was so small, and coupled with its speed, no one noticed it at all.

Except for the lonely side.


Under such circumstances, Dugu could not react.

The stone hit Dugu Ming's elbow with lightning speed.

Knocked on a particular reflex arc.

In Lin Pingzhi's eyes, there was a reflex spirit there, and he hit it with perfect precision.

that's it.

Dugu Ming's hand felt some inexplicable pressure, and the reflex arc responded immediately.

Unconsciously swipe it, or shake it violently.

Normally, this was nothing, but now, he held a dagger in his hand.

And the dagger rests on Ming Jing's neck.

Such a flick.

The sharp dagger instantly left a deep scar on Ming Jing's neck.

Blood spurted out.

The sudden scene made everyone present unable to react.

Although Dugu saw it, it had already happened, so he could only feel regretful.

When Lin Pingzhi was around, he pointed at Duguming and shouted: "Duguming, what are you doing?

Originally, I planned to sacrifice my life to save her, how dare you do such a crazy thing?

Mingyue is also your wife after all. Senior Ming Jing is considered your elder, how dare you kill her? "


Dugu Ming came back to his senses, and he still feels stunned until now.

Pushing away the dead man in his hand, he felt sorry.

Recalling what happened just now, he stared at Lin Pingzhi with gritted teeth, and said, "It was you, you forced me to kill her! You hypocrite."


Lin Pingzhi made a surprised expression, and said, "I didn't expect you to bite back.

Duguming, the hypocrite is talking about you! "


During the quarrel between the two, Mingyue pounced on her grandma, she didn't expect the matter to develop to such an extent.

She went forward, only to find that the person in her arms was no longer breathing, her eyes were still open before she died, and she did not want to die.

"Dugu Ming!"

Mingyue's eyes glared, she vowed to kill this man, quickly picked up a sword, and wanted to stab him.


The Dugu side has long been prepared, of course it is impossible to let things happen.

He waved his hands.

A wave of internal force flew out, and instantly sent the sword in Mingyue's hand flying, smashing it into pieces.

And Yu Li shocked Mingyue even more.

Lin Pingzhi happened to make contact behind and completed the heroic feat of saving the beauty.

The actions just now eased his embarrassing situation even more, and he couldn't help but admire his own wisdom.

At this moment, my heart was full of joy, not only solved my own predicament, but also solved that dead old woman.

The best of both worlds.

But there was still a worried and sad expression on his face: "Mingyue, I'm sorry, we can save your grandma."

From Mingyue's point of view, Lin Pingzhi was naturally not at fault.

Her eyes were moist, and her heart was touched.

Obviously, his own side tried every means to design him, but the other party is still so kind.

Mingyue felt that she had fallen completely, threw herself into Lin Pingzhi's arms, and cried: "Master Mingyue, I'm sorry, please avenge my grandma, I will give you everything."


Lin Pingzhi stroked Mingyue's head and said: "Your business is my business, of course I won't stand by and watch.

Besides, that guy was already within my kill target. "

side to appease.

At the same time, he smiled triumphantly towards Dugu Ming, not to mention how embarrassing and arrogant he was.

It makes people want to hit people.

Dugu Minghen's teeth itch, obviously he is the wronged party, but Lin Pingzhi can give him his preference.


He still looks like a virtuous person, but he bears the name of a villain on his back.


Duguming couldn't stand the tone, he roared loudly, "Lin Pingzhi, you hypocrite!

Dad, kill him, kill him.Cut him to pieces! "


Dugu Fang also saw it, but he was not so excited, he just sneered: "Young Master Mingyue really lives up to his reputation.

I underestimated you a little before, but I didn't expect you to be so clever. "

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