Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1177 The Threat of the Mirror

Just when the battle in the hall was very lively.

In the two wedding rooms, Dugumeng is still sleeping, while Mingyue is absent-minded, or in a state of confusion.

She didn't know if it was right for her to do this, or if she was really angry?


As a result, while hesitating, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting and killing outside.

Not good.

Today is a day of great joy, how could he be so reckless, so he lifted his hijab, went to the window, and looked outside.

As a result, I saw the scene of flesh and blood people flying.

He was startled immediately, and at the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

What happened in Wushuang City shows that Wushuang City must be in great crisis.

It should be the news that came out before, the world will start to do it.

The reason why I laugh.

Probably because after this incident, the wedding will be postponed, and she will not have to sacrifice herself.

It's natural to laugh.

"Young lady!"

at this time.

One of them came to the window and immediately knelt down on one knee: "There is a war in Wushuang City, please young lady take refuge in time."

"What happened?"

Mingyue doesn't care about the title of young lady anymore, she just wants to ask about the situation.

The man replied: "It's Lin Pingzhi. He united with people from the Tianxiahui to attack. Under the combination of inside and outside, Wushuang City suffered heavy losses."


hear the news.

Mingyue was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to do.

At this time, the person just now immediately comforted: "But young lady, don't worry, with the city lord around, those people can't make trouble.

It's just that it's dangerous outside, young lady please don't come out, otherwise if something happens, I won't be able to afford it. "

I heard that Lin Pingzhi was going to fight Dugu Fang.

Mingyue was worried.

At this time, she couldn't control so much, and immediately went through the window, after all, she was worried about Lin Pingzhi's safety.

When Mingyue came to the main hall, she saw Lin Pingzhi and Dugu Fang fighting.

And the two sides are not even close.


Dugu's side had already used two swords, one black and one white Wushuang sword, dancing flowers in his hands.

Holding swords in both hands, he used his family's unique skills to display Sword Eighteen, and the scene was full of sword energy.


Relying on Lin Pingzhi's profound skills and experience, he didn't make any trouble at all.

He even defends with ease, and can occasionally launch an attack, which is deadly everywhere.

But it is not so easy to defeat the Dugu side. Both sides are trying to find their own opportunities.

Lin Pingzhi soon noticed Mingyue rushing over, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He said, "I can finally explain to you now."

Mingyue has already guessed a general idea in her heart, and you don't need to say more when they meet and smile at this moment.

She said: "No need to say anything, I can understand you, you married Dugu Meng just for this time, right?"


Lin Pingzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Can get the forgiveness of this beautiful woman.

It is indeed wonderful.

Such a considerate beauty made Lin Pingzhi happy again.

He said: "Get out of the way first, we are still fighting, don't accidentally hurt you."


At this time.

Dugu Ming at the side watched the two people's eye contact, and was furious: "Don't forget that you are my wife now!"


Mingyue just sneered, and said: "You are mediocre, this girl doesn't like you at all."


Dugu Ming gritted his teeth angrily.

She thought she could embrace the beauty, but who knows, Lin Pingzhi is the only one in this woman's eyes.

Lin Pingzhi Lin Pingzhi Lin Pingzhi!

Why is there only this so-called Young Master Mingyue in everyone's eyes, but not himself! ! !

It's really disgusting.

He clenched his fist tightly, feeling aggrieved in his heart, feeling that God was unfair.

"Young City Lord Dugu."

Lin Pingzhi ridiculed: "You are idle all day long, so don't blame God for being unfair."


Dugu Ming felt even more uncomfortable, with a breath stuck in his chest and unable to get out.

Mingyue was watching the excitement, but at this moment, Mingjing suddenly appeared.


Mingyue frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Grandma has always opposed her combining with other men. In her mind, there is always only the word task.


Ming Jing knew what happened when he saw the scene, and hurried to Du Guming's side, supporting him, with an apologetic expression on his face.

At the same time, she scolded Mingyue: "You damn girl, grandma heard what you said just now!

Have you forgotten your mission as the Ming family?Have you forgotten your mission? "


Duguming sneered, and chimed in: "That's right, if you don't have faith, you can't stand! Mingyue, let's not say that you have a mission, just say that we have already paid homage.

You should also be on your husband's side! "


Lin Pingzhi took advantage of the gap between the fights and replied: "Senior Mingjing, Mingyue is still a young girl, do you have the heart to watch your granddaughter be tied up for the rest of her life?

She still has great rivers and mountains to look forward to, and there are so many beautiful things in the world that she has not experienced.

Do you have to give everything just for the mission of your Ming family?

She has the right to make her own choices. "


Ding Spiegel didn't listen at all: "A mission is a mission, and people like you want to brainwash her.

Mingyue, don't you listen to grandma?

Why don't you hurry up and come over to take care of your husband, Young Master Dugu. "

Dugu Ming sneered, a little smug.

Mingyue hesitated, but Lin Pingzhi said again: "Senior Mingjing, don't you really care about what your granddaughter wants?

Or, do you really not care at all?

for you.

You just see her as a tool to continue your family's mission?

Didn't treat it as a flesh and blood at all? "

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

Mingjing knew that what the other party said had some truth, so he was a little anxious and said angrily:

"You're here to sow discord, Mingyue. In order to show her loyalty, grandma ordered him to be killed and helped City Lord Dugu kill him."


Of course Mingyue couldn't do it, she backed away while shaking her head, in a very bad mood and very entangled.

On the one hand, it is my family affection, and on the other hand, it is my love.

How to choose?

"Senior Ming Jing, it seems that I guessed correctly, you just treat her as a tool."

Lin Pingzhi added oil and vinegar, adding fuel to the fire.


Ming Jing was in a hurry and continued to urge.

And this time.

But Du Guming suddenly pulled out a dagger and put it on Ming Jing's neck as a threat.

He said viciously: "Miss Mingyue, if you don't do that, I will let your grandma die!

So, can you give up your mission, or even your grandma's life? "

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