
Just now, his own move was easily blocked by the opponent, but Dugu laughed wildly instead.

He said: "I really didn't expect young people to have your level of cultivation, the name of Mr. Mingyue is really well-deserved.

it is good!

Today, I, Dugu, will take a good look at it and see how powerful the younger generations are! "



Waves of air gushed out in an instant, directly overturning the surrounding tables.

His expression was even more ferocious.

Dugu Ming and others retreated to the corner of the hall, looking forward to the next scene.

He naturally wanted to see his father capture him, and then step forward and trample on him.

Don't feel too cool, too exciting.

Hu Hu Hu.

The atmosphere on the scene was soaring, as if a strong wind was blowing, and ordinary people really couldn't stand up.

The little minions around couldn't bear the beating of these breaths at all, so they could only curl up in the corner.

They are glad that they can see the next century war to broaden their horizons.

"Boy, let me see how much you weigh!"

Dugu took the lead in attacking, drew out a sword, and stabbed directly at Lin Pingzhi.

His sword has some tricks.

Obviously there is still a long distance to reach Lin Pingzhi, but the danger has quietly arrived.

Lin Pingzhi could also see it.

That guy specially used his internal force to extend the length of the weapon, and it was still transparent.

This will catch your opponent off guard.

Anyone who is not a top expert will not notice it at all, because that kind of breath is also hidden by him.

So the next scene is a little weird.

Obviously, the distance between the two people is still a few meters.


But he has already started building and dismantling moves, and it feels like he is dancing with knives and guns from a long distance.

It's like acting.

The people around couldn't understand, even Dugu Ming was confused and didn't understand why.

Only the two people on the scene are very clear, in fact, the battle between the two sides is only a hair's breadth away.

Anyone who accidentally makes a wrong step will lose everything.

"it is good!"

Dugu Fang yelled "Hello", as if he had completely come out of the planned anger.

He just simply admired the battle.

Simply enjoying this hunt.

He said: "Boy, being able to perceive this shows that you are indeed a qualified master of transformation.

it is good!That old man will make an exception today and let you see the real Wushuang sword! "

Say it.

Throw the weapon in your hand directly, and it shoots out like a laser beam at a very fast speed.

Of course Lin Pingzhi dodged easily.

However, the sword flew straight forward, poking a big hole in the wall, and flew to some unknown distance.

With such exaggerated movements, Dugu Ming and others were excited.


However, this scene disappointed Dugu Fang very much.

He spared no effort to train his son, but the result is that he is still so childish.

Are you still surprised by this method?

It's not easy.

"Lonely side."

Lin Pingzhi could see this, and said, "Your useless son died right after he died, right?! Why did you waste your internal energy trying to harm him just now?"

"To shut up!"

Dugu hates others to pick such thorns the most.

He pulled out a black sword in an instant, with an ominous aura wrapped around it.

There seemed to be bursts of black mist emanating from the whole body, which made people feel a little disgusted and ominous.

"Can you remember my sword!"

Holding the sword in one hand, Dugu started to dance instantly.

As the speed of his sword dance became faster and faster, it seemed that the black sword was withdrawn from a black screen, just because the speed was too fast.

"Sword Ten!"

He immediately swung the sword out, the black sword was winding forward like a black dragon, twisting in the air, but the speed was fast.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Pingzhi came before his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi stared, immediately took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and flicked upwards, sending the black dragon flying.

Who knows.

The black sword that was going up suddenly turned around again, fell headlong, and continued to attack Lin Pingzhi fiercely.


Such a method is novel, it feels like manipulating the sword with a special breath.

It's a bit like using Qi to control the sword.

Lin Pingzhi defended again, holding the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, and kept flipping the black sword away.

But that sword seemed to be attracted by Lin Pingzhi, and he insisted on sticking it to his body, no matter how hard he hit it, he couldn't get rid of it.


Dugu Fang next to him sneered a few times, and explained: "Young Master Mingyue, there is no misunderstanding.

Compared with the real method of using Qi to control the sword, my method is still somewhat different. "

After a pause, he continued: "The old man once strayed into an ancient village in western Hunan.

Although the people there are not good at martial arts, they know some very wonderful tricks.

Among them, the one that interests me the most is the art of imperial objects.

You can tell from the name that it is similar to Yiqi Yujian.

Later, I forced them to teach me, and I did learn the tricks. Only then did I comprehend the essence and reach the peak of transformation.

The old man is confident.

In the same realm, absolutely no one can beat this old man!

How, my ability of controlling objects is not bad, at least, from the visual effect point of view, it is basically equivalent to using Qi to control objects. "

Lin Pingzhi was listening to the old man talking nonsense.

While smiling disapprovingly, he dealt with the opponent's tricks.

After observing for a while, he made his own discovery, and said with a sneer, "Oh, you really know how to put gold on your face.

With your means, you dare to use your strength to control your sword. "

"Hehehe, Mr. Mingyue really has good eyesight."

Dugu didn't take it seriously: "That's right, just using the imperial object technique alone can't make the real ones look like the real ones.


My two unparalleled swords are made of black iron, and a certain amount of magnets are added to them.

As long as I use the principle of same-sex repel and opposite-sex attract, I can use the other sword in my hand to slightly adjust the angle of the flying sword.

This makes it easier to manipulate. "


Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but praise, but didn't pay attention to the truth.

Fighting is not juggling.

Need something so fancy?

He had had enough trouble, and immediately swung his Qi and Blood Ghost Blade violently, cutting out a sword glow.

A white ray of light formed in an instant, directly hitting the black dragon-like sword, making his whole body tremble.

Quickly shake off the internal force breath on that sword, making Dugu Fang lose the basis of control.

Without the blessing of internal force, Dugu will not be able to continue to manipulate.


He had a bad sense, so he drew out another sword and sucked it back using the principle of attraction of opposites. His eyes were narrowed, and it could be seen that there was a strong killing intent.

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