Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1175 One person is enough

"Father, why are you talking nonsense with him! Kill him, no, catch him, I will make his life worse than death, and let him be bruised!"

Duguming gritted his teeth, wishing to drink Lin Pingzhi's blood, eat his flesh, bite him to death and torture him to death.

Hu Hu Hu.


Still panting.

Dugu Fang understood, and it turned out that this was the reason.

He calmed down a little, took a deep breath, accepted the fact, opened his eyes suddenly, and said deeply: "Don't worry, Ming'er, I will make you happy."

With that said, let someone take care of Dugu Ming and prepare to do it.

I saw his breath wandering around, and a sense of oppression began to spread, revealing his original strength, which was so terrifying.

I am afraid that he has reached the peak state of transformation.

Nie Feng was really taken aback, he didn't expect this old guy to be extremely terrifying, probably not much worse than his master.

He is ready.


Dugu Fang suddenly laughed wildly, his whole body swelled, and he propped up his clothes, like a meat ball.

"Okay, very good, since you dare to do this, the old man dares to kill you!"

After a pause, he continued: "Why, you don't think that if you hurt my son, you have a chance of winning?"

With a big wave of his hand, he shot a few arrows from his sleeve, breaking through the eaves and flying into the air.

Exploded with a bang.

Obviously, this is some kind of signal.


next moment.

I heard the sound of slogans in the entire Wushuang City, and too many people rushed out from all directions.

It felt like killing intent resounded throughout the city.


Dugu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, laughing at the other party's innocence, and said: "It's too young to want to fight against me.

You don't even look where this is!

In the old man's territory, can you still act wildly? "

this moment.

Nie Feng felt a little tricky, after all, the opponent had a lot of people.


It's not completely messed up.

At least you can capture the king first.

He felt that if he teamed up with Lin Pingzhi, he might be able to compete with Dugu Fang a little bit.

If he could find a chance to catch Dugu Ming, even though he couldn't complete the task, he could at least escape unscathed.


He wanted to join forces with Lin Pingzhi.

But at this time, Lin Pingzhi smiled disapprovingly, obviously not paying attention.

He said calmly: "Dugu Fang, you have a plan, and I have a wall ladder.

Do you think that with more people, you can win?

If you have practiced martial arts to your level, you should be able to understand it to some extent.

In front of absolute masters, no matter how many minions there are, they are nothing but cannon fodder, and a large number is of no use. "


Dugu Fang raised his head proudly.

He laughed and said, "The expert you mentioned is probably you, right?

I admit, Mr. Mingyue, you do have some strength, but don't think that you are the only one here. "

"That's true."

Lin Pingzhi smiled indifferently: "It's true that I'm not the only one, there are everywhere around me."


As a result, at this moment, there was a scream outside.

Dugu and the others clearly felt a terrifying aura sweeping through the city.

He is also a master of environmental transformation.


He suddenly frowned.

Lin Pingzhi explained: "The girls I bring are not ordinary people, and I have already prepared them for it."


Dugu Fang's expression changed greatly after hearing this, he never thought that the woman beside that guy would be so powerful.

Even in the same realm as myself.

This will be troublesome.

The opponents of my subordinates who are not masters of transformation at all will not work at all.

Aren't you alone and helpless?

"It seems that you are quite aware of your situation."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, his face turned slightly cold.

The next thing is to fight.

Dugu will naturally hand it over to him.

"Mr. Lin, let's join forces."

Nie Feng saw that Lin Pingzhi wanted to do something.

He immediately stood forward, saying that he would fight against foreign enemies together.

In this way, the chances of winning are greater.

The Dugu side is also ready to fight two against one.

He is not afraid.

I am already at the peak stage, even in the same realm, there is still a considerable gap.

Coupled with the advantages of experience and skill, he felt that he would not necessarily fail.

Or there is a great chance of winning.

As the saying goes, it is good to catch the thief first and catch the king first.

As long as you catch the two people in front of you first, everything will be easy to talk about, and the troublemakers outside will naturally stop.


Taking a deep breath, Dugu prepares for a bloody battle.

This may be the most dangerous battle he has encountered in recent decades.

It actually happened directly on his own territory.

It was a shame and humiliation for him.

However, just when everyone thought it would be a one-vs-two situation.

Lin Pingzhi raised his hand to express that he didn't need to intervene, and said, "Master Nie, you go to take care of the others, just leave it to me."


Nie Feng was dumbfounded.

Even the Dugu side next to him doubted his ears a little, did he hear wrong?

This guy.

He even planned to face himself alone.

Ha ha.

He is really good at looking down on people.

He immediately showed a ruthless look, feeling that he had been insulted.

"Master Mingyue."

Nie Feng also hastily explained: "Now is not the time to be brave, Dugu's skills are profound.

I know that you are at the same level as him, but if I have one more person, at least the battle can end faster. "

"It's okay."

Lin Pingzhi still said that there is no need to worry, and said: "To deal with him, I alone is enough.

I can also see that he is already at the peak of transformation, but, so what?

In front of my son Mingyue, he is still not even a fart. "


Dugu Fang was furious. He was a man of honor, but he was actually looked down upon by a younger generation in his own territory.

He stabbed out with a sword immediately, and then used power to absorb a sword on the ground and threw it out.


The power of this sword was also not weak, and it flew towards Lin Pingzhi with a sharp arc in midair.

The angle is quite tricky.

The sword was covered with internal energy, making it sharper and colder.

There is a chilling impulse.

Nie Feng was surprised, seeing that this casual move also contained enormous power.

I wanted to help, but was shocked by what happened next.

I saw Lin Pingzhi standing still, with his hands on his back, and the expression on his face didn't change at all.

He didn't even make any move to strike, just relying on a barrier created by his own internal force to block the sharpness of that sword.

What an exaggeration.

Nie Feng also understood that he and the two people in front of him were not in the same dimension at all.

He didn't intend to stay and disturb, and said to Lin Pingzhi, "Master Mingyue, be careful, call me anytime you have something to say."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

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