That night.

A sleepless night indeed.

Lin Pingzhi and Dugu Meng lingered until morning.

At first it was in the bamboo forest.

Then I felt dissatisfied and went back to the room.

Dugu saw this matter in his eyes, and at the same time was grateful to his daughter, who was willing to dedicate himself to his career.

Excited again.

Finally got Lin Pingzhi under his control. From now on, the safety of Wushuang City will basically be equal to the safety of Fuwei Escort Bureau.

this time.

Of course there is going to be a play.


in the morning.

Dugu took his son to visit the door together.

In fact, it is to catch rape.

This is not.

in the morning.

Dugu Yifang and Dugu Ming directly broke into Dugu Meng's room.

As a result, he saw two people entangled on the bed.

The father and son are also very good at acting. They quickly pretended to be shocked, as if they were really taken aback.


Dugu Fang felt a little ashamed, and said: "How could you do such a thing?

Even if a man and a woman are in love, they must be in pairs.

Now that you don't have any relationship, how can you have a one-night stand? "

"Damn, you also know this word?"

Lin Pingzhi complained all his life, rubbed his sleepy face, and then slowly got up.

But Dugu Meng was covered with a quilt.

Lin Pingzhi didn't seem to panic at all, he guessed that this was a scene planned by the other party in advance, and he just wanted to pull himself off the boat.

Good guy.

It's pretty complete.

What a one-stop service.

What a pity.

This level can't help Lin Pingzhi at all.

He just said indifferently: "So it's the Dugu City Lord, I'm really sorry to sleep with your daughter."


Dugu didn't know what to say.

Is the young master Mingyue, who is so famous in the Jianghu, who flies up, actually looks like this fool?

The sense of gap is too great.

"You bastard!"

Dugu Ming wouldn't be used to it, and yelled: "You have tarnished my sister's identity, and now you say such things?

Why, do you think you can do anything wrong just because you are Mr. Mingyue?

My Peerless City entertained you kindly, and even signed a long-term cooperation contract with you.

Is that how you repay us in the end?

Young Master Mingyue, if this matter gets out, how will the people of the world think of you?Probably notorious. "

Lin Pingzhi also thought of this in advance, so he took his time.

Because you know what the other person wants.

So, he stretched his waist and said: "You two, since the matter has already happened, there is no room for redemption.

I read.

Dugu girl and I hit it off pretty well.

Or we just get married.

Anyway, things have already happened, so why not let things go smoothly and get married, how about it? "

The development of things made Dugu Fang a little unexpected.

The other party's reaction was really surprising.

Is he really the kind of person who doesn't pick up points?

Forget it.

It doesn't matter what kind of person you are.

The important thing is to achieve your goals.

Dugu Fang looked at Lin Pingzhi and said seriously: "Since Mr. Mingyue has this idea, I agree.

After all, my daughter's innocence is in your hands.

With you in charge, we feel at ease.

Master Mingyue, I hope you will treat my daughter well in the future. "

"Don't worry, I love my wife the most."

Lin Pingzhi smiled: "If you don't believe me, you can ask my other wives, and I promise that all of them are devoted to me."

Dugu Meng, who was hiding under the blanket, felt turbulent in his heart.

It is indeed desperate.

After a night of experience last night, she was conquered, and no man has ever been able to do this before.

May I ask who is not tempted?

With such a man, who would want to leave?


Dugumeng had some entanglements in her heart, she was just going to bed with Lin Ping with the mentality of having fun.

As a result, there is actually some nostalgia now, and some cannot extricate themselves.

How can this be good?

To know.

Doing this yourself is selfish.

Wake up.

Lin Pingzhi told the jellyfish Yinji and the others about this.

Jellyfish Yin Ji stared at Lin Pingzhi with a resentful expression.

No wonder my old lady waited for you until midnight last night and didn't come back. It turned out that she went to sleep with other girls.

Lin Pingzhi scratched his head and smiled, and changed the subject awkwardly: "Those guys are really well prepared.

Dugu Fang is a ruthless person, he did not hesitate to go with his own daughter, what a ruthless character. "

Say so.

In fact, Lin Pingzhi had some irony in it.

of course.

He is not qualified to say anything, after all, he is not from this city.

Lin Pingzhi didn't want to make any further comments, so he hurriedly finished the rest of the matter.

the other side.

The news that Lin Pingzhi was about to marry Dugu Meng was quickly spread by Dugu Fang.

He, an old fellow, would not let go of such a good opportunity.

As long as the entanglement between the Dugu family and the Fuwei Escort is deeper, it will be more beneficial to them.

this time.

But it cost a lot of money to advertise.

The world soon found out about this matter.

Everyone laughed without saying a word.

That's envy, jealousy, and hatred in your heart.

The eldest lady in Wushuang City looks like a fairy, who in the world doesn't know that?

Although her temperament is a bit arrogant, but with her status there, it is only natural to have such a personality.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi gave it to him again.

I really don't know how he has such a great ability to convince so many women.

It's really enviable.

"Master Mingyue is really a role model for a man."

"That's right, we're really envious. We really want to learn from him."

"Teaching apprentices to starve to death, master, do you think Master Mingyue will hand over this technique to you?"


Everyone in the arena is making fun of it.

In Fuwei Escort.

After learning that Lin Pingzhi is going to marry another woman.

His wives overturned the jar of jealousy one by one, vowing to make him look good when they came back.

I don't know which sister was brought back this time.

News of the marriage spread quickly.

The world will certainly know.

In the main hall of Tianxiahui, Xiongba sneered slightly, as if he didn't take it seriously.

With a dark voice, he looked at the three apprentices below, and said: "This time even Fuwei Escort is involved.

It seems that things are a little bit troublesome. "


A man with instant noodles on the far left stood up, with an expression of arrogance and indifference, and said: "Master, so what about Mr. Mingyue, let me go out.

I will definitely take their heads back. "


Xiongba smiled gratifiedly, and liked his apprentice's violent temper.


It is not that simple to capture Wushuang City this time.

So he was still willing to send the thoughtful Nie Feng, so he turned his gaze to the side and said, "Feng'er, I still decided to let you perform the mission this time."

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