Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1161 The Charm of Dugu Meng


Lin Pingzhi didn't intend to create a bad name for that Mr. Bao, and said: "I'm from the Fuwei Escort Bureau. This time I sent a bodyguard to Wushuang City, and I will stay here for a few days."

"You are Master Mingyue?"

The woman in black was suddenly surprised and a little excited.

"Why, the girl recognizes me?"

Lin Pingzhi was curious.

"do not know."

The woman in black put down her weapon and said, "But is there anyone in Jianghu who doesn't know the name of Mr. Mingyue?

The little girl has also admired her for a long time. "


It can be seen that he hesitated for a while, and finally took off his veil.

under the moonlight.

It was a beautiful face.

"Girl is"

Lin Pingzhi already had an answer in his mind, and wanted to confirm it.


The woman revealed her identity, but she didn't hide it at all.


It was exactly as Lin Pingzhi had guessed.

Isn't this Nie Feng's first love?

I didn't expect to let myself hit.

Then you can only get the moon first.


Lin Pingzhi began to flirt with his sister again: "What a nice name.

It just so happens that the moonlight is cunning today.

This situation and this situation can bring out the beauty of Miss Mingyue. It is really lucky to see her today. "

"My lord is too exaggerated."

Mingyue smiled shyly, but she was still very happy in her heart, and said: "If you want to talk about this situation, it must be Mr. Mingyue.

on the rivers and lakes.

There are too many rumors about the son. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled cheekily and said: "I am called Mr. Mingyue, and the girl is also called Mingyue.

This is really too coincidental, can the girl believe in fate? "


Mingyue was suddenly a little shy.

She has admired Lin Pingzhi for a long time, but as the guardian of Wushuang City, she cannot leave half a step away.

So I have not been able to see the true face of Young Master Mingyue.

did not expect.

I ran into it today.

What a blessing.


Mingyue could hear from the other party's tone that he also had some thoughts and meanings about himself.

for a while.

The heart of a girl is flooding, and Mingyue doesn't know how to answer.

at this time.

Suddenly an old woman appeared.

The old woman looked a little fierce, and taught a lesson: "Mingyue, what are you doing here?"

"Grandma, I"

Mingyue seemed a little frightened for a while, and explained in a panic, but she couldn't put together a reasonable explanation.

Lin Pingzhi helped and said, "We met each other while walking here, senior, please don't blame me."

"Who are you!"

the old woman asked.

The tone is very uncomfortable.

Lin Pingzhi really wanted to slap him, if Miss Mingyue wasn't there.

"Grandma, this is Young Master Mingyue."

Mingyue explained: "I was almost discovered just now, but this young master saved me."


The old woman chuckled, apparently not too impressed with Lin Pingzhi's reputation, and said, "It turns out that he is the famous Mr. Mingyue.

Seeing it today really lived up to its reputation.

farewell. "


He didn't intend to stay too long, so he took Mingyue and left.

Mingyue was still a little reluctant, and while being dragged away, she turned her head to look at Lin Pingzhi from time to time.

His eyes were full of hope.

Lin Pingzhi showed a gentle smile from the beginning to the end, then blinked provocatively, and made a tone of waiting for me.

Only then did Mingyue feel relieved.

After being taken away, she has been absent-minded.

The old woman is Mingyue's grandmother, Mingjing.

Ming Jing taught: "Mingyue, don't forget your mission, you are going to marry Young Master Dugu Ming."


Mingyue was very reluctant, but she didn't dare to disobey, so she didn't say much.

the other side.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the direction in which Miss Mingyue left.

It's really a bit sad.

The body fragrance of the other party's testicles seemed to remain in the air.

and many more.

He has a sour smell.

It belongs to the old woman.

Lin Pingzhi almost vomited.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt the sound of rustling footsteps around him, and then a group of people rushed out and surrounded him.

It turned out that Dugu dreamed of it.

This girl is really sensitive, she found herself so quickly.

"Not allowed to move!"

All the people around gathered together, Lin Pingzhi had nothing to fear, and stood still.

Dugu Meng stepped forward to take a look.

It turned out to be Young Master Mingyue.

She smiled sweetly and said: "Why are you, Mr. Mingyue, what are you doing in this barren bamboo forest at such a late hour?"

"Can't sleep, take a walk."

Lin Pingzhi lied without blushing, and said, "What is Miss Dugu doing here? Could it be that there was an accident with so many people?"


Dugu Meng explained: "Someone broke into the City Lord's Mansion just now, and let him slip away for a while.

I followed the trail to come here. "


Lin Pingzhi chuckled, maybe the other party was testing him, so he took the initiative to question: "Young lady doubts me, right?

Do I still need to break in? I originally lived in the City Lord's Mansion. "

"That's true."

Dugu Meng smiled sweetly and said, "Of course I won't doubt Mr. Mingyue.

Instead, he was a little worried about the safety of Young Master Mingyue. "


Let the others retreat, and said: "You continue to search around, if you can't find it, come back and lead to death.

I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with Young Master Mingyue. "


The guards disappeared as soon as they responded, and they all knew what their young lady was thinking.

under the moonlight.

There are only two people left.

One male and one female.

In the dark environment, the atmosphere became a little strange.

Lin Pingzhi was the first to start: "Since Miss Dugu still has important matters to attend to, I don't want to disturb you at this time."


Dugumeng smiled charmingly, although she was not very old, she had a lot of charm.

Even more attractive than those middle-aged women.

She smiled and said: "The big things are not as big as Mr. Mingyue, we meet here today.

Don't you think it is a kind of fate bestowed by God? "


Only then did Lin Pingzhi come back to his senses.

Looking at each other a little surprised.

Is this trying to soak yourself?

Be nice.

What a rare initiative.

Naturally, Lin Pingzhi would not refuse anyone who came. After all, Lonely Dream was also considered a great beauty, who wouldn't want to take advantage of it for nothing.

He laughed and said: "Speaking of it, it's really lucky to be able to appreciate the beauty of Miss Dugu so closely in the third life.

Presumably there is no regret even if it is death. "

"is it?"

Dugu Meng's tone became ambiguous, seeing that the other party also had thoughts about her, she couldn't help but smile evilly.

Then they took the initiative to post it, and the distance between Lin Pingzhi and Lin Pingzhi was very close, and they could feel each other's breath.

She said charmingly: "You can get closer, I'm afraid Mr. Mingyue won't dare."

"Don't you dare?"

The atmosphere was already so anxious, Lin Pingzhi didn't dare to put his hands on the opponent's waist, and hugged him fiercely.

The two fit together.

Lin Pingzhi excitedly said: "It seems that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night."

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