Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1163 Snow Drinking Crazy Blade

The three brothers in the hall were a little surprised.

I don't understand why Xiongba let Nie Feng go this time.

Because everyone knows his character, he often can't do it, and it's not easy to do something new.

simply put.

It is very easy to cut the weeds without eradicating the roots.

Such a poor way to dominate the industry, let him go alone, I am afraid it is a little bit of negligence.

Bu Jingyun with instant noodles was a little unconvinced, and said, "Master, why send Junior Brother Feng?"

Xiong Ba stretched out his hand to make him shut up, and said: "Being a teacher has its own reasons.


Your temper is too irritable, and you can't escape the advantages of dealing with old guys like Dugu Fang.

So this time, let Feng'er, who is thoughtful and thoughtful, go, I think it should be the most suitable one.

Feng'er, are you okay? "

Nie Feng nodded.

Although it is a bit reluctant to say it, but people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

It was impossible for him to follow his own wishes all the time, so he nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, master, I will definitely complete the task."

"it is good!"

Xiongba laughed, stretched out his arms to embrace a beautiful woman beside him, and kissed her hard.

This person is Yan Ying, Nie Feng's mother.

She smiled sweetly, and looked at Nie Feng in the audience very worriedly.

For so many years, she did not dare to recognize her son and was able to pay attention to him silently.

Nie Feng also felt a gentle gaze.

Kind of curious.

He doesn't know why his wife has been taking care of him for so many years. Is it true that he is the illegitimate child of his wife as the rumors say?

If that's the case, why isn't the identity made public?

Nie Feng didn't understand a little bit, but he didn't think too much about it, and planned to choose his subordinates.

"Hold on."

At this time.

Xiongba called him to stop, and then grabbed with five fingers of his right hand, and saw a knife flying out of a grid under the hall.

See this knife.

Yan Ying was stunned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Because, this is Snow Drinking Knife.

Xiong Ba threw the weapon to Nie Feng, and said: "The other party has Wushuang sword in his hand, so you might not be the opponent with bare hands.

This is the Snow Drinking Knife, I will give it to you later, I believe you can use it to its fullest power. "

"Thank you master."

Nie Feng was very excited, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the blade.

Don't feel too good, he can't put it down.

do not know why.

I always feel that this thing should belong to me.

Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun, who were watching all this, felt a little jealous, thinking that the master would really be partial.

From childhood to adulthood.

"You go back."

Xiongba drinks everyone away and enjoys the beauty in his arms.

After leaving the hall, Qin Shuang and Bu Jingyun couldn't help but go forward to admire the knife in Nie Feng's hand.

A look of envy.

Bu Jingyun said: "Junior brother, this knife is really good."


Qin Shuang also said: "I've never seen this kind of magic weapon before, I'm afraid we won't be able to beat you, Junior Brother Feng, in the future."

Nie Feng smiled softly: "The two brothers are really joking, how dare Ye Feng fight with you?"

Bu Jingyun patted Nie Feng on the shoulder and said, "Junior Brother Feng, this trip to Wushuang City is a little dangerous.

I can go with you if you want. "

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yun."

Nie Feng smiled and shook his head: "This is a test given to me by my master, and I must complete it alone.

And maybe there will be other tasks entrusted to you.

Don't worry, with this knife, I should be fine.

Even if you can't complete the task, you can still retreat. "


Bu Jingyun didn't say anything else, and suddenly saw a beautiful figure walking slowly in front of him, with a rare smile on his face.

He immediately pursued.

Nie Feng laughed and said, "Only Kong Ci can make Senior Brother Yun smile. I hope the two of them will find lovers and get married."

Qin Shuang beside him looked unnatural.

Because the person he loves in his heart is also Kong Ci.

No matter what.

Brothers fighting over a woman's gossip happened to him.

He didn't know how to express it for a while.

So until now, I still hide my thoughts.

After you're done.

Nie Feng set off, with the peerless sword he had just obtained, and some of his subordinates.

Go to Peerless City.

And the Peerless City at this moment.

Lights up.

Lin Pingzhi didn't expect these guys to make such a big move.

It made him a little uncomfortable.

speak up.

The wives in my house have not yet formally visited the court, but now they want to do this kind of thing with a woman of interest.

I don't know what those ladies should think when they know.


Jellyfish Yin Ji's face is not pretty.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he would pinch Lin Pingzhi's flesh with his hands. The pain caused Lin Pingzhi to beg for mercy repeatedly. It was really hard.

Of course, the Dugu side deliberately put up this kind of battle.

The more grand the wedding, the greater the influence.


He deliberately chose to have the marriage done before the people from Tianxiahui came.

Originally, Lin Pingzhi said that since there is an agreement, the wedding will be held slowly after the Tianxiahui is resolved.

At that time, I was more prepared, and I would not treat Miss Dugu badly.

It's a pity that the Dugu family didn't want to wait, and they didn't want to take this risk.

no way.

Lin Pingzhi could only do what the other party wanted.

Anyway, he didn't intend to really tie the knot with Dugumeng.

of course.

If Dugu Meng is willing to follow him, he will naturally not dislike him.


Then there is no way.

"Miss Dugu is married! Let's eat and drink well today!"

"Today is really a happy day, everyone will not go home if they are not drunk!"

"That's right, all shops are free of charge today, it's really a bumper harvest day.

Miss Dugu held a wedding, and we followed suit. "

"Haha, eat and drink well!"


The Wushuang City was extremely lively, and everyone knew about Lin Pingzhi and Dugu Meng's marriage.

Because of hasty preparations, people from other sects were not invited to witness.

But the news has already spread like wildfire.

The Dugu family is very willing to see this kind of scene.

In the wedding room.

Dugumeng was carefully dressing herself up, she was looking forward to that moment, and she actually devoted herself to it.

Dugu Ming next to him sneered: "Sister, you don't really like that kid, do you?"

"So what?"

Dugu Meng said: "If we can form an ally with Fuwei Escort, it will be a good thing for both of us.

The relationship is solid, isn't it? "

"Of course."

Dugu Ming rolled his eyes: "But you really know how to get into the drama too deeply.

It is naturally very good to have an ally relationship with that guy.

I just don't understand, what's so attractive about that brat?Why does everyone in the world praise him, making him seem like the best among men. "

The meaning of the words can be heard clearly.

Dugu Meng sneered, thinking that you naturally don't understand.

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