Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1160 The Woman in Black

None were spared.

Since no one is alive, the truth of the matter is naturally decided by the living.

Lin Pingzhi sneered.

At that time, he only needs to accuse Wushuang City of any crime, and he will be able to betray them confidently.

For example.

The cooperation at the beginning was only forced, because Wushuang City poisoned them and had to agree to them.

Isn't that enough?

So say it.

The mind still needs to be flexible.

Lin Pingzhi didn't take what he heard seriously, and continued to walk around the street with the jellyfish Yin Ji.

I can meet Dugu Ming several times.

What that guy is thinking doesn't need to be said, he is a man and understands.

"Lin Lang."

At a certain moment, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, suddenly asked, "When did you decide to destroy Wushuang City?"

"For the first time, he looked at you with ill intentions."

Lin Pingzhi's answer made Yin Ji the jellyfish very satisfied, her face was full of happiness.


It was night.

A room for solitude.

There are three people in the room.

They are Dugu Fang, his son Dugu Ming, and his daughter Dugu Meng.

"Father, I must get the jellyfish Yin Ji. When the time comes, I will let her taste my power."

Dugu Ming looked excited.

Thinking about the happy times in the future, I can't wait.

Dugu Yifang sighed, looked at his son with hatred, and taught:

"That's all you have to offer.

You are going to marry Miss Mingyue soon, and you still covet other women? "

"That is."

Du Guming said it quite proudly, saying: "A man should have three wives and four concubines."

Dugu Meng next to him disagreed and wanted to speak out for women: "Why are you men so self-righteous?"

"All right."

With a headache, Dugu stopped the two brothers and sisters, saying: "Now is not the time for you to discuss these boring things.

There is business to do.

The Tianxia Conference is coming soon, so we must be prepared. "

The two also restrained themselves a little.

Du Guming recalled his impressions of Lin Pingzhi these days, feeling uncertain, and said: "I think this so-called Mr. Mingyue is nothing more than that.

It seems that he has no temper. "

"Although his personality is indeed not good, there is nothing to say about his strength."

Dugu Fang explained: "After all, he is still very young, and he is bound to not be too mature in terms of heart and wisdom.

It can be seen from yesterday's banquet that one gets drunk as soon as one drinks, without any vigilance at all, which is not the behavior of old Jianghu. "


who knows.

On the contrary, Dugu Meng was interested, and said: "I think that man is quite cute, more attractive than any man I've ever seen.

not as good”

She laughed insanely.

"it is good."

Dugu Fang had this intention and said: "Although we are allies now, I'm afraid that he won't want to make a real move when the time comes.


As long as you form a marriage with him, then he has to make a move if he doesn't want to.

I was too embarrassed to speak to you, but now that you have said so, I feel at ease as a father. "

"Good father."

Dugu Meng became more and more excited, and muttered in a low voice: "A man who has slept so many has never slept with this type.

I don't know if this little brother can do it. "


A few people break up the meeting.

And Lin Pingzhi.

Now I am walking in the courtyard.

Because of the madness of last night.

Jellyfish Yin Ji went to bed early, and it seemed that she was going to hold her breath today.

Nothing to do.

Lin Pingzhi was admiring the moon outside, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a black shadow moving in the darkness.

He turned his head to look.

Sure enough, I didn't feel wrong, there was indeed a shadow going back and forth, as if I had lost my way.

Lin Pingzhi followed without a trace. Judging from her size, the other party was a woman.


At this time.

Suddenly Dugu Meng's voice sounded.

She originally wanted to come over to tease Lin Pingzhi, but unexpectedly felt someone, and immediately yelled.

Da da da.


The guards quickly surrounded him and began to check.

"She is"

Lin Pingzhi thought about it for a while.

To have this kind of right in Wushuang City, I am afraid that it is Dugu Meng, the daughter of Dugu Fang.

Don't say it.

They do look a bit similar to the father and son.

And beautiful at the same time.


Lin Pingzhi was not in the mood to appreciate beauties now, so he hurried to the back of the woman in black.

He appeared without a trace, and before the other party noticed, he stretched out his hand and covered her mouth.

At the same time, he leaned into the other person's ear and whispered: "Don't make a sound, I'm here to help you."

The woman in black felt the bursts of heat coming from her ears, and she blushed for a while.

Men and women are not close to each other.

The distance between the two of them was too close, so it was naturally a little embarrassing.

However, the situation was special, so the woman in black did not act rashly, mainly because she felt that the other party did not treat her lightly.

Therefore, I chose to believe him.


That voice is so magnetic, you know it's a handsome guy as soon as you hear it.

The woman in black didn't intend to resist either.

Da da da.

The two of them hid in a field of flowers.

There were footsteps coming and going outside.

Lin Pingzhi saw the right moment, and when he heard that there was no movement around him, he rushed out, picked up the woman in black and left.

The woman in black resisted a little at first.

But then it was considered to be out, thinking in his heart, let's get through this crisis first, and it would not be too late to teach the hooligans in front of him after he got out.

Who knows.

The actions of the two were seen by Dugu Meng.

Dugu Meng sneered: "I knew they were still there.

on. ”

Following her order, crowds of people suddenly rushed out of the originally silent surroundings just now.

Those people went straight to Lin Pingzhi.

"I rely on!"

Lin Pingzhi burst into a swear word, and then he realized that the silence just now was deliberately created by the other party.

Just to lower their vigilance.

Not bad.

Girls have some brains.

Lin Pingzhi sighed in admiration, but his lightness kung fu was amazing and his speed was quite fast.

Although he was aware of the movement, he ran away in a flash, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The opponent can't catch up at all.


The shadow just now was somewhat familiar, Dugu Meng couldn't recall it, so he stopped thinking about it, and hurriedly brought someone to chase after him.

"Keep up, absolutely can't let them run away."

the other side.

Lin Pingzhi hugged the woman in black, but his movements were quite agile, and he quickly ran out of the city lord's mansion.

The two came to the street outside, and then fled into the nearby bamboo forest, only to be safe.

"let me go."

After confirming her safety, the woman in black shrugged and broke free.

Lin Pingzhi also pretended to be a gentleman, and said: "The situation is urgent just now, I hope the girl will not be blamed."

Who knew that the woman in black directly drew out her sword, pointed at Lin Pingzhi and said, "Who the hell are you? Why did you appear in the City Lord's Mansion? Are you also a lackey of those people?"


Lin Pingzhi denied it.

"Are you different?"

Hearing the word Fei Ye, the woman in black subconsciously thought of Bao BuTong.

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