Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1157 Peerless City

"World Meeting"

When it comes to the world meeting.

Lin Pingzhi muttered in a low voice.

I'm really looking forward to it.

"Why, have you been there?"

Miao Renfeng looked at Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head with a smile and said, "I just heard about it.

I heard that the Xiongba of the Tianxiahui is quite a remarkable hero, I really want to meet him. "


Miao Renfeng raised his head and sighed, as if his thoughts had returned to the past: "I have seen him before.

At that time, he was very ambitious, but because he was not strong enough, he hid it very deeply.

But I can still see it.

So I, Miao, concluded that Xiongba will become a great tool in the future, and he will definitely become a figure in one side.

It seems to be true now.

The development of Tianxiahui is so rapid that it is already able to compete with other sects in Jianghu. "

Several people chatted during the process of escorting.

After all, Lin Pingzhi came to guard it himself.

So there were no accidents on the way.

Even, there is no one who robs the darts.

that's it.

After a journey of about ten days, they arrived at the destination of this trip, Peerless City.


It is a huge city, built privately.

I don't know what kind of relationship was used to allow the construction of a tower that is comparable to a moat. It is really very luxurious.

And it really looks like a city inside.

There are all kinds of streets, and there are many shops on both sides of the streets.

A lot of people are doing business.

This is Peerless City.

Same as the name, Peerless.

"That's pretty impressive."

Miao Renfeng couldn't help but praise.

He has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never seen a gang that can develop so far.

Really want to talk.

It's because the development philosophy of this Peerless City is different from everyone else's.

Everyone wants to be famous, and all gangs want to be extraordinary and build a reputation.

However, Peerless City is slightly different.

Of course they value those so-called fame.

But the interests are the most important.

Therefore, I have very important experience in doing business, and the facts have indeed verified this.

Today's Wushuang City is rich.

It's no wonder that many gangs are thinking about this piece of fat.

The world will just grow stronger.

There are still many places to spend money, so naturally, they set their sights on this piece of fat, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

Walking on the street.

Lin Pingzhi and the others could feel that there were many people staring at them in some dark alleys on both sides of the street.

All are on guard.


The Tianxiahui's decision still put a lot of pressure on them, and now the streets are full of guards.

If it wasn't for Dugu's greeting, Lin Pingzhi and the others would have been surrounded before they entered the door.

"These guys are nervous."

Sensing the emotions of those ambush people, Lin Pingzhi whispered something.

"Don't worry about that."

Miao Renfeng was experienced, and said: "This is all personal grievances between their gangs, and has nothing to do with us.

We're just here to do business.

Best not to get involved. "


Lin Pingzhi and Yin Ji the jellyfish nodded, they were really not interested.

Even if they were invited to join, they would probably just pat their butts and leave.

"Master Mingyue!"

At this time.

There was a group of people waiting in front of the restaurant, it was Dugu Ming, the son of Dugu Fang.

He is also the Young City Lord here.

He sat proudly on the edge of the tower, raised his glass to drink, and looked at Lin Pingzhi lightly.


Move your eyes slowly to the side.

It landed on the jellyfish Yin Ji.

His eyes were burning hot, obviously he had some thoughts.

feel this.

Immediately, Lin Pingzhi's eyes turned cold, and there was already some killing intent in his heart, but it was inconvenient to express it now.

"Young Master Dugu."

Lin Pingzhi said, "Aren't you going to pick us up?"

"Good to say."

Duguming laughed, and then said to a guard next to him: "Didn't you hear Mr. Mingyue's request?

Don't hurry to get them to my father.

I still want to drink flower wine here, so I won't accompany you. "


The guard jumped down and came to Lin Pingzhi and the others, trying to lead the way.

Obviously meant to be contemptuous.

He didn't greet him in person, but asked one of his subordinates to lead the way.

It is true that they did not take Lin Pingzhi and the others seriously.

Miao Renfeng and the others frowned, but they endured it based on the principle that more things are worse than less things.

They're here just to make money anyway.

Others don't matter.

Ten thousand taels of silver.

This was worth several months of their profits.

As expected of Peerless City, what a great deal.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak either. He looked up at the restaurant and found that guy was still staring at his wife.


You have to teach him a lesson later.

And Du Guming also noticed Lin Pingzhi's eyes, but he didn't pay attention to them.

He had long wanted to test the abilities of this long-established young knight-errant.


He didn't pay attention to it.

But my father said hello, don't have any hostility towards them, so I can only endure.

According to the previous temper.

Du Guming probably went downstairs to snatch her, and raped that beautiful woman on the street, how could he be gentle.


Can't do it today.

So he randomly picked up a woman above the restaurant, took off his clothes and began to enjoy it, regardless of the people next to him.

The woman didn't dare to speak out, and could only let the other party ravage her.

"What a beast."

Realizing this, Lin Pingzhi cursed.

But I didn't mind my own business.

This is Wushuang City. To be honest, everyone is managed by the Dugu family.

Even if you can save yourself for a while, you won't be able to save your whole life.


Miao Renfeng couldn't bear to watch it.

Several people speeded up, out of sight and out of sight.


Under the leadership of that summer vacation, I found Dugu Fang.

Dugu greeted him with a smile, his attitude was better than before, and he didn't check his goods, so he asked someone to take them down, and then said:

"Sure enough, it's the Fuwei Escort Bureau, it's really trustworthy.

To say that ten days is ten days is exactly the same. "

"The Lord of Dugu City is over-reputed. The most important thing in business is integrity. This must be done naturally."

Lin Pingzhi made some polite remarks.

He originally planned to leave here, but unexpectedly, Dugu Fang didn't have such intention at all.

The other party was the first to speak: "You guys have come from afar, please allow me to do my best as a landlord.

Otherwise, if rumors spread in the world, my Dugu family's face will be completely lost. "

The truth is that.

Lin Pingzhi also had no way to refuse, the words had reached this level, it was impossible not to go in and sit down for a while.

So I went in and planned to drink a few cups of tea.

Let them come to the living room.

Dugu's party prepared the best Longjing tea to entertain the guests, it can be said that it has some intentions.

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