Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1156 The Crisis of Peerless City

"No no no."

Lin Pingzhi originally wanted to show off his professional ability.

Who knew but was rejected by Dugu.

He shook his fingers, and said seriously: "Young Master Mingyue, I have made it very clear just now.

You have to keep it within ten days or so.

I will refuse to accept the goods if it is too early or too late.


At that time, your reputation may not be very good. "


This is strange.

Lin Pingzhi looked at the other party inexplicably.

Is there such an unreasonable request?

You are not happy to help you deliver the goods in advance.

It's just weird enough.

of course.

Customers come first, so Lin Pingzhi naturally didn't want to say anything more, and said with a smile, "If that's the case, then I won't say anything more, and I will definitely complete the task."

"it is good!"

Dugu Fang laughed, then stood up and said, "As expected, it is safest to leave it to Mr. Mingyue.

That being the case.

Then tomorrow morning, I'll have someone deliver the goods, along with the taels I paid this time.

farewell. "

After speaking, he waved his cloak and walked out swaggeringly.

It looks a little impolite.

"This man is too arrogant."

The little dragon girl who was hiding behind the door came out, frowning and saying this.

Then he asked: "However, why haven't I heard of such a No. [-] person?"

"You have been living in the mountains before, of course you don't know."

Lin Pingzhi explained: "These Peerless City have kept a low profile these years, probably because of the departure of the Juggernaut."


Heard this name.

Xiao Longnv had no choice but to ask.

after all.

Not everyone can get this title casually.

At this time.

Wang Yuyan, who also happened to pass by and heard some words, stood up and said, "Sister Long, this Wushuang City is a school that uses swords.

The scale is not small, it has its own business, and it is different from most of the sects in the Jianghu. It can be described as rich.

Their strength is also very powerful.

The most powerful one is of course Juggernaut, that is, the current lord of Wushuang City, the older brother of Dugu Fang.

It's a pity that the Juggernaut Dugu Sword disappeared many years ago, and no one knows exactly where it went. "

"Miss Wang knows a lot."

Xiao Longnv smiled sweetly.

Lin Pingzhi also looked over and said, "Miss Wang, you are indeed well-informed, so I won't introduce more."

"Two praises."

Wang Yuyan nodded sweetly.

after that.

Lin Pingzhi began to arrange manpower.

This trip to Peerless City must be quite a test.

after all.

The other party's request was too strange, and I always felt that there was something to hide from myself.

Or maybe you're calculating yourself.

all in all.

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

Naturally, Lin Pingzhi wanted to cover everything.

So this time.

Besides going there by himself, he planned to bring his father-in-law, Miao Renfeng, and the jellyfish, Yin Ji.

None of the others.

of course.

Those who waved the flag and shouted along with them would naturally have to bring them with them.


The time came quickly the next morning.

Lin Ping and his party were waiting at the door of the escort agency.

The other party also kept their promise very much, and sent the escort car over early in the morning, packing two boxes.

Dugu did not come.

It was his son, Dugu Ming, who came.

This Dugu Ming can be considered a handsome man, but he is even more arrogant than his father.

"Those who deliver the darts, the things must be delivered, otherwise, our Peerless City will never spare you."

Lin Pingzhi simply smiled, not intending to learn from him, and opened the box to check the goods.

After learning from the previous experience, he now understands a truth.

Everything has to be done carefully.

There is a saying that is good.

Do simple things repeatedly, and repeat things carefully, you are an expert.

This sentence is really good.

After checking.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "So it's Mr. Dugu, don't worry, the goods will be delivered on time."

"Don't be early!"

Du Guming reminded again: "Everything is done according to our requirements, don't make arbitrary claims, otherwise we will definitely not forgive you lightly."


Then someone pushed up the silver box, put it heavily on the ground, and said, "This is money, take it."


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

Let someone check it out, and there is indeed nothing wrong.

after that.

The other party left.

Miao Renfeng shook his head: "Young people nowadays are really, I really don't know how to describe them.

All of them are proud. "

"Didn't you find the adjective?"

Lin Pingzhi complained.

Miao Renfeng had black lines on his face, thinking to himself, what a good son-in-law, who knows how to tear things apart.

After everything is ready.

Lin Pingzhi and the others set off.

Things are more important this time, so be careful and vigilant.

And on the rivers and lakes.

Gradually began to circulate some recent deeds.

Lin Pingzhi and the others also heard about it.

"Have you heard that this time, Xiongba of the Tianxiahui openly challenged Wushuang City, saying that he wanted to destroy Wushuang City!"

"Yeah, I've heard about it too."

"The recent power of the Tianxiahui is expanding more and more powerfully, and now it dares to take the idea of ​​Wushuang City."

"I can't help it, who told that Xiong Ba has achieved great feats.

Moreover, the clay bodhisattva was invited to count the destiny, the golden scales are the things in the pool, and they will change into dragons in case of wind and cloud.

Now that he has won two generals, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, his strength has skyrocketed.

Not to mention, that clay bodhisattva really counted. "

"Yeah, this Peerless City is at least one side, and now I'm actually a little anxious."

"The departure of Dugu Jian obviously caused a lot of trouble to Wushuang City, and his influence is not as great as before."

"I really don't know if the old sword master is still here. Will the old man come back in this crisis in Wushuang City?"


Walk and listen along the way.

Miao Renfeng spoke first, and said, "Wu Shuang City is in crisis, and they still have the heart to buy these and go back to make swords?"

"Yeah, things are indeed a little strange."

Lin Pingzhi also nodded: "Could it be that you want to build a good weapon to fight against the enemy?"


Jellyfish Yin Ji said with a smile: "Their Wushuangjian is already famous enough.


Wanting to build a magical weapon in such a short period of time is simply a fantasy.

I think they should have another purpose.


Do you want to use these things to form an alliance with someone? "

"Most likely."

Lin Pingzhi nodded: "So far, this kind of thinking is the most reasonable. It seems that Wushuang City is really anxious."


Miao Renfeng said: "The old man saw Dugu Sword back then, and his swordsmanship has been superb, it is really beyond human reach.

Now that they have disappeared for so many years, those who covet the power of Wushuang City, I am afraid they can't bear it anymore.

It's just that I didn't expect that Tianxia would be the first to do it. "

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