Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1158 Happy Cooperation

The other party's enthusiasm made Lin Pingzhi a little uncomfortable.

He was so arrogant before.

Now that he came to his own territory, why did he become more polite?

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Lin Pingzhi was cautious and said: "Master Dugu, we still have things to go back to deal with, since this mission has been completed, there is no need to stay any longer.

Hope we can cooperate more in the future. "


Get up and go.

But Dugu is still trying to persuade him to stay, saying: "Young Master Mingyue dislikes my poor hospitality?

Butts are not sitting hot.

At least, see more and walk more.


Speaking of business, I do have a long-term cooperation plan, and I want to discuss it with Mr. Mingyue.

In this way, it won't embarrass a few people, right? "


Since there is business.

That's a good enough reason to stay.

Lin Pingzhi sat down again with a smile, and said, "Master Dugu, you didn't say it earlier."

at this time.

They suddenly heard the sound of sword practice outside.

Those disciples shouted in unison, and the momentum shook the sky.

It can be heard that there is pride in his chest, and all the blood flowing in his veins.

"Guys, if you are interested in my Dugu family's swordsmanship, you might as well go to the training ground to have a look."

Dugu Fang took advantage of the situation and said: "Since Miao Daxia is here, he might be able to give them some advice."


Miao Renfeng clasped his fists: "Compared to my swordsmanship of the Dugu family, he is nothing compared to the big witch."

"Senior Miao is really too humble."

Dugu Fang stood up, apparently wanting to lead everyone to that side, without giving them a chance to refuse.

At the same time, he made a gesture of invitation: "A few of you have come from afar, so it doesn't hurt to have a visit.

Just talk about business later, please! "

Lin Pingzhi and the others glanced at each other and could only follow their footsteps.


They came to a martial arts arena.

The area here is huge.


On the scene, hundreds of disciples practiced swords there.

The movements are uniform and the dresses are also quite similar. It looks beautiful and the momentum is even more majestic.

And in the middle of the entire square.

It is a huge stone sculpture.

What is carved is a person.

This person.

Standing there quietly, like a straight sword.

His two hands overlapped, pressing the erected sword, his eyes were deep and incomprehensible.

Although the sword is not out of its sheath.

Although this is just a stone sculpture.


This statue seems to exude endless majesty, as if it is full of monstrous sword intent.

Makes people dare not look directly.

"So domineering."

Even Jellyfish Yin Ji couldn't help blurting out.

It is conceivable who this sculpture is.


Miao Renfeng was also shocked from the bottom of his heart, and said, "If I'm not wrong, this should be the sword master, Senior Dugujian."

Lin Pingzhi didn't know him.

he thinks.

If it was that senior, maybe he really had such an aura.


Dugu Fang looked up to the sky with a smile, stroked his own beard, and corrected:

"I'm afraid you are mistaken. Although my brother is a sword master, he is still alive. How dare you put his statue here?"

After a pause, he added: "This is the ancestor of our Dugu family, Dugu seeks defeat!"


As soon as this word comes out.

Even Lin Pingzhi couldn't help being shocked.

Is there such a connection between Dugu Qiubai and Dugu Fang?

Could it be said that Wushuang City was founded by Dugu Qiubai?

This relationship is really confusing.

Miao Renfeng and the others were naturally also very shocked.

The name Dugu Qiubai has a very important position in the hearts of those who practice swords.

It can even be said to be an unshakable position.

What is seeking defeat?

That is invincible.

Kendo first.

of course.

Whether it can be confirmed, Miao Renfeng naturally can't do it, after all, he is not from the same era.


A person that everyone has never met, but can pass on his legend by word of mouth, one can imagine how perverted this person is.


The realm of seeking defeat comes from Dugu seeking defeat.

At that time, he founded Dugu Nine Swords, after the world is invincible, he only wanted one defeat.

Therefore, people in the world call his state of seeking defeat.

"It turns out that the ancestor of the Dugu family is actually Dugu Qiubai. I thought you all had different surnames."

Lin Pingzhi sighed.

Looking up at the huge sculpture, it is no wonder that it can emit such a majestic momentum.

If it is Dugu seeking defeat, then there is no problem.

"So this is the old man Dugu."

Miao Renfeng looked at the stone statue with great respect and adored it in his heart.

In the eyes of all those who practice swords.

Dugu Qiubai is the most legendary legend.

"A few people have misunderstood."

At this time, Dugu Fang slowly explained: "Although our surname is Dugu, we are not the blood of Dugu Qiubai.

Presumably everyone also knows that the old ancestor back then was alone, but he had never had a woman, so naturally he had no heirs.

It's just that he took in an apprentice in his twilight years and named him Dugu.

That apprentice was also more competitive, and passed down Dugu's surname, and later developed the Wushuang City. "

"I see."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

But it's still shocking.

If Wushuangcheng inherited Dugu Qiubai's stunt, then Dugu Nine Swords should also be able to.


The Peerless City here is much more powerful than the Peerless City in my memory.

Appreciate the grand occasions in front of you.

Lin Pingzhi and others returned to the living room.

At this time.

He raised the topic of cooperation and said, "I don't know how senior Dugu wants to cooperate with us."

"Good to say."

Dugu Fang took a sip of tea, said with a smile: "From now on, we will send us a dart every month, and the reward for each trip will be the same as this time.

how is it? "

Hear this.

Even Miao Renfeng and Jellyfish Yinji were a little surprised.

Ten thousand taels of silver every month.

What a great benefit.

of course.

They were even more surprised by the opponent's shot.

Such a large sum of money.

For ordinary gangs, that is simply several years or even decades of profitable expenses.

But Peerless City can spend such a sum of money every month.

It's so boring that I don't have any friends.


Their path is a little different from other gangs.

I didn't expect to be so rich.

Lin Pingzhi thought a little differently.

The other party would rather pay such a large price, so it is conceivable that the content of the cooperation should not be too simple.

He had to ask clearly first, and said, "I have no objection to the compensation, but I still need to listen to the content of the cooperation first."

"Didn't I just say it?"

Dugu Fang said with a smile: "Sending a dart every month, that's the whole content of the cooperation.

We've found a mine off the coast that yields a lot of sunken silver from the deep sea.

After it is developed every month, I will trouble Mr. Mingyue to send it in person. I think there should be no problem, right? "

Dugu Fang smiled.

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