Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1155 Dugu 1 Party

The next day.

Lin Pingzhi was still full of energy, while Ning Zhong had naturally fallen asleep like a dead pig.

Had breakfast.

Lin Pingzhi originally planned to pamper the other wives, but at this time someone came in to report.

Said someone was calling for help.


Lin Pingzhi didn't quite understand.

I run an escort agency business, not any other business, why come here?

Forget it.

It doesn't hurt to go out and listen.


When Lin Pingzhi came outside the lobby, he saw a middle-aged man standing there with his hands behind his back, looking quite arrogant.

It didn't feel like someone was calling for help.

Instead, it seemed to be an order.

This man has a mustache, but he doesn't look wretched at all, but rather domineering.

The hair on the top of the head is also a little bald.

But it didn't affect his domineering temperament.

On the back of the middle-aged man, there are two swords on his back, crossed, exuding a chilling aura.

There are two guards beside him, also holding weapons.

It is not difficult to see that they are all masters of swords.


Lin Pingzhi began to guess the other party's identity.

A master with a sword?


Among the sects in the world, it seems that apart from the Wuyue Sword Sect, there is really no other sect.

I don't know who it is.

"Your Excellency is the well-known Young Master Mingyue? Hearing a hundred things is worth seeing once."

The middle-aged man began to speak politely.

He was not polite anymore, and sat down beside him directly, without any intention of saying hello to Lin Pingzhi.

Although he said polite words in his mouth, he didn't look very polite, on the contrary, he didn't seem to take Lin Pingzhi seriously.

"Who are you?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't care about this, he just looked at the other party and asked.


The next moment he already knew the answer.

I saw the two swords behind the middle-aged man, one black and one white, attracting each other like magnets.

The breath that emanates is extraordinary.

in his perception.

This is most likely the Peerless Sword.

In fact, there are two Wushuang swords in total, and any one of them is lost, or any one of them is useless.

Then both swords are useless.

That's why it's called unparalleled.

That being the case.

This person in front of him should be Dugufang, the lord of Wushuang City, a character in the situation.

"I'm on the lonely side."

The middle-aged man did indeed answer like this, clasped his hands together and said, "I came today uninvited, please don't bother me, Mr. Mingyue, please don't mind."

Lin Pingzhi let people watch tea, and asked at the same time: "I don't know what the so-called city lord Wushuang is here this time?"

He paused, and asked: "Just now one of my subordinates came to report that City Lord Dugu came here this time to ask for help, but why do I feel a little awkward?"


Dugu Fang looked up to the sky and smiled, stretched out his hand to touch his beard that he couldn't braid.

He said: "If you don't use some novel methods, how can you meet Young Master Mingyue?"

He also paused for a while and then continued: "Actually, this time, I just want to cooperate with Mr. Mingyue."


As soon as I heard that the other party came to do business together.

Lin Pingzhi naturally welcomed it.

The tea was also ready, and after the servant brought it, Lin Pingzhi took a sip and said, "Please, City Lord, these are the best spring teas this year.

I can't bear to entertain ordinary people. "


Dugu Fang nodded, and kept staring at Lin Pingzhi while drinking tea, as if looking at him.

He is not shy at all.

Even looking directly at it gives people a very disrespectful feeling.

Lin Pingzhi thought he was very proud and conceited.

No wonder the city was destroyed in the original book, not without reason.

Lin Pingzhi said: "I've already drank the tea. I wonder what City Lord Dugu wants to cooperate with? Let's hear it."

"Since Mr. Mingyue runs a bodyguard bureau to do business, he naturally wants to ask you to send a bodyguard."

Dugu put down the teacup, and said proudly: "The things to be transported this time are very important, so I will personally go out on horseback to discuss with Mr. Mingyue.

It should be enough to save face. "

Lin Pingzhi didn't care about these, since the other party cared about these false names, then just give it to him.

He just focused on the business, and said: "Since the Dugu City Lord is personally dispatched, the things transported this time must be very important.

Then I also promise here that this dart trip will be escorted by myself, and there will be no accidents on the way.

Presumably the city lord should have seen our sincerity. "

"it is good!"

Dugu Fang was very satisfied, he looked up to the sky and laughed twice, and said: "In that case, the old man can rest assured."


He continued: "This time we discovered a batch of special metals on the coast of Hangzhou, which I call deep-sea silver.

This metal is quite precious, and it is very suitable for making weapons.

The hardness is quite hard, but it is not brittle, and has soft characteristics, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

I have been making swords in Wushuang City for so many years, and I have never come into contact with a certain kind of metal that has both soft and hard characteristics. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "This thing is indeed very precious to you, does that mean we need to escort it back?"

"of course."

Dugu Fang said: "Looking at the world, only the Fuwei Escort can take on this important task.

I can rest assured that I will hand over these precious things to you, and I believe that Mr. Mingyue will not let us down. "

"Good to say."

These bragging words can already be automatically filtered.

Lin Pingzhi went in his left ear and out his right ear, pretending he didn't hear anything, and asked the key point: "I don't know how many?

Since it is a newly discovered metal, what are its characteristics?What should I pay attention to when shipping? "

"You don't need to pay attention when transporting, as long as you don't lose it."

Dugu replied: "It's only about a thousand catties, so it shouldn't be a big trouble."


A thousand kilograms of cargo is nothing to a delivery team.

It seems that not many of this metal have been found.

I don't know which one is in the periodic table of elements.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi was not interested in delving into it, and said, "Then, when will we set off and when will the goods be handed over to us, please tell the city lord to finish it."

"Tomorrow morning, I will have the goods delivered to the door of the Escort."

Dugu Fang said: "At that time, the reward will also be given, ten thousand taels of silver, I believe it shouldn't be too embarrassing for Young Master Mingyue, right?"

"No embarrassment."

There is no embarrassment if you have a lot of money.

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile, "I don't want to have trouble with money."

"Of course, there are requirements."

Dugu Fang continued to add: "I hope that Master Mingyue can control the delivery time within ten days and deliver it to my Peerless City accurately.

This is my only request, Young Master Mingyue, I hope you can do it. "

"rest assured."

Lin Pingzhi promised: "I will definitely deliver it within ten days, or it can be done in half the time."

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