Whirring whirring.

Wu Yazi and the others were panting, exhausted a lot.

Wu Yazi looked haggard, his overall strength might have degenerated to a half-step Wu Chi, about the same as the other three.


Lin Pingzhi and the others felt that the situation was not good.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother."

Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui were very worried.

But not too much sadness.


They have already put life and death aside, and being able to untie the knots of many years is the most comforting thing for them.

For the rest, it doesn't matter.

Besides, being able to die with Wu Yazi is worth it no matter what.

"Cough cough."

Wu Yazi coughed violently twice, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He smiled faintly: "Perhaps, this is our destination."

"I said, can the three seniors stop hurting the spring and autumn like this? It's not over yet."

Lin Pingzhi was speechless.

and also.

It was the first time someone sprinkled dog food in front of him, and it was amazing.


Li Qiushui smiled viciously: "It's a pity for you kid, a good talent is about to disappear."


Wu Yazi sighed: "His talent, we are not as good as, I am afraid only the master can overwhelm him."

"Hey, hey, do you think I don't exist?"

Daoist Baishang said with a gloomy expression, "I don't intend to give you time to say your last words, take it!"


The Xuanming Divine Palm hit again, and a powerful icy aura flew out, forming a huge palm in mid-air.

The palm slowly moved forward, and its size became bigger and bigger, and finally it was as huge as a mountain.


The ground under their feet began to tremble, and the faces of Lin Pingzhi and others changed drastically.

That guy's strength is probably more than that, and now they have no combat power to compete with him.

Even if I use all my magical skills, maybe I can resist it once, what about the next time?


The other heroes who were watching the battle from a distance also gave birth to despair at this moment. It is really hard to imagine how terrifying that guy's strength is.

Simply exaggerated.


Daoist Baishang laughed wildly: "Old man, let's see how you deal with this time. Without the real realm of martial saints, what will you use to fight against?"

"Lin Lang!"

The faces of Xiao Longnu and the others changed, and they wanted to rush over to live and die together.

But it was opened by Lin Pingzhi's breath, and those people were not allowed to approach.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Baishang Taoist likes to watch this kind of scene of life and death the most, and laughed: "It's really touching, we have to die together."

"Old thief, Hugh is rampant."

Lin Pingzhi's face darkened.

Damn it, all the magical skills such as the Yi Jin Jing and the Shen Zhao Jing were displayed, and all the inner strength and mental methods such as the Beiming Zhenqi Jiuyang Divine Art were also used.


His strength has made a breakthrough, and he even has the shadow of a martial saint. Although he is not a real martial saint, he is not too far away.

Wu Yazi and the others turned pale with shock, completely shocked by Lin Pingzhi.

This is too scary, how many secrets does he have?

Yi Jin Jing is a unique skill in Shaolin, how did he learn it?

And the Nine Suns Divine Art, isn't it already lost?

They were not the only ones who felt that it was outrageous, but also Daoist Bai Huan. At this moment, his murderous intentions became more and more serious, and he vowed not to let Lin Pingzhi leave alive.


When he came back to his senses, Wu Yazi yelled, because of Lin Pingzhi's hard work, he seemed to see new hope.



Together with Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder, the three assisted Lin Pingzhi to unleash all their remaining strength.

Gradually forming a vortex of internal strength, it looks extremely domineering, maybe it can really compete with the Xuanming God's Palm.

This is not.

The two forces gathered together in an instant, and they thought they could confront each other, but who knows, the winner will be determined in an instant.

This is not.

Xuanming Divine Palm was extremely domineering, and immediately disintegrated Lin Pingzhi's combined attack.

this moment.

Everyone is a little desperate.

I didn't expect that Taoist with one hundred damages to be extremely terrifying.

Hu Hu Hu.

Lin Pingzhi and the others gasped for breath, the blow just now exhausted their internal energy.

In the end, I still couldn't compete, and I couldn't even hold on for a second.

What is the realm of the Hundred Damaged Taoist?Late martial arts?Or the pinnacle of a martial saint?

can not imagine.


In the distance, Zhang Wuji burst out laughing suddenly, because of the treatment of Baishang Taoist, he is much better now.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was about to be beaten to death, the indescribable joy in his heart was indescribable.

Even though he didn't die by his own hands, after careful calculation, death by the master's hands, wouldn't it be the same?

"Bastard, you can die in peace. I will take care of your wives."

Zhang Wuji's villain-like face is really itchy to hate.

Song Yuanqiao couldn't help but slashed him with his sword.

"Wuji, you!"

Such a bastard, he didn't want to defend it anymore, and finally there was killing intent in his eyes.

"Uncle, don't worry."

Zhang Wuji shouted: "I will let Master not make things difficult for you."


Yin Liting said: "Who cares about your kindness, we would rather die than accept the favor of a monster like you."

Zhang Wuji didn't speak anymore, but there was an indescribable feeling of coolness in his heart.

"you take a rest."

Lin Pingzhi refused.


Seeing that terrifying aura getting closer and closer, he was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"Still stubborn."

Baishang Taoist snorted coldly: "Let's talk about surviving my trick first.

According to the old man's calculations, you no longer have the capital and confidence to compete. Let's see what you do! "

Hu Hu Hu.

A strong wind blows in, making it difficult to breathe.

Wu Yazi was relieved, ready to accept death, and stretched out her arms to hug Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui.

The two women did not resist, and quietly nestled in Wu Yazi's arms, very quiet, without any fear or irritability before death.

Lin Pingzhi is speechless, do you want to love after death?

"Damn, what to do?"

Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth, still feeling a little flustered.

I am afraid that this kind of dangerous situation has only been experienced in the previous battle with the God of Tiedan.

But for some reason, he always feels that there is still a turning point, and he has not yet reached a desperate situation.


Baishang Daoist increased his power output, his face was bloodthirsty, like a demon.

The Xuanming Divine Palm was already very close, and it was about to hit Lin Pingzhi and the others.

Who knows.

Suddenly, a bolt of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, caught off guard, and struck directly on the blurred palm print of the Xuanming Divine Palm.

With a click, the Xuanming Divine Palm disintegrated in an instant, turning into dust and dissipating away, but in the blink of an eye, there was no threat.


The sudden scene surprised everyone present.

Who's method? !

Daoist Baishang was surprised, the blow just now was beyond his comprehension, that kind of power had a tendency to borrow the power of heaven and earth!

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