
Wang Yuyan originally wanted to agree, but with so many people present, she couldn't speak and was very shy.

So I can only answer conventionally: "What did Mr. Mingyue say, of course I am grateful for you saving me, how can you blame me?

Of course I don't mind. "

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

Everyone looked around each other, and after confirming that no one was there, they turned their gazes forward.


Two perverted characters are fighting.

After the collision just now, Wu Yazi and Baishang Taoist began to attack close to each other.

The two of them punched and kicked together, and each undoing move was accompanied by the vibration of internal strength, which seemed to be like sound waves, rippling away round and round.

This picture really fascinated and admired those who practiced martial arts.

The two old fellows are one of the best existences in the martial arts world, and they are the top figures in the martial arts world.

Their fight is naturally wonderful.

Everyone stared at all this intently.

The current situation is evenly divided for the time being, and everyone can see that both sides are very serious, without the slightest slack.


It's not going to be good sooner or later.

Wu Yazi's condition is slowly declining, however, Taoist Baishang's condition is still stable.

The basic conditions of the two people are not at the same level.


Not long after, Wu Yazi showed a side that was powerless.

He forcibly burned his own life to improve his strength, which was originally a way of overdrawing his life, but at this moment he finally suffered a backlash.

I saw that he had an urge to spurt blood. Although he suppressed it, his internal breath had become disordered.


Daoist Baishang noticed the other party's situation, and finally laughed wildly: "Wu Yazi, you are already at the end of your strength, and you won't be able to struggle for long."

"Stop talking nonsense, even if I die, I will drag you along with me."

Wu Yazi gritted his teeth, and vowed to get rid of this scourge of martial arts, which can be regarded as doing justice for heaven.

To be able to do a good deed for Wulin before dying.

Although he lived up to his reputation as the head of the Happy School.

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

Daoist Hundred Loss disdains, and now he feels that he has the chance to win.

And it is.

In the next match, it was obvious that he had the advantage, and he was still in a completely defensive state before.

Start attacking gradually now.

And Wu Yazi had already started to defend slowly, he was a little flustered by the beating, and had completely lost his resistance.


He gritted his teeth not knowing what to do.

I didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so terrifying.

I'm afraid that even in his peak period, there is no baby who can definitely defeat him.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother!"

Naturally, Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder could not stand by and watch.

If you didn't make a move just now, you couldn't tell the outcome.

Now, it is obvious that the person in my heart is at a disadvantage, so of course I have to help, regardless of whether he is qualified or not.

The two stepped on their feet and shot instantly.

They all wanted to attack Baishang Taoist from behind.


Taoist Baishang must have taken precautions. When he realized that the two guys were going to make a sneak attack, he immediately focused his attention on dealing with them.

This also allows Wu Yazi to breathe a sigh of relief.

It's a pity that this short time is of no use.

"Together we will."

Li Qiushui glanced at Wu Yazi and then at Tianshan Child Elder.


The grievances and grievances between the three disappeared in an instant, and at the critical moment of life and death, there were only feelings of fellowship.


The other two nodded, and there were faint smiles on the corners of their mouths.

It's been a long time since I felt this kind of pure fellowship, and to be able to experience it once before I die is like a dream back to the past.

The three joined hands to fight against Baishang Taoist.


Wu Yazi, who was in decline, and his senior and senior sisters, had no way to gain the upper hand, and were still suppressed and beaten.


The people who watched all this couldn't help but sighed.

"I didn't expect that Taoist Baishang to be so powerful. I'm afraid everyone is really doomed this time."

"That's right, even if Young Master Mingyue goes up together, I'm afraid there's nothing he can do."



Listening to all this, Lin Pingzhi rolled his eyes.

I thought to myself, don’t you just want me to make a move?Can you be more straightforward?

He glanced at the person just now very speechlessly, and then, he took out his Weeping Blood Ghost Blade and rushed forward.

Although his strength is meager, he cannot stand idly by.

Now everyone is a grasshopper in a boat.

Of course it's a concerted effort.

So also rushed up.

His joining had somewhat of an impact on the battlefield.

That Baishang Daolin can no longer do whatever he wants, nor can he dominate the entire battlefield as before.

At this moment he became cautious.


Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui were shocked.

The two of them looked down on Lin Pingzhi before, and even shouted back and forth, thinking that they have the strength, so they are naturally qualified to crush.

However, he never thought that this young man would be able to unleash such a powerful combat power.

Not even weaker than himself.

They are already half-step martial idiots, but they didn't expect to be inferior to a young man.

Today's teenagers are really scary.

In time, he will surely have boundless scenery and a famous name in history. After all, he will be a generation of heroes.

"It seems that I am not mistaken, you must not stay."

Lin Pingzhi's fighting power already has the demeanor of a martial idiot, and Taoist Baishang has strengthened his mind even more.

he thinks.

Even if Wu Yazi is not killed today, even if other people can survive, but Lin Pingzhi will definitely not be able to survive.

Otherwise, it will be a huge trouble in the future.


Lin Pingzhi chuckled, "It seems that my life will not be in vain if I can make Taoist Baishang so cautious and important."

"I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut."

The Hundred Damaged Taoist sneered.

I thought I would open a dyeing room if I gave you three points of color, you really know how to put your nose on your face.

He immediately increased his skill.


As time goes by.

Wu Yazi didn't have much combat power anymore.

Not even as good as he was just now.

Due to the loss of vitality, he looked a little weak, his face was as pale as paper, without any vitality.

"It happened."

This scene made Lin Pingzhi and the others feel bad.

The greatest combat power of their side is about to wither, and who can continue to provoke the leader?

I'm afraid not.


Daoist Baishang laughed wildly: "You guys are going to keep on pissing off, but let's see how long you can last."



Brewing up all his skills, he made a move of Xuanming God's Palm, and a powerful aura hit his face.

Lin Pingzhi and the others teamed up to fight against it, pouring out all their skills to barely catch it.


This has consumed most of their energy and blood, what should they do next?

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