
Taoist Baishang immediately waited in full force, putting on a dignified expression that had never been seen before, only feeling that the surroundings were full of dangerous aura.

This scene surprised the people present even more.

Even Taoist Baishang is so vigilant, who is it? !

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, it seemed that he felt right, that he was not in desperate situation, and that someone would indeed come to his rescue.

It's just that he didn't know who that person was, and his methods were so shocking.


Only the three of Wu Yazi, who were familiar with this breath, were shocked, stayed where they were, and shouted unconsciously.

Because they are very familiar with this breath, even after so many years, they are still very familiar, and they will never forget it.


master? !

Hearing what they said, the people present were shocked and almost told the truth on the spot.

Isn't Wu Yazi's master the founder of Xiaoyao Sect, Xiaoyaozi?

That is a legendary figure from a hundred years ago, still alive? !

Even Daoist Baishang was shocked. He had heard of Xiaoyaozi before, and even wanted to worship him as his teacher when he was young.

It's a pity that the other party didn't accept it.

"No way?"

He is stupid, he is really that kind of guy, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck today.

"Piaoyun, Xiao Li, Qiushui, don't come here without any problems."

Just when everyone was in doubt, a not-so-serious call came from the sky, which was deafening.

Hear this.

Wu Yazi and the others were even more certain of their conjecture.

Besides Master, who else could call them that?


The three were so excited that they looked up at the sky.

next moment.

The clouds not far away were parted, and an old man in white clothes and black hair appeared, floating down as if stepping on auspicious clouds.

This scene made people look stupid, like a fairy coming to the dust, how spectacular.

The old Taoist landed slowly and gradually came to the scene, with his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent but gentle, he looked at Wu Yazi and the others quietly.


Wu Yazi and the others immediately knelt down, very excited.

Su Xinghe and other Xiaoyao Sect disciples also knelt down.

The patriarch is here in person, Sansheng is lucky!

The rest of the people stared blankly. Is that old Taoist with a fairy air, Xiaoyaozi, the patriarch of the Xiaoyao Sect?

It is indeed extraordinary and refined, not like ordinary people in the world.


Isn't it a little too young.

Although he is also an old man, but his hair is black and his skin is shiny, he is younger than Su Xinghe Wuyazi.

Is it true that there is such a thing as reverting to the old and reverting to the child? Could it be that the Changchun Kung Fu of the Xiaoyao School can really make people live forever?

Everyone was amazed.

Lin Pingzhi also looked at him a few times, he didn't expect to see Xiaoyaozi, he just didn't expect it.

That kind of character from a hundred years ago is still alive?Kind of unbelievable.

"Master, are you still alive?"

Xiaoyaozi asked excitedly, kneeling forward.

"Why, you are disappointed that the teacher didn't die?"

Xiaoyaozi smiled lightly, his temperament was indescribable, he was as elegant as a fairy, different from ordinary people.

"how come!"

Wu Yazi explained again and again: "It's too late for us to be happy."

"Yes sir."

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder said excitedly.

"You guys, it's really worrying."

Wu Yazi shook his head with a smile: "They're all from the same family, so it's incompatible.

Xiao Li, your fault.

Qiu Shui, you are also wrong. "


The Xiao Li in Wu Yazi's mouth is Wu Yazi.

His original surname was Li, so he was called Xiao Li.

Wu Yazi accepts education humbly and admits her mistakes.


Wu Yazi looked at Tianshan Child Elder tenderly again.

Tianshan Child Elder's real name is Tong Piaoyun.


Tianshan Child Elder replied.

"You are fine, but you have to change your temper. Don't kill anyone in the future. You can give up your self-importance. Drinking raw blood is absolutely unacceptable."

Xiaoyaozi ordered.


Tianshan Child Elder didn't dare to disobey the teacher's order, but said hesitantly: "It's just that I can't give up cultivation, otherwise I will die."

"It's okay."

Xiaoyaozi smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and put it on the Tianling Cap of Tianshan Child Elder, and slowly injected his true energy.

Tianshan Child Elder only felt the warm current all over her body, the feeling was indescribable, very comfortable.


That kind of airflow is somewhat different from the internal force that everyone cultivates. To be honest, it is probably more domineering and stronger.

Under everyone's amazed eyes, Tianshan Child Elder's body began to change.

I only heard the bones in Tianshan Child Elder's body begin to rattle, and the whole person actually began to swell.

Her bones and face gradually distorted, growing faster than the naked eye could see, from the face of a child to that of a girl.

Immediately afterwards, she changed from a young girl to a real woman, and in the end she was about the same age as Li Qiushui.

see this scene.

Everyone was speechless in surprise.

To be able to control people's age, what kind of magical skill is this?

Tianshan Child Elder was even more shocked, she just felt that the impurities in her body were completely eliminated.

This carefree feeling.

Except for the kind of comfort when I just practiced martial arts, I have never experienced it before, it is simply amazing.

Wait until you come back to your senses.

Tianshan Child Elder only realized the changes in her body, she was surprised and took a good look, and found that she had returned to her original age.

Moreover, the bloodthirsty desire in the body is gone, and the sequelae of practicing the Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies Solitaire Kung Fu have also disappeared.

"Thank you, master!"

Tianshan Child Elder was grateful, she was really excited.

"All right."

Xiaoyaozi touched the other party's hair, after all, he was his apprentice, how could he not feel sorry for him?

And among the three disciples, the one in front of him is the most worry-free.

I found that my senior sister had changed back to her original appearance.

Wu Yazi couldn't help but look at it a few more times, brought back the memories of the past, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

How many years have passed?


A sense of melancholy arises spontaneously.

At this time.

Xiaoyaozi set his eyes on Lin Pingzhi again, his eyes were shining brightly, as if he had found some treasure.

"This young man has the demeanor of my youth."

He opened his mouth slowly, his eyes full of appreciation.

Xiaoyaozi was not wrong in saying this.

Since my own time, few people have possessed such talent.

It is not easy to cultivate to this level at a young age.

"Thank you for your compliment, senior."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly and said, "However, can we settle the matter before us?"


Xiaoyaozi stroked his black beard and set his eyes on the Taoist Baishang next to him, but he didn't seem to have any killing intent.


Daoist Baishang suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast. That feeling was absolutely unpleasant, and he couldn't help shivering.

Although everyone guessed that Xiaoyaozi was even more powerful.

But it never occurred to me that this would be the case.

That hundred-damaged Taoist was actually frightened into such a state.

How big is the gap between the two?can not imagine.

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