Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1146 The last battle


Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui rushed forward, wanting to stop all this.

I don't want the tragedy to continue to happen.


Wu Yazi had already made a plan and did not give the two women any time to react.

Seeing the other party rushing up to disturb him, he directly held up his sleeves, and with a soft breath, he sent the two of them flying away without hurting them.

And cast an air wall around yourself to prevent others from approaching and disturbing you.

Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiusheng's eyes were moist, they could see that the other party was desperate.



At this moment, the two of them completely put aside their past grievances and resentments, and began to worry about the person in the deepest part of their hearts.

"Senior Wuyazi."

Lin Pingzhi saw it, and he planned to die together.

Can not help but awe.

A senior is a senior, and at this time it is a statement of carelessness.


Wu Yazi laughed, and said: "At first I wanted to find someone to pass on my skills, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Little Master Xu Zhu, it seems that you and I are destined to end up missing, and I still have to let you fail in the end, I'm really sorry. "

Xu Zhu made a bow and said: "Senior sacrifices himself for others, he is really a role model for my generation, I dare not regret it."

"it is good!"

Wu Yazi laughed, looked at Lin Pingzhi again and said, "Young Master Mingyue, I hope that for the sake of this incident, you can take care of my Happy Sect."

"no problem."

Lin Pingzhi nodded, and said very seriously: "I will definitely work harder in the future, and remember the life-saving grace of the senior."


Only then did Wu Yazi feel relieved, he stared at the Taoist who was damaged in front of him with piercing eyes, and was ready to fight to the death.


However, Taoist Hundred Damage didn't pay attention at all.

Of course he could tell that the other party had used some kind of forbidden technique.

In fact, they are almost the same in essence.

They are all burning their own lives to obtain a short-term cultivation base.

It is an irreversible practice.

Once started.

Then it basically declares imminent death.

Let's see if we can make a difference during this time.

This is an impossible way.

Since Taoist Baishang knew it well, he naturally had a countermeasure, and said coldly: "Wu Yazi, you are really sacrificing yourself for others.

It's a pity, even if you improve your cultivation and return to your peak, are you sure you can defeat me?

no. "

He gave the answer himself, saying: "Your current strength has indeed improved a lot, but the time is limited.

As long as I continue to procrastinate, I see what you will do?

Now I don't need to confront you head-on. When the time comes, you will naturally be discouraged. When the time comes, everyone present will not be at my disposal. "

"Little man."

Wu Yazi was a little angry, despising the other party's shameless behavior in his heart.

However, he also knows that he can't take care of so much, and now he has embarked on a road of no return.

The next thing to do is to try to kill him.

To die together is the best ending.

blah blah blah

The surrounding mountains seemed to feel the surge of Wu Yazi's power, and began to shake.

Everyone was shocked.

I really can't imagine how terrifying this old guy is.

And the stones around his feet were suspended even more, looking extremely domineering.



Under Wu Yazi's control, those stones flew out in an instant, and shot at Taoist Baishang at an exaggerated speed.

They even rubbed in the air to produce sparks, which looked quite dazzling and exaggerated.

"Tips for carving insects."

The Hundred Damage Taoist naturally cannot be easily defeated.

But take the person in front of you seriously.

At least, the few stones thrown at them just now were still very angled. Although he dodged easily, he had to be dignified.

"Come again!"

Wu Yazi's tone was icy cold, his right palm suddenly aimed at the top of the mountain where he was perched, and a terrifying aura swept away.

Uproot that mountaintop directly.

A small mountain was pinched away like this, and Wu Yazi was allowed to manipulate it.

Everyone was stunned. They have been practicing martial arts for so many years, and they never dared to imagine that they could do this to this extent.

Simply exaggerated.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Wu Yazi moved the top of the mountain over, and ruthlessly pressed towards Baishang Taoist.

A huge black shadow pressed towards him.

Daoist Baishang had to be on the alert, and he finally used his hands and assumed a posture of luck.

The cold internal strength began to spread, and the Taoist Bai Damaged worked with both palms, and then pushed forward.

A huge palm was instantly condensed, and it looked like it was made of ice.

Fog appeared in the surrounding air, and the people around felt goosebumps appeared, as if it was winter.


There was a collision between the top of the mountain and the palm, and another huge explosion occurred.

The top of that mountain must have exploded, and countless stones spread around, slapping down like falling raindrops.

Combined with the cold air from Xuanming God's Palm, the crushed stones were covered with a layer of crushed ice, which looked like hailstones.

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

Everyone reacted and ran around immediately. Some people were unconscious after being hit, and most of them escaped.

Lin Pingzhi's little dragon girl and the others came to a place where they could hide, but luckily nothing happened.

But Wang Yuyan is different.

After all, the bags around her are different and the turmoil is not a master.

In an emergency, there was no way to protect her safety.

It's a little dangerous right now.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi discovered this, and he rushed out to protect Wang Yuyan's safety even though he was already safe.

I even used my body to help block those stones.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi had Beiming Zhenqi to protect his body, and those ice cubes did not cause much damage to him at all, they just scratched his skin a little.

Can't handle that much anymore.

Although everyone present was watching, safety was paramount.

He picked up Wang Yuyan and quickly rushed outside, no matter what the people around him thought, his life was the most important thing.

Wang Yuyan looked shy, but in this situation, she still obediently let Lin Pingzhi handle it, and did not speak.

Instead, he hugged Lin Pingzhi tightly, fearing that he would fall.

They haven't noticed that their body is only close to each other, and their softness is selflessly dedicated.

It wasn't surprising that everyone saw it, and even thought it would be better to match two people.

"Master Moon"

After arriving at a safe place, Wang Yuyan noticed that the distance between the two was too close.

shouted shyly.

Lin Pingzhi put the other party down, and said: "I'm really sorry, Miss Wang, I have no other choice in such a hurry, I hope you don't mind.

If not, I am willing to take responsibility."

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