Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1145 Wu Yazi Vs Battle Damaged Taoist

"Wu Yazi, don't talk too much! Even in your heyday, I have the right to pick you up."

Taoist Baishang laughed wildly, and the icy breath on the palm of his right hand had already condensed.

Seeing the white rainbow breath from the other party getting closer, he sneered, twisted his wrist and let out a palm.


The two terrifying auras clashed like this.

In an instant, a huge explosion occurred on the scene.

The ground was even blasted into cracks one by one.

How amazing the power is.

Everyone only felt that their feet began to tremble, but they didn't expect that even the ground couldn't help shaking.

This power is really astonishing.

The expected protracted battle did not happen.

The moment the palms of the two sides touched each other, it seemed that the winner had already been decided.

The one who stood still was Taoist Baishang, still standing proudly here.

As for Wu Yazi, he took several steps back, his expression was not very good-looking, and he lost his former ease.

A blush appeared on the corner of the mouth.

Obviously he was injured.

Fortunately, he didn't fall down, otherwise he would look too embarrassed.


Su Xinghe and the others turned pale with shock, they didn't expect their master to lose.

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder were worried, but because of what happened before, they didn't go forward to care.

At this moment, the mood of the two women is also very tangled.

Everything that happened on the scene was within Lin Pingzhi's expectation.

Sure enough, as he expected, this Wu Yazi's strength should not be as good as before, that's why he lost.


Take a deep breath.

Wu Yazi said solemnly: "Xuanming God's Palm really deserves its reputation, I have expected such a result a long time ago."


Baishang Taoist snorted arrogantly, and said: "That's natural, the Xuanming God's Palm created by the old man is the best in the world.

You won't lose if you lose to me. "


After speaking, he laughed wildly, very proudly.

Everyone present felt the danger.

Even Wu Yazi has been defeated, who else can be his opponent?

"Boy, are you ready to die?"

After defeating Wu Yazi, Taoist Baishang pointed his target at Lin Pingzhi again.

He said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, but your martial arts talent is indeed amazing, and you must not be let go."


Lin Pingzhi sneered.

But I feel a little bit troublesome in my heart.

How to deal with this old guy is indeed a difficult problem.

after all.

He is too strong.

I am afraid.

It is the realm of martial saints.

As for whether it is the early, middle or late stage, it is unknown, and it is not what Lin Pingzhi can perceive at present.

"Lin Lang!"

Seeing that her husband was about to be beaten.

Xiao Longnu and the others naturally wanted to go forward and fight side by side.

They came to Lin Pingzhi's side one after another, without any fear or hesitation on their faces.

It has already indicated that we must live and die together, and said: "We will deal with him together with you."


Of course Lin Pingzhi would not see outsiders.


Even if he refuses, will these women leave?

Obviously not.

The scene in front of him made all the heroes present envy and admire.

It is really rare to be able to live and die together like this.

Perhaps infected.

Maybe it's for other reasons.

Song Yuanqiao and others took the lead to stand up and said they would stand by Lin Pingzhi's side.

"Hundred damage Taoist, today you don't want to kill fellow martial artists.

If you want to fight, we will naturally accompany you to the end, and we will never let Mr. Mingyue fight alone! "

"Yes! Daxia Song is right, let's fight side by side together."

"Yes, even if we die, we have to die together. It's a worthy death. We can't just watch this guy kill someone."

"That's right, maybe if you kill Mr. Mingyue, he will kill us."


All the people on the scene suddenly stood a few steps forward.

Expressed one's position, stated one's own meaning.

He said that he would fight side by side with Lin Pingzhi, and deal with the Taoist Taoist together, and maybe he could still win a chance.

Lin Pingzhi didn't speak, but just looked back at them.

it is more than words.


Daoist Baishang didn't take it seriously, it was really funny to see how this group of ants were united.

Don't they think that if there are more people, there is a chance of winning?


An idiot is an idiot, and a fool is a fool.

Those guys don't understand the terrifying strength of the Martial Saint Realm at all, and how can the number of people fill the gap?

"Okay, since that's the case, let's fight against the enemy together today."

Lin Pingzhi took out the Weeping Blood Ghost Blade, ready to fight.

As a result, Wu Yazi next to him dissuaded everyone not to be impulsive.

"Wait, I'm here, you don't need to make a move."

He had been closing his eyes and recuperating just now, healing his internal injuries, and now he looked much better.

Because he knew the strength of his opponent, he didn't want everyone around him to take risks.


Even if they go together, it won't help.

It's all dead anyway.

Anyway, my time is approaching, so it's better to win a good name, so that the Xiaoyao faction can become more famous.

It's not like living up to the master's last wish.

He said: "Even if you go up together, you can't do anything to him at all, just leave it to me here."

Hearing what he said, everyone's mood turned cold.

The hot blood just now cooled down instantly.


After they calmed down, they began to analyze the strength gap between the enemy and us, and determined that even if they went together, they couldn't help him.


Everyone is a little curious about what Wu Yazi said.

He obviously lost just now, why did he dare to step forward?

Everyone is puzzled.

Lin Pingzhi felt that Wu Yazi seemed to be making some kind of sacrifice, his expression and eyes seemed to regard death as home.

Realizing this, Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder turned pale with fright.

The two of them didn't care what happened before, they stood up abruptly, and looked at Wu Yazi solemnly:

"Wu Yazi, don't you think so?"


Unexpectedly, the two women still cared about themselves very much.

Wu Yazi felt that he had no regrets anymore, and said with a smile: "Senior sisters, it seems that what I owe you in this life can only be repaid in the next life."

"No, you're going to die."

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder were anxious.

His face was full of worry and reluctance.

Su Xinghe also noticed something, and said: "No, master, you absolutely can't do that."

The people around were curious and didn't know what was going to happen next.


Sensing that Wu Yazi had started to move, Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui rushed forward.

Want to stop this.

However, it was too late.

Everyone noticed that Wu Yazi's breath was soaring, much more domineering than before.

It is obvious that some kind of forbidden book was used, and it is not difficult for everyone to guess, it is probably to burn blood essence and improve strength.

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