Wu Yazi said this.

The crowd understood.

It turned out that what Lin Pingzhi and Mr. Su said was true.

Ding Chunqiu, this old guy, really deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors.

Such a rebellious person should really be killed, and he should not stay in the world to harm others.

"What a Wuyazi."

Lin Pingzhi looked up at the handsome old man, and nodded in admiration.

Look at him.

I'm afraid they are at least in the realm of martial idiots.

Maybe even more.


Just now he vaguely felt a powerful internal force, which should be Wu Yazi's.


Even if Lin Pingzhi didn't feel it, he should be aware of this.

After all, he was the man who had read the original novel.

"Ding Chunqiu, make a move, let me see how you have improved over the years."

Wu Yazi looked indifferent, and then stretched out his arms, he jumped down from the cave and landed among the crowd.

The posture is so chic, it is simply a representative of the word "Xiaoyao".

Ding Chunqiu was already scared to death, how could he have the courage to make a move?

He swallowed with a grunt, only feeling that his whole body was trembling, and he didn't dare to move at all.


Then he forcibly calmed down, thinking that he must not die here, and said: "Master, do you want to bully the small with the big?

and also.

If you kill me, there will be no way to cure the poison of the junior brother. "


Being threatened by the opponent, Wu Yazi frowned.

This beast is still unrepentant.

"Senior Wuyazi."

At this time.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly stood up from the crowd, cupped his fists towards Wu Yazi, and said, "If senior doesn't mind, this junior can help clean up the house.

This is no longer bullying the small.


It seems that Ding Chunqiu has been away from Xiaoyao Sect for too long, and he forgot that senior Wu Yazi has excellent medical skills, and you can easily break his poison. "

Ding Chunqiu was taken aback.

Only then did I remember that my master knows everything and is proficient in everything.

Immediately broke into a cold sweat.

"Never mind."

Wu Yazi nodded: "Since the young hero has such intentions, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient.

Give him a good time, after all, I trained him. "

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi nodded.

The reason why he took on this job is because there will be rewards for killing Ding Chunqiu, let's see what boxes he can drop.

He turned away.

Staring at Ding Chunqiu indifferently.

It's time for him to leave this world.

If I don't kill him today, he will die in the hands of others.

In this case, it is better to make yourself cheaper.

At this moment Zhang Wuji didn't try to stop it.

Because he knew he couldn't stop it.

When Wu Yazi appeared, he couldn't make any waves.

Don't dare to make mistakes at all.

"Ding Chunqiu, let's see how your skill is and how long you can last."

Lin Pingzhi slowly infiltrated his inner strength.

A layer of coercion was formed around it.


Feeling the skill of the young man in front of him, Wu Yazi was very surprised, and subconsciously praised him.

Such inner strength at such a young age.

It's really not much.

Even the original self, or the seniors and seniors, couldn't do it to this level.

I am afraid.

Half a foot has stepped into the realm of martial idiots. It is true that heroes are born as teenagers, and each generation is stronger than the previous generation.


Ding Chunqiu gritted his teeth.


Fighting with Lin Pingzhi has a better chance of winning than fighting with his own master.

This is the case now.

He has no way to avoid it, so he can only fight to the death.

Fortunately, I made sufficient preparations before I came, and I brought a lot of poisonous powder with me.

Maybe it can be taken when it is not prepared.

So he stabilized his body without trembling, took a deep breath, and his eyes became firm.

"Young Master Mingyue, be careful."

Wang Yuyan yelled out suddenly, reminding him: "This Ding Chunqiu has many tricks and often uses dirty methods.

There must be a lot of poisonous powder on him, so you must be careful. "

Ding ChunQiu cursed secretly, there are so many people who want to meddle in their own business.

Hear the sound.

Wu Yazi glanced in that direction very casually, and was shocked immediately.

I feel that the whole person is stunned.


He stared blankly at Wang Yuyan, completely lost his image, and completely lost the majesty of a sect leader.

There was only shock in his eyes.

"Senior Wu Yazi, what's the matter?"

Wang Yuyan was puzzled.

And Lin Pingzhi interpreted it at this time, and said: "Miss Wang, Lingtang should be called Li Qingluo, right?

It is the daughter of this senior Wu Yazi. "


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

No one expected that Wang Yuyan would have such a relationship, that she would have such a close connection with the Xiaoyao Sect.

And Wang Yuyan herself was also surprised, her mother never said anything about her background.

But he didn't expect to see his grandfather here.



Even Wu Yazi was surprised, he didn't expect the woman in front of him to be his granddaughter.

No wonder he looks so much like someone.


Wu Yazi called out very gently and kindly.

With half a foot in the coffin, he can now see his blood with his own eyes and feel this kind of affection.

It is enough to wish.


Wang Yuyan trotted up immediately, her eyes were moist.

Although the two met for the first time, they already regarded each other as their close relatives.

"How did he know?"

After recovering.

Wu Yazi looked at Lin Pingzhi very puzzled.

How did he know?

This point is also puzzled by Wang Yuyan.


Because he knew Lin Pingzhi's character, he didn't doubt it too much, and explained to his grandfather in a low voice:

"Grandpa, this Young Master Mingyue is trustworthy."


After his granddaughter said so, Wu Yazi didn't care about it.

"watch out!"


Ding Chunqiu launched an attack, he didn't bother to look at the picture of the family reunion over there, so he rushed forward immediately.

He used the rotting corpse technique to scatter all the poisons on his body.

The poison was mixed with internal force, and it was shot out with the help of the palm, directly approaching Lin Pingzhi.

But Lin Pingzhi didn't care about these things at all, and also put his palms together, as if he didn't notice the existence of these poisons.

Everyone was sweating.

And Ding Chunqiu was also slightly surprised, he didn't expect that he could succeed so quickly.


While outputting his internal energy, he sneered: "Young Master Mingyue really doesn't live up to his name, didn't you realize that my internal energy is mixed with poison powder?

Now these toxins have invaded your internal organs, you are hopeless, there is no way to recover! "

"Master Mingyue!"

Wang Yuyan was very anxious.

Wu Yazi saw all this, smiled secretly and shook his head.

But he was not worried about Lin Pingzhi.


He felt that this young man was not that simple.

Second come.

Even if he was really poisoned, he would have a way to detoxify him, which would ensure his safe and sound life.

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