Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1140 Debt Collector

"Don't worry."

Wu Yazi patted Wang Yuyan's shoulder lightly.

Reassure her.

Maybe it's the bloodline.

Wang Yuyan really felt relieved, she believed in her grandfather very much, and believed that he could keep Lin Pingzhi safe.


Looking at the complacent face of the other party, Lin Pingzhi smiled and shook his head.

The tone was very disdainful.

"Why, don't you, Ding Chunqiu, think that my son Mingyue really deserves his name?"

He disdainfully said: "How could I be defeated by your obscene methods, it's a laughing stock."

"Don't be brave here!"

Ding Chunqiu believed in his own ability: "I don't care how strong your kung fu is, if you are poisoned by me, even Immortal Da Luo can't save you.

Unless I give you the antidote.

how about it?

Help me escape from here now and you will survive. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't bother to talk to him, and directly increased his skill, pushing him out in an instant.

Ding Chunqiu was shocked by this force and backed away again and again, even spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he wasn't worried at all, instead he wiped his mouth with a smile, and said, "Master Mingyue is really powerful, he can still use his internal strength after being poisoned by me.

Much stronger than my unsatisfied senior brother.

But just now you forcibly mobilized your internal energy, and the toxin has already invaded your internal organs.

It's too late to beg for forgiveness.

I guess you should feel that your internal breath is disturbed, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to make a difference. "

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi really felt that something was stirring his inner nerves.

But that's not the case at all.

It's just to get rid of those bad things in an instant.

Then there was wind under his feet, Ling Bo walked up with small steps, and in the blink of an eye he came to Ding Chunqiu.

"Lingbo microsteps."

Wu Yazi smiled and nodded, thinking that young people nowadays are really scary.

How can everything.

Looking at the satisfied face of grandpa, Wang Yuyan was very proud, thinking that with grandpa's help, Mr. Mingyue should be able to improve to a higher level.


the other side.

Ding Chunqiu turned pale with shock.

Lin Pingzhi's actions just now clearly showed that he was not affected in any way.

"This is impossible!"

Ding Chunqiu shouted: "Why are you still able to use your internal energy?"

"Nonsense, my son is invulnerable to all poisons.

Your dirty tricks don't work for me. "

Lin Pingzhi explained.

The last move was the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and he slapped it over.

Ding Chunqiu was beaten to the ground for several meters and fell heavily on the ground, his clothes were ragged and his face was unkempt.

Where is the proud look just now.

Looks like a bad old man, old beggar.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was ashen, and his face was full of horror, wondering who he met?

So fucking perverted.

"You have to thank Senior Wu Yazi, I originally planned to torture you to death, but he said that I will give you a good time, so I will give you a good time."

Lin Pingzhi brewed his palm force again, aiming at Ding Chunqiu's Tianling Gai.

Slap it down with one palm.

Enough to smash his head into pieces, and there shouldn't be any pain when he walks away.

What a bargain, old boy.

But just when he was about to make a move, suddenly two palms flew from the distant cliff.

They were all aimed at Lin Pingzhi.

Wu Yazi frowned, felt two familiar breaths, and let out a long sigh.

The grievances and resentments of the youth, it seems that today will be over, and it should be over.


Suddenly, two palms hit him behind his back, and Lin Pingzhi was able to react immediately.

He pulled away immediately.


These two people want to rescue Ding Chunqiu, but they don't know why.

But it's better to get out of the way.

"Who's here?"

After dodging, Lin Pingzhi yelled towards the cliff in the distance, his inner strength was powerful and spread widely.

"Boy, it's none of your business here, if you don't get out of the way, you will die!"

A pungent and sharp voice came.

Everyone was surprised.

Who is this woman?How dare you speak such words to Young Master Mingyue, I'm afraid you don't know how to write the word dead.


Two figures suddenly flew over from the cliff in the distance, their lightness skills were so good that the people present were speechless, they were really shocked.

Then the two fell into the crowd.

One of them is a middle-aged woman, but she looks well maintained and is still charming.

It's just that the face is too cold and beautiful, giving people a feeling that strangers should not be approached and acquaintances should not be disturbed.

The other is a little girl.

But he looks very old-fashioned, even though he looks like a child, his eyes are like an old fox.

"Li Qiushui, Tianshan Child Elder!"

Someone present recognized them immediately.

It seems that the purpose of these two people is also clear.

As Wu Yazi's senior and junior sisters, the relationship with Wu Yazi is somewhat chaotic.

Now that Wu Yazi came out of the mountain, it is estimated that these two people came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, or they had other purposes.

Everyone should not care about other people's housework.

So everyone withdrew.

"Master Mingyue, let's step back first."

Wang Yuyan was also afraid that Lin Pingzhi would fight with them, so she grabbed Lin Pingzhi and left.

"It turned out to be them."

Lin Pingzhi chuckled, naturally he didn't intend to continue to meddle in other people's business.

The next step is their real family affairs, and there is no way for them to get involved.

The people who came were Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder.

The two looked at each other with disgust, and then looked at Wu Yazi together.

His eyes were full of resentment and anticipation.

And Li Qiushui acted first, slapping Ding Chunqiu's head with one hand, saying:

"Wu Yazi, you heartless man, you haven't died yet, so let me explain to you today.

I am satisfied, so I will help you kill this bastard who deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors.

If you are not satisfied, I will take Ding Chunqiu away, train him again, and let him destroy your Xiaoyao faction. "


Wu Yazi let out a long sigh, and said, "Junior Sister, why are you doing this? It's been so many years, don't you let it go?"


Li Qiushui laughed wildly for a while, unexpectedly a little crazy, and even a little dejected.

"lay down?"

She sarcastically said: "It's easy for you to let go, after all, you are heartless, but I can't let go."

"Junior brother, today you have to make it clear, between me and my junior sister, who do you like more?"

The Tianshan Child Elder next to her also questioned.

She came here just to understand this matter.

After so many years of jealousy with his junior sister, there must be a result.

Wu Yazi looked at the two still hostile women in front of him, feeling sad and guilty.

He didn't answer in a hurry, but looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh.

My time is approaching, now when I look back at the past, scenes of the past emerge before my eyes, and I realize that I have done so many ridiculous things.

Really want to talk.

The sorrows of the two women in front of him were all caused by him and also caused by himself.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister."

He yelled, his voice was very gentle, and said, "Long time no see, don't come here without any problems."

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder were stunned for a moment, this voice, this attitude, it was like a dream back to the past, and it made people's hearts tremble.

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