Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1138 No Cliffs


Ding Chunqiu's expression darkened.

If Lin Pingzhi really made a move, he definitely had no choice.

"Master Mingyue, why bother with this business?"

he said again.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you muster up the courage to fight against me and treat death like home, maybe I can still look up to you."

Lin Pingzhi slowly used his internal strength.

But at this moment, a icy aura suddenly appeared behind him.

No need to guess, everyone knew it was Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji slapped Lin Pingzhi.

of course.

He also knew that he would not succeed so easily.

Lin Pingzhi jumped to the side and dodged it, turned his head to look at Zhang Wuji: "What do you want?"

"Your opponent is me."

Zhang Wuji spoke coldly, his eyes were like ice.

Because of what Lin Pingzhi said before.

He can't control that much now.

In other words, he doesn't care about other things anymore, he just wants to compete with Lin Pingyi and have a life-and-death duel.


Song Yuanqiao couldn't stand Zhang Wuji's actions: "Don't act recklessly! Go against the general trend!

Could it be that you want to help Ding Chunqiu?

He is such a person who deceives his teachers and destroys his ancestors, what can you do for him. "

"Master Uncle."

Zhang Wuji replied flatly: "The purpose of my coming here is to fight with him.

Anything else has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to care about it. "


Lin Pingzhi laughed loudly, and at this moment began to sow discord again, saying sarcastically: "Song Daxia.

In the final analysis, he is also a person who deceives his teachers and destroys his ancestors, just like dogs of a feather.

It is reasonable to help Ding Chunqiu. "


Zhang Wuji gritted his teeth, his teeth itching with hatred.

He moved his two palms, and the icy aura on them became more and more intense, and he slapped directly towards Lin Pingzhi.

He didn't care what people in the world said, let's kill Lin Pingzhi first.

Lin Pingzhi sneered, and went up to him, not paying attention to him at all.

He originally thought of killing Zhang Wuji with one move, so he didn't want to waste any more time.

But on second thought.

It seems that there are still high-level people who have not appeared.

Wu Yazi was still in the cave, if he didn't help him, this situation might force him out.

So he didn't make a sudden effort.

Still dealing with Zhang Wuji as before, and not in a hurry to kill him.

Ding Chunqiu sneered endlessly.

It's time and life.

Someone helped me by accident.

It's true that even God is on his side.

He didn't pay attention, and quickly went to kill Su Xinghe to solve this serious problem.

But because of Lin Pingzhi's speech just now.

It is impossible for everyone here to stand by and watch.

Master Fangyuan took the lead to block the palm, bowed his hands to Amitabha Buddha and shouted: "Almsgiver, you have to forgive others and forgive others, why do you need to kill like this?"

"Stinky monk, don't babble here."

Ding Chunqiu cursed loudly, the corners of his mouth twitched.

There are so many nosy people.


Others also stood up, with disgust on their faces: "Ding Chunqiu, with us here today, there is no way to do anything to Mr. Su."

Everyone step forward.

Ding Chunqiu's expression turned ugly.

These guys all call themselves heroes, and all of them are so self-righteous.

After all.

It's just fishing for fame.

"Everyone, don't fight."

Such a big scene made Xu Zhu startled again.

He thought that if so many people really did it, how many people would die?

"Void Bamboo."

Master Fangyuan taught: "Sometimes killing is unavoidable, but you just need to have a clear heart."

"Follow the teachings."

Xu Zhu bows to him, but he seems to understand but not understand.

Just write down these words, see that the elder will not lie to himself, so write it down for now.


Suddenly this time.

There was a hearty laughter from the cliff behind, and it was very powerful.

The sound spread all over the top of the mountain.

Some people's internal strength is weak, and they only feel dizzy at this time, and even have the urge to pass out.

Lin Pingzhi knew that Wu Yazi should have appeared.

I also saw Wang Yuyan fainting, isn't this the best time to win the hearts of beauties?

So he immediately left the battle with Zhang Wuji, went to Wang Yuyan's side, and used his internal strength to help protect his body.

"Master Mingyue."

Wang Yuyan laughed heartily, but was also a little shy.


Lin Pingzhi just smiled, and finally he was wary of Zhang Wuji next to him, fearing that he would rush over and start a killing spree.

But Zhang Wuji was also attracted by this majestic internal force at this time, just looking at the cliff.


Ding Chunqiu suddenly sweated profusely.

Because he is too familiar with this internal force.

Isn't this the master who was pushed off the cliff by himself and fell to his death?

Is he not dead? !

How can it be!


Wu Yazi's laughter continued to spread, although everyone didn't see him, but hearing the voice, they knew that it was a handsome man with a breezy moon.

The voice sounds a little old.


It doesn't affect that image in the slightest.


At last there was only an explosion.

Suddenly, a big hole exploded on the cliff where the chess game was placed.

All of a sudden, boulders flew randomly.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the crowd, a sudden internal force enveloped all the stones.

Those stones just hovered in mid-air, and then were thrown away by a strong internal force.

Everyone was shocked and admired at the same time.

Another master.

Everyone looked towards the entrance of the cave.

An old man in white robe appeared.

This old man is already in his old age, but he still looks extremely chic, which makes people admire him.


Su Xinghe shouted.

The crowd was shocked.

Only then did he realize that this old man was Wu Yazi.

The second head of the Xiaoyao faction, the legendary figure who has died.

Unexpectedly, he has been hiding here all this time and never showed his face.

Really master ah.

Everyone looked at the old man, and saw that the internal energy around him was overflowing, forming circles of halos.

How wonderful.


Wu Yazi laughed again, then stroked his beard and said, "Thank you heroes for taking care of my disciples.

I'm tired.

But next, the old man makes a move, everyone just watch it for the time being. "

Everyone then retreated.

Now that the heads have already appeared, now is indeed not the time for outsiders to intervene.


Senior Wu Yazi made a move, why should they meddle in their own business?

I'm afraid that all the people here are no match for this old gentleman.


Ding Chunqiu looked at the master who was supposed to be dead with horror on his face, and was so frightened that he sweated profusely.


His legs trembled uncontrollably.

Of course he knew how much his master was worth, but he was nothing in front of him.

He is panicking now.


Wu Yazi looked over scornfully, his eyes indifferent: "My good apprentice, when you pushed me off the cliff, did you ever think that this day would come?"

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