Seeing Xu Zhu's immature appearance, everyone knows that he must be persuading with compassion.

rather than other purposes.

He is really a simple little monk.

So someone began to advise him not to get too close and not to be too wide.


Xu Zhu bowed towards those people, said: "Everyone, everyone has their own relatives and friends, what will happen in case of death?

It is better to be peaceful. "


Master Fang Yuan beside him smiled and said: "I remember your Dharma name is Xu Zhu, right?

Very good, you are a qualified Shaolin disciple. "

He immediately called out Xu Zhu's dharma name.

In fact, it is also because of some attention in normal times.

From Fang Yuan's point of view, Xu Zhu is a very transparent person.

Although it is not as good as Young Master Mingyue, it is not bad.

"It turned out to be Elder Fangyuan."

Xu Zhu is respectful and respectful: "Xu Zhu is right, it is really flattering to let the elder call out his name."


Fang Yuan smiled and didn't continue talking.

Xu Zhu immediately said to Lin Pingzhi and Zhang Wuji: "The two benefactors don't fight anymore."

"Hey, what is a little monk doing here?"

Yue Lao San was a little upset, and said: "They are competing for candidates, and they are competing for candidates, where is it your turn to give pointers?

Besides, everyone is a member of the rivers and lakes, and fighting and killing cannot be avoided.

Your little monk is also really strange, why, can you control the world? "


Xu Zhu made another bow and said: "Benefactor, I can't control everyone, but naturally I have to control the ones I meet."


Yue Laosan was a little angry: "I think you don't take my South Sea Crocodile God seriously! Then I ask Master to enlighten me!"

"The third one."

Duan Yanqing yelled to stop him from messing around.

After all, Master Fangyuan was still present, and he was not afraid of offending Shaolin disciples by beating Shaolin disciples in front of others.

"Okay, let's give Master Fangyuan a face today."

Yue Laosan withdrew.

"Xu Zhu, you don't know something."

At this time, Master Fangyuan began to explain, saying: "Mr. Su from the Xiaoyao Sect wants to choose a successor today.

Those two want to express themselves, so they compete with each other, so don't disturb them. "


Xu Zhu said: "Although the junior monk's skill is weak, it can be seen that they are fighting with their lives, it's not a competition at all.

So it's better to stop it, if there is a real trouble, there will be no way to end it. "

"Void Bamboo."

Of course Master Fangyuan could see it, but it was just as Yue Laosan said just now.

Can everything in the world be managed?

Sometimes you have to fight with your life.

Although Shaolin Temple advocates compassion, but sometimes, they themselves have the idea of ​​killing.

How can these things be distinguished?

Sometimes you should be more open-minded.

He said: "Some things can't be controlled."

"Do not."

But Xu Zhu didn't believe it, he muttered: "Since they want to compete for the heir, then the monk will grab it."


His words made those around him laugh.

Although I just met this little master.


From the way he speaks and behaves, it's not difficult for everyone to see Xu Zhu's simplicity.

And the skill is quite shallow.

In addition, the appearance is also ordinary and not so good.

It can be said that the hardware and software do not meet the requirements of the Xiaoyao School.

What is he fighting for?

Everyone also smiled.

Someone ridiculed: "Little master, if you really want to try, just crack the chess game on the wall.

Let's break the chess game first, and then we will talk about whether they are qualified to grab the inheritance rights of the two of them. "

"Chess game?"

Xu Zhu looked up and found that there is indeed a chess game.

He heard something along the way, and it was perfectly combined at this moment. He rolled up his sleeves and planned to fight.

Even if you don't know anything, try it.

So he nodded very seriously, picked up a chess piece, walked under the wall, and played a piece of chess bouncing around.

It looks so funny.

after all.

When other people play chess, they use internal force to paste the chess pieces, but here he uses this method.

It caused everyone to burst into laughter.


Master Fangyuan also smiled, he always laughed.

I don't think he's embarrassing Shaolin either.

Seeing everyone like this.

Xu Zhu touched his head, a bit embarrassed.


Bao BuTong joked there again: "Little master, it's already this time, and you still haven't brought out your unique knowledge from Shaolin Temple.

Is it to embarrass Shaolin? "


Xu Zhu said: "Young monk is just an outside disciple, he doesn't have any unique knowledge, so far, he only knows some fists and kicks.

Let everyone laugh. "


Just when everyone was about to tease him again.

Otherwise, Su Xinghe was attracted by that move just now.

He slowly stood up from the stone bench, began to look at the situation in front of him seriously, and suddenly laughed:

"Wonderful, the chess move that the little master made just now seemed to be looking for a way out, but in fact he won a good card for turning the corner.

Wonderful, the technique of the little master is really proficient, Shaolin Temple really deserves its reputation.

Just an outer disciple is so smart.

The so-called great wisdom is like a fool, but the little master is really a smart person. "

"No no no."

Xu Zhu was overwhelmed by the flattery, he explained again and again: "This junior really doesn't know anything, just now he just took a random step.

In fact, I don't know how to play chess at all. "

"Little master, don't be humble, just wait and see my next step."

Of course Su Xinghe didn't take it seriously, he picked up a chess piece with two fingers, and quickly stuck it to the wall.

Then he made a gesture of please, asking Xu Zhu to take the next step.


Of course Xu Zhu was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

He just took a random step in order to disrupt Lin Pingzhi and his fight.

Perhaps the element of luck is just right, but what to do next?

He was confused and wanted to ask Master Fangyuan for help, but the other party didn't respond, maybe he wouldn't either.

at this time.

Suddenly a voice came into Xu Zhu's ears.

"See that vacancy in the northeast, just go there."

Sound transmission into the room.

The one who spoke was naturally Lin Pingzhi.

He started pointing Xu Zhu.

Suddenly a strange sound came into his ears, Xu Zhu was startled, looking around, his movements seemed a bit strange.

Su Xinghe urged: "Little master, please continue."

Xu Zhu couldn't control that much anymore, he jumped up and pressed a chess piece according to Lin Pingzhi's order.

"it is good!"

Sure enough, he got Su Xinghe's appreciation, he gave Xu Zhu a thumbs up, and then he followed suit.

While dealing with Zhang Wuji, Lin Pingzhi pointed to Xu Zhu and continued to use sound transmission to enter the room to help him.

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