
Only the sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded on the scene.

On Lin Pingzhi's palms is a real dragon with condensed internal force.

"Good come!"

Zhang Wuji laughed out loud, fearing that the other party would flinch.

Just right.

He also tried to see how far his palm strength had come.

Those people who practiced before were too weak, and they were slapped to death by themselves.

Just take this person in front of you to try the knife.

"Xuanming Divine Palm!"

He quickly moved forward with both palms, and a chilly breath spread, lowering the surrounding temperature by a few points.



The palms of the two people quickly met, shaking off a circle of true energy, and there was no winner for the time being.

The two sides separated, and then continued to collide, hitting each other with palms, and it was impossible to tell who was stronger and who was weaker.

of course.

Lin Pingzhi definitely didn't use all his strength.

And the people around have already started to be surprised.

"Mr. Zhang is really amazing, he has practiced to such an extent.

I am afraid.

Half a foot has stepped into the realm of transformation. "

"Yeah, it's really a hero out of a boy.

Those of us old guys can never reach the realm in our lifetime.

People arrived easily. "


Everyone was amazed, they didn't expect Zhang Wuji to be so powerful at such a young age, it was really surprising.

No wonder he was able to get along with Lin Pingzhi like this.


Hearing those words from the people around him, Zhang Wuji was a little proud.

He smiled triumphantly, beaming with joy.

Eyebrows almost flew to the sky.


Lin Pingzhi disagreed.

Of course he could see what the other person was thinking.

There are also those small things in Zhang Wuji's heart when he used Tai Chi swordsmanship before.

In fact, Lin Pingzhi could see it clearly.

How obvious is that jealous face.

At this moment, the contact between the two sides is relatively clear, and Lin Pingzhi can whisper some words during the confrontation.

While fighting, he whispered: "Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid you are very curious, why Tai Chi sword can be used to such a degree, right?"

"Shut up!"

Zhang Wuji seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to say.

He doesn't want to listen.

He didn't want to hear this fact, otherwise it would make him feel more uncomfortable.

But Lin Pingzhi wanted to say: "Hahaha, the reason is very simple.

That is of course because Zhang Zhenren did not pass on the essence of Tai Chi Sword to you.

Your aptitude is not suitable for learning at all, and your state of mind is impossible to learn at all, so of course Zhenren Zhang despises it.

But I am different.

Whether it is talent or mentality, they are all excellent. Zhang Zhenren cherishes talents, so he passed them on to me.


Speaking of which, he is really impartial, even though I am just an outsider, I can still get his approval.

It is indeed the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts world.

Really great. "

"Shut up!"

Zhang Wuji was very angry.

Lin Pingzhi deliberately amplified the words "selflessness" and "outsiders".

Because these words can deeply penetrate Zhang Wuji's heart.

And that's true, and it worked really well.

At this moment, Zhang Wuji's internal strength has fluctuated.

Apparently it was poked at a sore spot.


Lin Pingzhi continued to provoke in a low voice: "Unfortunately, although you are a Wudang disciple, you have not received the treatment you deserve.

I really feel sorry for you.

To be honest, you shouldn't blame others.

After all, I am much better than you in terms of talent and character.

It is a very wise choice for Zhang Zhenren to choose talents, isn't it?

Mr. Zhang, don't be jealous, this will only hurt you, you know, he has no responsibility to choose you, right? "

Lin Pingzhi said so on purpose.

More lethality.

Zhang Wuji was furious and furious.

I wish I could eat the man in front of me, peel his skin, and drink his blood.

He immediately roared angrily: "I want you to die!"

After speaking, his whole body's aura rose sharply, which was a level stronger than before, which shocked everyone around him.

His sudden outburst was really powerful.

Lin Pingzhi began to deal with it seriously, only feeling that his palms were a little cold.

Xuanming God's Palm does have some skills, but it's still a little tender to deal with him.

Lin Pingzhi was still able to deal with it with ease.

At this moment, everyone has already seen the gap between the two sides.

In terms of mood alone.

Lin Pingzhi is obviously the better one.

I don't know what happened to this one, but I suddenly got angry.

It is really not a wise choice to mess with one's mind in battle.

From this point of view, Zhang Wuji still has a long way to go.

At least for now, it is still a bit difficult to stand shoulder to shoulder with Lin Pingzhi.

"Heh, doesn't Mr. Zhang want to have a discussion? Why did you become murderous?"

Lin Pingzhi said loudly again on purpose, for fear that everyone would not hear him.

Zhang Wuji was already too lazy to analyze this and that, and he wanted to kill Lin Pingzhi wholeheartedly.

Every move is quite vicious, it is really aimed at the vital point, and there is no plan to hold back.

Su Xinghe, who was watching all this, shook his head secretly.

In his opinion.

Zhang Wuji has completely lost his qualification to inherit.

after all.

With such a vicious mind, there is really no way to match the style of the Happy School.

If he is allowed to join, I am afraid that the reputation of the Xiaoyao faction will be rotten.

"You two stop fighting."

at this time.

Suddenly a clear voice sounded, and it could be heard that it was a young man.

This voice came from the bottom of the mountain, and everyone looked back, only to find that it was a young monk.

The person here is Xuzhu.

Xu Zhu spent a lot of effort, finally climbed up the mountain, now he is panting and sweating profusely.

He supported his knees with both hands, panted heavily, and wiped the sweat from his brow again.

Then he raised his head and shouted loudly: "The two benefactors stop beating, you are hurting your temper, it will be bad if you kill someone."

Everyone didn't know why he yelled like that, as if he recognized him, or maybe it was due to his compassion as a Shaolin disciple.

Lin Pingzhi looked to the side, with that simple appearance, he knew it was Xu Zhu.

It was his turn to play.

after all.

In the original book, all of Wu Yazi's skills were passed on to him.


Fang Budong laughed and said: "So it's Master Xu Zhu from Shaolin Temple, why did he come up now?"


Feng Boxie next to him smiled, which was meant to be teasing, but not aimed at it.

Xu Zhu was startled, the two people who teased him just now were here, Amitabha could only cover up his embarrassment.

Then he raised his head and looked at Lin Pingzhi and Zhang Wuji who were fighting.

"Don't fight, you two, it will kill people."

He went forward.

In the end, the Yu Wei of the two people's fight was blown away.

Fortunately, the distance is very far. If you get closer, you will definitely be injured internally.

Everyone saw that the little monk was blown out immediately, so they knew he was a novice.

"I said little benefactor, what are you doing here to intervene?"

"Get back quickly, so as not to hurt you."

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