The palm strength on the scene was fierce.

Lin Pingzhi and Zhang Wuji fought each other's internal strength, you punched me and palmed me back and forth, and there was no winner for the time being.

And the other side.

Xu Zhu is also deciphering the chess game on the wall.

He always had a puzzled look on his face.

But because of Lin Pingzhi's help, every move of chess can be made superbly, and all the moves are accurate.

Everyone on the scene is watching, and the battlefields on both sides are very noteworthy.

Especially Xu Zhu's side.

Everyone has greatly improved their views on this naive and simple little monk.

Obviously it looks so dull, to put it bluntly, it is stupid.

Who knew, it was really as wise as Mr. Su said.

The chess game that no one could break was actually broken by a little monk like him.


It is still too early to say that it has been cracked, but as far as it is concerned, he is the most promising one, at least everyone present believes that he cannot reach this level.


Master Fangyuan praised highly and was proud that Shaolin Temple has produced such an intelligent disciple:

"This Xu Zhu is very simple, he never expected to be so intelligent.

But maybe that's the case. People with complicated thoughts think too much, and they will mess up their steps instead.


This is what Mr. Su intended. "

"Seems to be."

"Master Fangyuan can still see clearly."

"Master, your Shaolin Temple is about to produce another master. If he gets the inheritance of Mr. Su, he will definitely rise to the top of the sky."

"Hey, it's not known yet, even if he cracks the chess game, Mister Su may not necessarily choose him.

Don't forget that there are two perverts competing next to each other. "


Then everyone turned their attention to Lin Pingzhi.

It was evenly matched just now, but now it is clear.

Although no one can help each other.


The situation on the scene already seemed a little wrong.

Lin Pingzhi was still strolling in the courtyard, his expression seemed to be warming up, and he didn't feel the slightest pressure at all.

Zhang Wuji on the opposite side is different.

There were dense beads of sweat on his forehead, obviously tired.

Compared with Lin Pingyi, he was immediately compared.


Zhang Wuji cursed inwardly: "This kid, what kind of realm has he come to?

I'm already a Huajing, but I still can't get a bargain.

Could it be that he has reached the realm of martial idiots?

No, absolutely impossible! "

Zhang Wuji analyzed in his heart, and then increased his strength, vowing to defeat the man in front of him in front of the heroes of the world.

It's also good to steal his reputation.

"it is good!"

at this time.

Mr. Su next to him yelled, and then let out a hearty laugh, obviously quite satisfied.

Because the chess game is over.

Under Lin Pingzhi's teaching, Xu Zhu solved the chess game very skillfully and narrowly beat the half-piece.


Mr. Su smiled while wearing a green beard.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be able to break the trap I set up at such a young age, which shows how deep your thinking is.


It's a pity that your martial arts talent is not very high, and your appearance is not very outstanding, otherwise, you can really be chosen. "


Xu Zhu scratched his head and laughed a few times, originally wanted to tell everyone the truth, but he thought, no one would believe him.

So I said modestly: "Thank you for your praise, senior, but I didn't do these things to inherit your cultivation.

I'm just trying to stop the fighting over there. "


These words made Su Xinghe more satisfied and recognized the young man in front of him even more.

Indifferent to fame and wealth, this is a bit similar to their style of carefree, with a breeze in their sleeves, chic and unrestrained.

The more so.

Instead, he felt more and more regretful.

It would be nice if the person in front of me was a little more perfect.


What a pity.

"You two little masters stop fighting!"

Seeing that he has solved the chess game, Xu Zhu hastened to stop Lin Pingzhi and the others.

"I have cracked the chess game, you have no chance."

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi and Zhang Wuji were fighting for palm strength, and their palms were facing each other.

Hearing the conversation next to him suddenly, he left immediately.

Of course Lin Pingzhi didn't care.

Zhang Wuji looked at the little monk, and then showed a disdainful face, as if he didn't take it seriously.

He looked so dull, his appearance was not outstanding, and his strength was pitifully weak.

How could he be recognized by Mr. Su?

It's just breaking the chess game.

Looking at his disapproving face, Lin Pingzhi knew what Zhang Wuji was thinking, and said: "Zhang Wuji, there are people beyond people, and there is sky beyond the sky. I have never seen such an arrogant person like you."


As soon as Xu Zhu heard Lin Pingzhi's voice, he immediately reacted.

Wasn't he the one who helped him solve the chess game just now?

He was about to step forward to explain, but suddenly he heard a burst of wild laughter.


It turned out to be Ding Chunqiu.

I only heard Ding Chunqiu laugh wildly, then walked out of the crowd, and taunted Su Xinghe: "Brother, don't you really plan to pass on your kung fu to him?"

He pointed at Xu Zhu with his feather fan.

That expression seemed to be sarcasm, as if to be contemptuous.

So the little monk cracked the chess game, but he always felt that it was a mistake or he had some expert advice.

It can be seen from his expression.

Monk Zhang Er was completely confused.

By virtue of him.

How could it be possible to solve the Zhenlong chess game? It's just ridiculous.


Naturally, Su Xinghe didn't have a good face, he was extremely disgusted with this junior, and said: "Ding Chunqiu, it's not your turn to speak here."


Ding Chunqiu didn't take it seriously at all, and said: "I see, if you really want to find an heir.

Why don't you let go of the past and pass it on to me.

At least I still have the ability to carry forward the Xiaoyao faction.

If you are really in the hands of this little monk, then the reputation of the Xiaoyao Sect will really be buried. This is all for this. I hope that senior brother will not care about personal grievances.

Everything must be based on the sect. I believe that seniors still have this kind of righteousness. "

"shut up!"

Su Xinghe really hated the shamelessness of this old guy in front of him, he really didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You bully, you have the face to say such a thing."


Ding Chunqiu sneered: "Senior brother, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine."

"Ding Chunqiu."

At this time.

Song Yuanqiao yelled, and couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "You are a devil who everyone can kill, don't bully people too much.

Perhaps you are indeed powerful, but with so many of us present, you cannot be presumptuous.

If you dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Su, don't blame us for joining hands to bully more than less.

At that time, we are not afraid of getting a bad name of bullying the few. As long as we can get rid of you, everything will be easy to talk about. "

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