Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1133 Wisdom Wang Yuyan


"Young Master Zhang's swordsmanship is very powerful."

Some sword experts on the scene also expressed their praise.

of course.

When they praised Zhang Wuji, they were indeed setting off the power of Lin Pingzhi.

"Is that so?"

When Lin Pingzhi was responding, he suddenly found that the opponent's tricks seemed to start to repeat themselves.

The trend of that change is also gradually leveling off.

It seemed that he was at the end of his rope, so Lin Pingzhi made a provocative statement.

Results the next moment.

Zhang Wuji exerted his strength again, once again letting Lin Pingzhi see the wonder of this set of sword moves, so he responded with all his strength.

"Master Mingyue."

At this moment, Wang Yuyan, who was watching carefully from the side, reminded again: "His moves are no longer a threat to you.

Presumably the son should have noticed it too.

Although his sword moves are unpredictable, they are actually just the way of arrangement and combination.

I calculated carefully.

There are a total of nine basic moves in his set.

There are ninety-nine and 81 combinations of tricks for two-two combinations, not to mention three-three combinations or more basic combinations.

But in the end.

There are only a few tricks in the end, and I believe that Mr. Mingyue should understand almost the same. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't notice this.

Hearing what Wang Yuyan said, she seemed to suddenly come to her senses.

While coping with the opponent's attack, he recalled the previous scenes in his mind.

After dismantling Zhang Wuji's moves, it was found that there were indeed only a few basic moves repeated, and a combination method was used to splicing sword moves.

That's why it looks so unpredictable.

It's not hard to deal with it once you figure it out.


Lin Pingzhi shouted hello.

While praising Zhang Wuji's tricks, I also praise Wang Yuyan.

He said: "Miss Wang's eyes are really sharp, she can see right away.

Fortunately, I listened to what you said before I realized it.


The root of his tricks is here, and Miss Wang has seen through it, it's amazing. "

"Miss Wang is really amazing, she deserves to read a lot of books."

After hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, everyone cast admiring glances at Wang Yuyan.

A woman who doesn't have any physical strength, but her eyesight is so amazing.

It's as if turning all the world's martial arts into his own use, which is really admirable and incomprehensible.

Many martial artists present at the scene didn't see the result, but let him, a girl, see it.

Really great.

"Master Mingyue is too famous."

Wang Yuyan was modest: "I just happened to see it."

"Miss Wang doesn't have to be modest."

Lin Pingzhi laughed: "This is indeed your strength. I think everyone here should recognize it very much."

"That is."

The crowd joined in.


Zhang Wuji was furious again. While fighting against himself, he actually chatted with others.

It was a blatant humiliation.

He suddenly shook his body violently, and a strong oppressive force expanded, like a hurricane blowing.

And the branch in his hand was broken into several pieces.


Then under Zhang Wuji's mana, those broken branches flew out quickly, approaching Lin Pingzhi from different angles.

The sudden onslaught surprised everyone present.

I thought to myself that Zhang Wuji's skill is so profound, it's really powerful to be able to manipulate things in the air.

Should say or not.

It is worthy of being a descendant of Zhang Wuxia.

"Go to hell."

Zhang Wuji yelled loudly and tried his best to attack.

Seeing the broken branches flying in all directions, Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously.

He smiled slightly and twisted his wrist quickly.

The weapon in his hand swept around, opened and closed to catch all the branches, and then stirred wildly, turning them into his own use.

Lin Pingzhi kept twisting his wrist.

He used his breath to drive the branches, and kept rotating them in search of his own trajectory, gradually controlling them.

Then he threw it forward, towards Zhang Wuji.

Those broken branches are like darts, swift and fierce, making one's scalp tingle.


Who knew that Zhang Wuji's eyes would become gloomy and cold when he closed and opened his eyes, completely different from the boy he was just now.

A faint mist began to appear on his palms, and the space around his palms seemed to be frozen.

"This is"

A cold breath spread.

Everyone was shocked when they discovered this.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Zhang Wuji sneered, raised his hand suddenly, and pushed his palms forward, a terrifying icy aura condensed out.

The branches that flew over were frozen like this.

It fell to the ground and shattered crisply, with a layer of ice forming on the surface.

"Xuanming Divine Palm!"

Wang Yuyan was the first to recognize it, and shouted in shock: "Master Mingyue, be careful, this is the Xuanming Divine Palm!"


Hearing what he said, the people present were in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuji even learned Xuanming Divine Palm.

Does this mean that he has completely devoted himself to the sect of Taoist Baishang?

It's really hard not to think so.

Song Yuanqiao's face turned livid, he didn't expect that Zhang Wuji would really betray his master and learn such insidious martial arts.


In terms of martial arts, there is no such thing as insidious or bright.


It depends on how you use it.

Now Zhang Wuji uses this method to deal with Master Mingyue in everyone's heart.

It seems that it is naturally a bit of a villain.


Lin Pingzhi looked at the scene in front of him with interest.

But no surprise.

Because he had already seen that Zhang Wuji had learned the Xuanming Divine Palm.

Nature is prepared.

"Miss Wang has a heart, but this trick is useless to me."

Lin Pingzhi smiled gently at Wang Yuyan, then looked at Zhang Wuji: "Zhang Wuji, you actually betrayed the master.

I thought you were just following Taoist Baishang to learn inner strength.

In the end, he even learned his insidious kung fu.

What a beast. "


Zhang Wuji completely violated his style, he laughed wildly at this moment, and said: "Master Mingyue actually said such a thing, it is really incomprehensible.

Why, could it be said that those nine Yin and white bone claws you learned are righteous martial arts?

In terms of insidiousness, I'm afraid it's no weaker than my Xuanming God's Palm. "


Lin Pingzhi hehe said: "I learned those kung fu as a chivalrous man, it is very different from you.

Zhang Wuji.

Don't get me wrong. "


Zhang Wuji imitated Lin Pingzhi's tone, and said, "Don't come here, such pale sophistry is unnecessary."


Lin Pingzhi didn't talk nonsense with him, it seemed that he wanted to stimulate him again.

So he rushed forward first, and at the same time, took back his weapon.

Since they are opposite palms, of course it must be fair.

"Double dragons fetch water!"

He used the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon with one move.

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