Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1118 About Absolutely No God

"What is that guy going to do?"

Lin Pingzhi questioned.

Yukihime Liu Sheng continued: "We'll see when the time comes.

At the beginning, he just ordered his father and the others to start marching into the Central Plains, and they must make achievements.

As for the latter, there is not much to say.

Lin Lang, if he stood up and did it himself, maybe it would be a bit troublesome. At least, my father fought against him and was defeated with one move. "

"Should be."

Lin Pingzhi was not surprised by this, nor did he take it to heart, so he answered such a sentence as a matter of course.

Liu Shengxue Ji was curious: "Lin Lang, do you know this person?"

"That's it."

Lin Pingzhi casually said something perfunctory, and then asked: "Jue Wushen, what kind of person is he? What kind of background?

and also.

Why did you choose to do it at this time? "

"His origin is very mysterious."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu who was next to him spoke and said, "It appeared all of a sudden.

At that time, I accidentally heard my father talking about it.

It seems that this guy was originally from the Central Plains, but he was forced to come to Japan after being cornered.

Since then, he has been organizing forces, and it is said that he wants to make a comeback and avenge some kind of revenge.

I think he has been practicing in closed doors for so many years, probably for revenge.

As for why he has been holding back, and now he is only taking the initiative to attack.

It should be that his strength has improved to a higher level, and he started to act slowly when he felt confident. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

No wonder that guy's name is Jue Wushen.

It sounds so Chinese.

It turned out to be the Central Plains people who were driven out.


Who are you always afraid of?Who do you want to seek revenge on?

Is it Xiongba or Wuming?

Forget it.

Now I can't guess so much, Lin Pingzhi looked at the two sisters and asked, "Then is he in Dongying now, or in the Central Plains?"

"When we set off, he was still in retreat."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu said: "I don't think he has returned to the Central Plains yet, otherwise, according to his high-profile and lawless personality, there will definitely be waves.

Not that there is no news yet. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded his head clearly, and he approved it very much, and said, "Then where can I find him?"

"do not go."

Liu Shengxue Ji stopped him and said: "In Dongpu, he is absolutely not to be provoked, so don't think about going to him on your own initiative.

If you want to take the initiative to get closer to get some information, it can be said that there will be no return.

Wait for him to come.

When he comes to the Central Plains, this is our territory, so it will be easier to deal with him. "


Seeing the two women so worried about their own safety, Lin Pingzhi felt warm in his heart.

Think about it.

There is really no need to be proactive.

That kind of stuff.

If he really wants to hit the muzzle of the gun, then I don't mind giving him a shot.


Lin Pingzhi didn't take him seriously. The reason why he was so caring was that apart from causing unnecessary trouble to the escort agency, there was probably an element of boredom in it.

"Lin Lang, you have to be careful then."

The two women reminded again.

after all.

In their impression, Absolutely Wushen was too bad, too sinister, and too domineering.

"Don't worry, will your husband lose to others?"

Lin Pingzhi embraced the two women in his arms.

Enjoying this charming tenderness, then, unable to hold back the restlessness in her heart, she began to squander it recklessly.

After returning to the Escort, he redeployed his plan.

Let the people in the Escort just need to be good at monitoring.

No need to be proactive.

Once you find something suspicious, you need to pay attention to it and report the situation immediately.


Li Mochou and the others nodded.

In the next period of time.

As expected, Lin Ping did not expect it.

Although Yagyu was mentioned, Ma Shou and his group had already been wiped out.


There are still a lot of troubles in the coastal areas.

a survey.

It was discovered that those Japanese pirates were still at work.

Obviously the leading sheep are all dead, why are there still young people making trouble?

Naturally, it was because there was a mastermind behind the scenes.

Isn't this the conjecture of Lin Pingzhi who challenged him?

While sending people to watch.

Lin Pingzhi also called attention to Shangguan Xiaoxian's actions.

See if you can find the girl's hiding place, and see if you can monitor her.

As a result, there was no news.

Shangguan Xiaoxian seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no one knew her whereabouts.

In the next period of time.

There are occasional minor troubles along the coast.

But none of this matters.

Lin Pingzhi also spent a period of time doing nothing.

It's also leisurely.

And during this time.

Suddenly another piece of news spread in the world.

Zhenlong chess game.

I don't know when it started, there are rumors of a chess game in the Jianghu, which is very mysterious.

And there are rumors that as long as this chess game can be solved, one can get the inheritance of a certain big shot.


In the process of exploring the chess game itself, you can also feel the subtlety of martial arts, which will definitely benefit you for a lifetime.

Before, there was a young man from the beggar gang who accidentally broke into the chess game.

He tried to answer.

Although I failed in the end, I got a lot of inspiration in the process of solving the problem.

After that, he stepped into the ranks of first-class masters, was quite famous among the beggar gang, and his status rose instantly.

since then.

People in the Jianghu flocked to Zhenlong Chess Game to solve problems, hoping to get martial arts inspiration from it.

But more and more people came later, and all mediocrity went.

Naturally, it made the host a little unhappy.

In a fit of anger, the host declined all the visitors.

Announce to the world that after half a month, it will be open to the heroes of the world, and only those who are qualified have the possibility of disintegration.

Those who are overconfident will not only be unable to gain inspiration from it, but will be severely injured.

Things have thus been further fermented.

Everyone guessed who the person behind the chess game was, and they spoke so arrogantly.


Everyone never doubted his strength.

after all.

It only took half a month for a beggar gang disciple to become a first-class master from mediocrity.

Naturally, such a feat cannot be questioned.


Now the world is talking about the Zhenlong Chess Game, and everyone wants to go to find out in half a month.

And the location is in Cangshan, Yunnan.

"It's no wonder that more and more darts are being sent to those places during this period. It turned out to be this matter."

Lin Pingzhi nodded knowingly.

he knows.

The person behind this game of chess is Wu Yazi, whose purpose is to find an heir to avenge himself.


You can go and have a look.

Should be able to get a lot of benefits.

"Lin Lang, do you want to go there?"

Ning Zhong asked.

"Yes, the heroes of the world are gathered here, so of course we have to go over and have a look."

Lin Pingzhi put his hands behind his back.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Ning Zhong said.


Lin Pingzhi agreed.

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