Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1119 Going to Cangshan

There is not much time left before the half-month period.

Naturally, we have to start early.

The location is in Cangshan, Yunnan.

There is a long distance from Hangzhou, Lin Pingzhi dare not delay.

If it is at the speed of sending darts, or at the speed of riding in a carriage.

Not to mention half a month.

There is no way to reach the destination even in a month.

Therefore, there was no time to grind, so Lin Pingzhi and Ning Zhongze rode there, not wanting to delay for a moment.

It was precisely because of time constraints that Lin Pingzhi did not bring more people.

So as not to delay the itinerary.


Li Mochou and Xiao Longnu still followed.


Lin Pingzhi sighed, and said: "What are you two girls doing after you, the Escort still needs you to be the guards."


Li Mochou snorted coquettishly: "Lin Lang, you two are really cunning, don't even think about leaving us two sisters.

There is no one else.

Couldn't you two be lingering and loving along the way?Really calculate. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't expect this girl to think so.


That being the case, I didn't keep up with it.

Anyway, they are all martial arts practitioners, so they will not delay the schedule.

Just right.

With these two women.

You won't be too lonely along the way.


A group of people hurried over without stopping too much along the way, and they were getting closer and closer to their destination.

And the closer you get to the Yunnan area, the more heroes you see on the road.

Everyone went to Zhenlong Chess Bureau to find out, and also wanted to get some martial arts inspiration from it.

For those who practice martial arts.

This is very tempting.

Even if the master clearly stated that those who are overreaching will be punished.

There are also a large number of people who go to test.

There is an opportunity that has soared into the sky, who would not want to seize it.

The previous gang of beggars made everyone feel lucky, thinking that even a small beggar could make a fortune and soar into the sky.

Why can't I?

The scene is a little grand.

"The size of this river and lake is really full of wonders.

I didn't expect that there would be such a No. [-] person who kept his anonymity. "

"That's right, a Zhenlong Chess Game was specially set up for the purpose of exchanging ideas and discussing the strengths of various schools of martial arts.

We don't know exactly what the purpose is.

But there is no need to understand. "

"That is, we all want to improve our strength."

"I don't know who this big man is?"

"Whatever, as long as it is beneficial to us. I am bound to win this time, and I must win."

"Heh, depending on you, you also want to grab this resource?"

"Most of the heroes in the world are gone, but there is only one chance, and it's really hard to say who will fall on it.

There are so many talents in the world, when will it be our juniors' turn? "


There were many discussions along the way.

Lin Pingzhi and the others listened and watched, but didn't take it too seriously.

"Lin Lang, who do you think is behind this?"

period of boredom.

People from Lin Pingzhi will also discuss it.

Xiao Longnv asked: "This man is really strange, he didn't hear any news before, but suddenly he set up a chess game.

It feels really abrupt. "


Li Mochou nodded: "Senior sister, you think more.

Such abruptness always gives people a feeling of malice. "

"Stop guessing."

Lin Pingzhi interrupted them: "Even if they have bad intentions, it is impossible to clean up all the heroes in the world.

This time he widely posted hero posts, it should not be for some shady purpose. "


Ning Zhong analyzed: "Besides, with his ability, he shouldn't be able to do anything nasty.

Let's not guess for now, after waiting, we will naturally be able to figure out everything. "

"Have you heard?"

at this time.

Suddenly there was another voice of discussion from the side.

Inside the tavern.

There are people from the rivers and lakes everywhere.

Lin Pingzhi and the others sat in a corner and listened.

The person said just now: "This chess game contains the essence of martial arts, and the person who tries to solve it must be talented and smart in martial arts.

The big man wants to use this method to select a talent.

What do you think? "

"How do you know this?"

"Everyone guessed it, and the analysis is also very reasonable."

"That's right, or this person is just bored and wants to exchange ideas.

Either he just wants to choose an heir or something in this way, or choose an apprentice. "

"It makes sense, then we have to work harder this time."

"That is, if you can get the recognition of that big man, wouldn't you be able to rise to the top in the future?"

"Hey, the size of this Jianghu is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

I really don't know what kind of monsters can rush out from where. "


Listening to those people's discussion, Xiao Longnv said: "I think what they say makes sense.

A sparring for no reason is not necessarily a desire to fight against the world, right?

It is estimated that he really wants to find a talented heir. "

"should be."

Lin Pingzhi nodded: "Those guys are right, the world's greatest hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

There are still many old monsters that are not born. "

"Lin Lang, I think you should be the winner this time."

Li Mochou looked at Lin Pingzhi with great admiration: "If you really want to talk about it, you can say that no one can match your talent in martial arts.

Now he has mastered a hundred martial arts at a young age.

There has never been a single person like you in all ages. "

"All right."

Lin Pingzhi laughed.

It is natural to be happy to hear such flattering words.

He smiled and said, "Is this still going on between the two of us?

But think about it.

Who else is eligible to inherit besides me?

There is really no one in the world who is more talented than me.

Although it is a bit thick-skinned to say so.

But it is true. "


Xiao Longnu's staff rolled their eyes.

I thought you really dare to say it.

If you really give you three points of color, you can open a dyeing room, and you don't know how to be low-key and low-key.

"Okay, let's go on, there are not a few days left."

Lin Pingzhi also smiled.

Several people paid the money and started on their way immediately.

I met more and more people along the way.

Those who belong to the Diancang School or the Kongtong School.

What Mount Emei, Mount Wudang, all kinds of sects have arrived, and they have sent some people with potential stocks.

They all want to get the benefits, and want to use this to make their sect more famous.

"Master Mingyue, you are here, so what else do we have to see?"

"That's right, you'll be a bit of a rascal when you come again. You're already so powerful, can't you give us some?"

along the way.

Meet some people you know.

They would complain about Lin Pingzhi like this.

Said that Lin Pingzhi's heart is too dark, and teased him that he wants everything, so can't he give him a way to survive?


Lin Pingzhi just laughed and responded: "Those who are capable will get it!"

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