Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1117 You Will Pay The Price

"Congratulations to the host, conquer Shangguan Xiaoxian, and reward the skill for two years."

The sound of the system echoed in his mind.

It didn't cause any disturbance to Lin Pingzhi.

Instead, I want to complain.

Only two years?

Did something go wrong?

Forget it.

After all, Shangguan Xiaoxian is not an important character, so naturally there won't be much reaction.

He turned his head to look at the pungent woman, and said calmly: "At first, I wanted to chop you into pieces, but unfortunately, I suddenly had a wrong mind.

It's not easy for me to kill you, so what to do next is up to you.

But you'd better stop doing things that touch the bottom line, otherwise, I will kill you next time we meet. "


Shangguan Xiaoxian was furious.

Heart full of resentment.

You bastard broke someone's body, and you still say such cruel words, you are not as good as a beast.

It is said that a scholar can be killed but cannot be humiliated, but any decent person would not do such a foolish thing.

Even if he is hateful, even if he kills him quickly.

I can't tolerate your intrusion like this.

"it is good!"

In anger, Shangguan Xiaoxian announced loudly: "Lin Pingzhi, I will make you pay for what happened today.

You hypocrite, one day I will tear off your mask in front of the world and let them know what kind of person you are. "


Lin Pingzhi didn't take it to heart at all, and said no: "Whatever, I hope you don't want to kill yourself.

I keep my word, if you dare to make trouble again, I won't think about the friendship tonight. "


Shangguan Xiaoxian smiled sarcastically: "How dare you say friendship when you do such a beastly thing?"


Lin Pingzhi replied indifferently, not paying attention at all.

He tilted his head and said lightly: "Still leaving? Do you still want to come??"


Shangguan Xiaoxian cursed, got out of bed, got dressed, and left angrily.

Before leaving, he gave Lin Pingzhi a vicious look.

That look clearly wants to eat people, it's definitely not a joke.

Lin Pingzhi is not afraid, how could he be inferior to a woman?


He took a deep breath, turned over and fell asleep, and entered the state of cultivation.

Wake up.

Because of the blessing of the system, I have added a year or two of skill to myself, which is really flattering.


He got up and ate breakfast, and immediately began to investigate the matter of Absolute God, not wanting to procrastinate.


When Xiao Longnu heard this, she was a little puzzled.

"Isn't the role over there already solved? How come there is another Absolute God? And I've never heard of it."

The other women were also puzzled.

Even if you are not familiar with Dongpu, you can always hear about some powerful characters.

For example, Tianfeng Shishilang, for example, Huyan Dazang.


What the hell is this absolute godlessness?Never heard of it.

And this name doesn't look like someone from Japan, but like a compatriot of his own.

"I'm pretty sure there must be someone behind that group.

And the strength is even higher. "

Lin Pingzhi said firmly, "When Shangguan Xiaoxian was tortured last night, she said it herself."

Said it was torture.

It's actually not that complicated.

And heard this.

The eyes of several women were slightly resentful.

Last night, Lin Pingzhi didn't have any luck with anyone. Didn't the sisters come to a conclusion after discussing it?

It must be to bully people.

Don't guess.

It should be the so-called Shangguan Xiaoxian.


How did you hear today that Shangguan Xiaoxian disappeared?Her position was also vacant.

"Cough cough."

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Lin Pingzhi coughed a few times to ease the embarrassment.

At the same time, I changed the subject: "All in all, what I said is definitely right, you still need to pay attention to this matter.

Send more people to investigate the news.

Although I didn't put Absolute God in my eyes.


If he hides in the dark and makes waves, he will also bring unnecessary trouble to the Escort, so be careful. "

At this time.

Su Xin passed by and said: "If you want to investigate the situation over there, there is no more suitable place than Hulong Villa."


Shangguan Haitang also nodded: "The information there is not weaker than any other place.

If you want to inquire about the whereabouts of the so-called Jue Wushen, you are obviously right to find them.


Having said this, Shangguan Haitang stopped talking.

after all.

So many things happened before, it was always a bit embarrassing, and the two parties seemed to have become antagonistic.


Guessing the other party's concerns, Lin Pingzhi also thought so, thinking that there is no need to contact.

As a result, before she could say anything, Su Xin said: "I know what you are worried about, but I can do it.

Zhu ignored the man and was still serious about my feelings.

Might be able to take advantage of it. "

It was so easy to say, it really surprised the people around.

Taking advantage of a person's feelings doesn't seem to care.

This cold emotion is indeed surprising.


Su Xin disagrees: "Since I have come to this big family, I must do something.

I look sick again, if I don't bring out something, won't I be disgusted by everyone? "

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Pingzhi stepped forward to comfort him, and said, "I didn't bring you back to do business.

I really like you. "


With such reliance, Su Xin felt very warm in her heart.

Lin Pingzhi continued: "However, regarding your proposal just now, I reject it.

Since you choose to completely cut off contact with that guy, don't continue to entangle, so as not to cause trouble. "


Su Xin frowned, and said: "It is indeed a good place, it can solve a lot of troubles, it can solve many problems, and it can save too much time and energy."

"Need not."

Lin Pingzhi knew that the other party had good intentions, but he still chose to refuse.

after all.

There are others who can give an answer.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said, "In this world, Hulong Villa is not the only one who knows the information there."

Isn't there another Japanese woman?

So, the next moment, Lin Pingzhi came to Shenshui Palace.

He found Sister Liu Sheng and asked about Absolute Wushen.

"No god?"

hear the name.

The Liusheng sisters looked surprised and said, "How do you know this name?"

"It seems that there is."

Lin Pingzhi explained: "It came from the mouth of a spy, but I didn't expect that there was such a person.

Judging by your expressions, you should understand something, right? "


Liu Shengxue Ji nodded, and said: "That can be regarded as our number one master in Japan, and he has been operating in secret.

The main thing is that the guy has been retreating all the time, so it always gives people a feeling that the dragon can't see the end.

There is indeed nothing to say about his strength, and he is also very ambitious. He is a very difficult enemy.

The invasion of the Central Plains at the beginning was also arranged by him alone. "

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