Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1111 Kill Guihai with 1 Knife

Listen to Guihai Yidao's words.

Shangguan Haitang's heart ached a little: "You still want to provoke a relationship?"


Gui Hai sneered coldly: "When you and Zhu ignored the decisive battle, I was actually by the sea.

It's just that he has been hiding in the dark and has not come out.

You didn't ask me before why I know the story between you and Zhu Wushi.

Because I'm right there. "

"So what?"

Shangguan Haitang didn't understand what the other party was talking about.

But Lin Pingzhi was sweating.

Because in that battle, there was another little unknown detail.

You won't be caught by him, will you?


Gui Hai said coldly with a sharp knife: "Don't always blame the death of right and wrong on Shenhou, the culprit is still him, Lin Pingzhi."

Amazing speech.

Shangguan Haitang did not agree.

Guihai Yidao continued: "Cheng Shifei was indeed dying at the time, but it was not impossible to save him.


Lin Pingzhi took advantage of the time when no one was around to use the power-absorbing method, which drained his last true energy, which led to his death.

After all.

He is the culprit! "

It was amazing again.

Only then did Shangguan Haitang come to her senses, there was indeed a gap period before.

At that time, he ignored Zhu, and really didn't notice what happened to the two people behind him.

All he knew was that when he looked back, Cheng Shifei was dead.

"Su Xin, don't eavesdrop, come out."

Gui Hai smiled at the position of the door with a knife.


Su Xin came out, her face was shocked, her eyes stared straight at Lin Pingzhi, as if she wanted to find an answer.

Lin Pingzhi can be regarded as an old fritter, so it is naturally impossible to lose in this kind of place.

With excellent psychological quality, he didn't panic at all, instead he let out a long sigh.

"Why, are you willing to believe his words and not mine?"

Lin Pingzhi's tone was light, with a touch of sadness, and said: "Hey, there is no way, sometimes the more exaggerated things are, the more people will pay attention."


Shangguan Haitang immediately admitted his mistake: "I just think what he said is too nonsense, and I don't doubt what you mean."


Lin Pingzhi looked at Su Xin.

Su Xin also looked soft, and said softly: "Lin Lang, I shouldn't doubt you, sorry, it was my fault just now.

I just"

"It's ok."

Lin Pingzhi smiled: "I know you're just too concerned about right and wrong to leave, that's why you're so sensitive.

Don't worry, I won't take it to heart.

It's just that this guy is bewitching everyone, I won't let it go. "

Lin Pingzhi turned his head to look at Gui Hai Yi Dao again, with an evil smile on his face.

Gui Hai did not continue to argue, knowing that in this situation, it would be useless to say anything.

With a blank expression on his face, he suddenly took out two spherical objects from his sleeve, threw them on the ground and exploded with a bang.

It turned out to be a smoke-mist-bomb.

The room instantly billowed with smoke.

And Guihai Yidao also threw a few explosive bombs inside, and the crackling sound like firecrackers kept ringing.

this time.

It is very difficult to change the position by listening to the sound, and it is not easy to lock the position of the enemy.

He used this method to abscond quickly, immediately jumped onto the beam, left quickly, and quickly escaped from the escort agency.

Lin Pingzhi rescued the two women, and after a little concern, he made sure that they were all right, and then chased after them.

Nothing can make him escape.


Lin Pingzhi's lightness kung fu is not just for fun.

blink of an eye.

He traced Guihai Yidao's whereabouts, so he quickly chased after him.

As the distance gets closer, you can feel the breath of the other party.

Coupled with the excellence of Qinggong, the distance between the two was quickly shortened.

After a long time, Lin Pingzhi was able to see the opponent's back.


Realizing that he was already following, Gui Hai slashed and gritted his teeth.

He never expected that guy to catch up so quickly.

Logically speaking.

He created chaos and escaped from the scene, and did not reveal his flaws before the other party noticed.

How did he know which direction he was fleeing?

"You don't understand, do you? Then stop and let me tell you."

Lin Pingzhi understood the other party's expression, sneered, and flew up quickly.

With a move of Lingbo taking small steps, he immediately ran in front of Guihai Yidao, blocking his way.

Gui Hai steadied his body with a saber, knowing that it would be difficult for him to go today, so he quickly drew his saber out of its sheath, wanting to fight to the death.

"Yidao, in fact, you are really stupid, why are you obsessed with that person? Follow me, but you are popular and hot."

Lin Pingzhi's tone was cold.

"It's this time now, is Master Mingyue still promoting his benevolence?"

Guihai responded with a sharp knife.


Lin Pingzhi imitated Bao Different's tone, and said, "It's just as you said.

There is no difference between good and evil in this world, only strong and weak.

I am strong.

So everything I say is right.

I have never said that I am a representative of justice.

The law of the jungle preys on the strong, and strength is the most respected. I can still understand the true colors of the world.

It's a pity that you have to choose to stand on that side. "


Gui Hai sneered and didn't bother to ask any more questions, so he quickly attacked.

He dominates the world as soon as he makes a move, and he learned the sword technique in Dongying before.

Be worthy of the name.

The moves are fierce and domineering, and the moves are aimed at the vital points, and they are continuous.

The killing spirit in the trick is really fierce.


In the face of the level of the realm, no matter how fancy your tricks are, it is useless.

Although Gui Hai was very strong in his appearance, he would inevitably end up being knocked to the ground by Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi directly broke his weapon, stepped on his back with one foot, and said, "I really didn't expect you to be there at that scene.

Maybe because I was too focused, I didn't notice you.

I really didn't expect to be seen by you.

Not bad.

The skill of becoming right and wrong was sucked away by me.

Because that guy already has a spell of recovery, why should I waste it?

And during the process of being sucked away by me, the smile that guy wore throughout the process was obviously willing.

He wanted me to inherit his skills, and when he became stronger, he personally killed Zhu Wushi. That would be regarded as his own revenge on his father. Is there anything wrong? "

"Stop doing this."

Gui Hai gritted his teeth: "You are still acting piously up to now, why don't you say that he begged you to suck it?"


Lin Pingzhi was not angry, but he was too lazy to entangle with him, and said: "It seems that you also want to taste the power of this method of absorbing energy."


Directly pushing the internal force in the body, like an invisible hand, penetrated into Guihai Yidao's body.

Then grab a lifeline called internal force.

Crazy to pull outside.


The process was quite painful, Gui Hai gritted his teeth and screamed, but soon his voice disappeared, and his life was completely sucked out.

"Ding host kills Gui Hai with one knife, and rewards internal strength for five years."

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