Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1110 Finding Clues

It's a cool day outside.

Lin Pingzhi, who had had enough flair, returned to the Escort.

He came to his room, wanting to take a good rest and meditate.

The result this time.

But found someone inside.

He was so keen that he noticed a person in his room from a long distance away.

And act sneakily.

Naturally, there are doubts.

So he deliberately slowed down his pace, lowered his voice, went outside the room, pierced the paper on the window and saw that it was Gui Hai's knife.

Guihai Yidao also sensed that someone was coming, and immediately pretended to be waiting for someone, and sat on a chair.

"came back?"

Then speak up.

Lin Pingzhi pushed the window and walked in, looked at Guihai Yidao carefully, and asked, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Wait for you."

Guihai Yidao said concisely, "I want to be an escort."

"You are really strange."

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand what the other party was thinking, and said: "A loner like you actually wants to be an escort?

Why, thinking about rejuvenating your career for a second time? "

"You don't understand, and I don't want to say."

Gui Hai's lazy explanation is always with that cold face.

Without any facial expressions, naturally there is no way to guess the psychology.


Lin Pingzhi was already deeply suspicious of the man in front of him.

He had noticed this man's sneakiness from a long distance away, but he didn't see it with his own eyes.

And after he approached, he obviously pretended to be waiting.

Obviously there is another purpose, he didn't come to find himself for a job.

at this point.

Whether seeing is believing, or knowing Gui Hai Yi Dao, Lin Pingzhi believed in his own judgment.


What is this kid doing in his room?

Looking for something?

what to look for?

Could it be that Zhu Wushi sent here to find the secret book of King Kong's Immortality?

Maybe there is such a possibility.

and many more.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly thought of something.

Could this guy be looking for Tianxiang Cardamom?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "Okay, since you want to do things for me, I can't ask for more.

With one more assistant, the natural strength is even stronger.

In the future, you can follow senior Miao Renfeng, he will guide you to familiarize yourself with the business. "


Guihai Yidao got a satisfactory answer, got up and left.

Wait until the other party has gone out for a while.

Lin Pingzhi came up suddenly and shot a feint. He pretended to be very anxious and turned out a certain compartment under the bed cabinet.

There is a small space, which can be understood as a secret compartment.

Open the grid, and there is a small box inside. After opening it, Lin Pingzhi checked it.

Then he made a relaxed expression, like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

"Fortunately, fortunately nothing was stolen."

Lin Pingzhi patted his chest, and muttered: "It seems that Gui Hai is indeed an undercover agent, and he must be more careful in the future."

And this moment.

Gui Hai took a knife and hid on the beam of the house to peek.

He knew that with Lin Pingzhi's ingenuity, he would definitely feel suspicious.

And this time.

If you don't personally confirm whether the Tianxiang cardamom is still there, you will definitely not feel at ease.

It is precisely because of this that Gui Hai kills a carbine with a single blow.

He thought that no one would have guessed that now, the location of Tianxiang Cardamom was almost confirmed.

him at the moment.

Feel like you can get things done quickly.

Little did he know that all of this was Lin Pingzhi's scheme.

Lin Pingzhi took advantage of his point to deliberately set up a situation.

I pretended to be very worried, and then randomly searched for a grid where things were hidden, but in fact there was nothing in it.

He also noticed that Guihai Yidao was still there, so he deliberately blocked the opponent's view with his back, pretending to find Tianxiang Cardamom.

In fact, there is nothing in the box.

of course.

Maybe I will get one in later, at least, I have to pretend to look like it.

After confirming that the other party had discovered this, Lin Pingzhi put the things back in their original places.

Just at this time, Xiaolongnv came over to ask for dinner.

Lin Pingzhi went out.

At this moment, Gui Hai dared not go in and act recklessly.

Even if you are sure that there is no one in the room, you dare not move rashly.

I just started to scare the snake, so I have to calm down for a while no matter what.

So he went with him, so that he could wash away his suspicions.


Little did he know that all of this was in Lin Pingzhi's plan.

Looking at that guy's pretending back, Lin Pingzhi sneered.


His previous analysis was correct.

After all, Guihai's sword can't let go of Zhu Wushi's affection.


After all, Zhu ignored his innocence with his life.

Anyone would be moved by it.

"I'll see how long you can bear it."

Lin Pingzhi did not believe that fish would not take the bait.


The next day.

After receiving a large order, Lin Pingzhi pretended to deliver the goods himself, pretending that the gates of the city were wide open.


Sneak back again.

At this moment, Guihai Yidao still doesn't know that he has been fooled, and he doesn't know that he is completely under surveillance.

He found an opportunity to sneak into Lin Pingzhi's room again.

According to memory.

I found the hidden compartment and opened the exquisite box inside.

It really is a heavenly fragrant cardamom.

Guihai Yidao's face that was as cold as ice all year round actually evoked a slight arc, then he briskly closed the box and put it into his arms.

When he turned around, he was dumbfounded.

Lin Pingzhi had been waiting at the door for a long time, and the expression on his face at this moment was intriguing, and he picked his earwax calmly.

He flicked at the other party and said, "Yidao, what are you doing in my room? I've asked twice."

Gui Hai put away his unexpected face with a single knife.

He wasn't an idiot either, and immediately understood that he had been tricked.

Slowly took out the box from the inside of the clothes, opened it, and threw out the Tianxiang cardamom.

"If I'm not wrong, this thing should be an imitation."

Gui Hai said with a knife.

"It's not stupid."

Lin Pingzhi said expressionlessly: "So you still choose to stand by Zhu Wushi's side?"


Gui Hai didn't deny it even with the knife.

That's a manly thing.

Even though he knew that he was mortal now, there was no fluctuation on his face, and there was no fear on his face.

"Yidao, don't you know who Zhu Wushi is?"

Shangguan Haitang suddenly appeared, frowning tightly, with a tangled look.

I thought the brothers and sisters would continue to work together.

The result turned out to be such an ending, and a feeling of melancholy arises spontaneously, that is a loss.

"For people?"

Gui Hai sneered coldly: "Perhaps in your opinion, that guy is really not very good.


He tried his best to protect me, which is enough to make me go up and down for him.


In this world, there is no distinction between good and bad, only strong and weak.

Do I still need to teach such a simple law of the jungle?

Also, Lin Pingzhi is not a gentleman. "

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