"Tch, it's only been five years."

Lin Pingzhi complained slightly in disgust.

But it is.

Gui Hai Yi Dao is not considered a top figure, so it is only natural to have this kind of reward.

He let go of his hand, stood up slowly, and never looked at the corpse again.

Carefully check the internal force in your body.

The skill has come to more than 100 years.


Breathing out a foul breath, Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, and suddenly turned to look at a certain corner.

"Lord Shenhou, since you are here, why do you need to hide?"

Lin Pingzhi sneered.

The reason why he dared to be so arrogant was because he had a handle.

So nothing to be afraid of.


next moment.

Zhu Wushi's figure suddenly appeared, with his hands on his back and his eyes indifferent.

"Master Mingyue is so cruel and merciless, it really opened my eyes."

Zhu ignored his face and said, "I really didn't think that Cheng Shifei's death was related to you."

"Why, Lord Shenhou is probably trying to label me a villain?"

Lin Pingzhi ridiculed.

There was some sarcasm in his tone.

What he meant was obvious.

Do you have the nerve to call me a villain?

That's probably what it means.

Zhu Wushi shook his head, naturally he could see what the other party was thinking.

He smiled contemptuously: "I'm not so double-standard.

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, I think we should be the same kind of people. "


Lin Pingzhi was surprised that the other party did not make fun of him.

But he didn't take it too seriously, and said with a smile: "Then why does Master Shenhou want me?

You have been hiding in the dark just now and didn't make a move. You didn't show up until I killed Gui Hai with a knife.

What is the purpose? "

"It's nothing, just watching a good show."

Regardless of the boredom of his tone, Zhu casually flicked the ashes on his body, as if he had lost interest.

For Guihai's death.

He didn't take it to heart at all.

It's just a pawn.

The reason why he tried his best to save him.

In addition to making sure that he will not be implicated, it is also because that guy has value to use.

"One knife is really miserable."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head while regretting: "He never thought that the person he was loyal to would be so heartless and ungrateful."

"Are you embarrassed to say that I am ungrateful?"

Zhu ignored the counterattack: "It's better to ask yourself these words."

"If it's me who killed Gui Hai, it's really justified."

Lin Pingzhi naturally had a way to deal with it: "I just met him, we don't have any relationship.

What are you talking about? "

"never mind."

Zhu ignored these things and said calmly: "Anyway, my goal of killing people with a knife has been achieved, so I have no regrets.


By the way, don't forget Su Xin's safety.

If anything happens to her, I will never let you go.

of course.

You can also try to strengthen yourself now, and when you can be on an equal footing with me, you will naturally be able to be tough.


You never get that chance. "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

When he stepped on his feet, his whole body turned into a cloud of wind and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

so fast.



For threatening words, Lin Pingzhi went in his left ear and out his right ear.

It's just the previous sentence that made him quite concerned.

What is goal achievement?What is borrowing a knife to kill someone?

Could it be that Guihai Yidao was arranged by him to come and die?


Lin Pingzhi suddenly wanted to understand.

want to come.

Zhu ignored the fact that he must have been following him all the time.

He also wanted to steal Tianxiang cardamom himself, but it was not convenient to show up.

So I arranged for Guihai to explore the way first.

It's just that he didn't achieve his ultimate goal, he just eliminated a point of doubt.

Now that Zhu Wushi knows that the silkworm cardamom is not hidden under Lin Pingzhi's bed, he doesn't know what method he will use to steal it in the future.

Forget it, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover it with soil.

Lin Pingzhi didn't think much, turned around and went back to the escort agency.

Regarding Guihai Yidao's death, he did not hide it.

"What, died with a knife?"

Shangguan Haitang was quite distressed.

Close your eyes and secretly sad.

The former brothers and sisters are now the only one left.

What a trick of fate.

"It's just that he's on the wrong team."

Su Xin was afraid that Lin Pingzhi would be blamed and blamed, so she came to smooth things over a bit.

Shangguan Haitang didn't blame Lin Pingzhi either, and said: "Indeed, the ways are different, so we don't conspire with each other!

Since he chose to stand on Zhu Wushi's side, sooner or later he will be the enemy. "


Lin Pingzhi felt relieved.

Immediately, he released his desire with the two women and swept away the sadness on his expression.

For the next few days, Lin Pingzhi was in love with the thousands of flowers.

After all, we separated for so long before, so we should pamper our wives so that they won't be wronged.


Then I remembered to do business.

He found his brother-in-law Tang Qingfeng, and said, "Qingfeng, how about Shangguan Xiaoxian?"

"rest assured."

Tang Qingfeng smirked: "The little girl hasn't noticed anything wrong yet, and I've been keeping her in check.

Anyway, that silly woman didn't know that she had been exposed until now. "

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder, with some encouragement: "You did a good job in this matter."

"It's better to be cultivated by brother-in-law."

Tang Qingfeng didn't dare to take the credit alone, so he flattered her.

Lin Pingzhi just pretended he didn't hear it, and didn't care about it at all.

He took a sip of his tea and said with a smile: "There were so many things before, I forgot about that girl, and I just remembered now.

You have to teach yourself a lesson and get rid of some moths. "


Upon hearing these words, Tang Qingfeng lowered his voice.

For fear of being heard by people outside, for fear that walls have ears.

He asked in a low voice: "Are you planning to make a move? Don't continue to look?"


With dark lines on Lin Pingzhi's face, he stretched out his hand and knocked Tang Qingfeng on the head: "Stupid, the enemy has already been dealt with, so what are you looking for?"

After a pause, Lin Pingzhi continued: "In the beginning we used her to deal with people like Huyan Dazang.

But now.

All the pirates are dead, what's the use of keeping this stupid woman? "


Tang Qingfeng scratched his head, just now he was only thinking of flattering people, but he forgot about it.

He smiled embarrassingly for a while, and suddenly turned serious, wanting to make amends: "Brother-in-law, leave these matters to me, and I will help you deal with them.

To deal with this kind of rotten fish and rotten shrimp, you don't need to do it yourself. "

"Come on, stop kissing me."

Lin Pingzhi continued to roll his eyes: "You are so polite to me, you really don't take your sister seriously."


Tang Qingfeng laughed silly again, feeling that she couldn't see through her brother-in-law.

"Just call him over, and I'll take care of the rest."

Lin Pingzhi gave an order, then closed his eyes and did not speak.

Tang Qingfeng also knew that it was time for him to perform the task, so he got up and left.

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