
Su Xin was puzzled, as if asking: Is that all?

Lin Pingzhi was also considered a smart person, and immediately added: "I'm also afraid that your image of me will be ruined, and I don't have the courage to tell you for a while.

Because I care too much about you. "


Su Xin smiled, and was relieved when she heard the confession from the other party.

If you really keep cheating, it will be unforgivable.


Su Xin smiled, and gently took Lin Pingzhi's hand: "I know you are also forced by the situation, even if you deceive me, I am willing.

Not to mention.

Haven't you already confessed to me now?

What else do I care about?

I just hope that you don't think of yourself so insignificant in the future.

You hold a very important position in my heart, even if you do something that is sorry to me, I will forgive you. "

"It's so kind of you."

Lin Pingzhi smiled sweetly.

Shangguan Haitang, who had been silent by the side, almost rolled his eyes up.

She kept rolling her eyes.

I really don't know why Lin Pingzhi has such a thick skin.

Love is naturally strong in the depths.


There are many people around, and I cannot fully release the desires in my body.

Lin Pingzhi and Su Xin could only watch like this, and could only silently suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

After the dead of night, several people took turns to be on duty.

The main reason is that Zhu Wushi will bring someone to kill him.

Fortunately, one night passed without incident.

The next day.

Everyone continued on their way, and after a few days without any disturbances, they returned to Hangzhou.

"Lin Lang."

As soon as you enter.

Xiao Longnu and the others couldn't wait to meet them.

It's been a long wait these days.

Haven't seen each other for more than a month.

May I ask which woman can survive this kind of suffering?

Li Mochou and the others naturally let go of their reservedness as women, and all rushed forward.

Seeing those subordinates around them, they were really embarrassed and envious. Surrounded by so many beauties, who wouldn't be tempted?

And when they saw the two new faces, they were even more envious and jealous.

One is mature and the other is sassy.

"I'm really envious of you, young master, for bringing back two beauties."

"That's right, I'm still a bachelor now."

"Hey, I really don't know when I will be able to live among thousands of flowers like my son."



Xiaolongnv and others also noticed Suxin and Shangguan Haitang.

He pouted his mouth a little jealously, and then began to look around.

"You sisters get along well."

Lin Pingzhi reminded me.


Xiao Longnv and the others snorted coquettishly, and naturally wanted to show off their proud figures.

Compared to them, Shangguan Haitang, who had always practiced martial arts, was naturally in a weaker figure.

As for Su Xin.

Because I am a little older, my skin is definitely not as good as that of young people.

Naturally it will be compared.

Neither was angry.

Now that I've come here, I've made mental preparations in advance, and just took it with a smile.

Seeing the generosity of these two women, those who wanted to show off just now felt ashamed.


The sisters soon became one and became a loving family.

That night.

Lin Pingzhi naturally fights against all the heroes, so he can make up for the lack of sky.

He also didn't expect those ladies to be so hungry.

Just squeezed him dry.

A good body protector with magical skills finally gained the upper hand and successfully beat those women to the ground and won the victory.


Taking a long breath, he felt that his internal strength had improved again, and Lin Pingzhi felt a sense of accomplishment.

At this time.

There was already a sound of breathing on the bed, mostly heavy.

Probably because I was too tired just now.

who knows.

Li Mochou hadn't slept yet, and at this moment, she flung herself into Lin Ping's arms like a fisherman's profit, that was a pleasure.

"Mochou, you are better than them all."

Lin Pingzhi praised it.

Li Mochou smiled shyly, the appearance of the little bird is very fond of people.

"By the way, has anything happened recently?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

"It's nothing serious."

Back to the topic, Li Mochou also became heroic.

She said: "It's about those Japanese pirates making waves.

Those guys haven't come to harass for days, though.

According to the frequency in the past, things are really strange. "

Lin Pingzhi chuckled and said, "That's natural, because their bosses have already been dealt with.

Those little guys who are sent by others will naturally scatter like birds and beasts. "


Li Mochou was surprised: "Could it be that you did it, Lin Lang?"

"Almost, it's the result of our hard work together."

Lin Pingzhi stroked Li Mochou's beautiful hair, and told about his experience in Hulong Villa these days.

After listening.

Li Mochou's sense of admiration was even deeper: "Lin Lang, you are worthy of it.

But Zhu ignores this old guy is really scheming.

Everyone was deceived by his face, it turned out to be such a hypocrite.

Fortunately, in the end, you managed to escape without any danger, and even robbed that old guy of his women. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled very complacently, and said: "That's right, don't look at who I am, how can I be your man if I don't have the ability.

How can you control so many beauties of yours? "


Li Mochou pinched Lin Pingzhi lightly, and smiled sweetly.


By the second day.

After taking care of all the wives in my own house, it is natural to take care of other places.

Lin Pingzhi came to Shenshui Palace.

As soon as we meet.

I just spent half a day with the jellyfish Yin Ji, and I really didn't want to separate for a long time, until the other party was tired.

At last.

He came to the courtyard of Liusheng Piaoxu and Liusheng Xueji.

Informed Liu Sheng of the death of Ma Shou, and also emphasized that Zhu Wushi killed the person.


The sisters look sad, but they don't seem to have any desire for revenge.


After all, they were two people who were abandoned.

After all, it has always been regarded as a tool man.

Even the biological father will inevitably be disappointed.


At that time, the two women were also glad that their father did not die at the hands of Lin Pingzhi, otherwise the life of the family would be a bit embarrassing in the future.

"Lin Lang, we won't go back in the future, we will stay with you in the Central Plains, don't leave us behind."

Liu Shengxue Ji said softly.

"That is."

Lin Pingzhi licked his tongue, only to feel an evil fire in his stomach.

Even if you just experienced a big battle.


Now there is a primal throbbing again, and it feels impossible to extricate itself.

The two women had already experienced the matter of the bed, and they could see Lin Pingzhi's desire, so they smiled shyly and bullied them.


There were lingering cheers from inside the courtyard, causing the passing maids to flee, and even their footsteps became much more hurried.

After staying in Shenshui Palace for a long time, Lin Pingzhi went to find Tang Qingrong again, and then Yihong Sword Academy.

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