
Lin Pingzhi said so, Shangguan Haitang couldn't continue to blame her, she just hoped that this would end soon.

Packed up.

They intend to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

It really makes people feel physically and mentally exhausted.

But right now.

Guihai came back with a single knife.

After he was brought out by Zhu Wushi, he hadn't shown himself until now, and finally appeared in sight.

"A knife?"

Shangguan Haitang and the others were a little surprised.

speak up.

It seems that I really forgot about this person.

"Where are you going?"

Guihai Yidao holds the knife in both hands, always with such a cold face.

Under the cold expression, there was no anger.

"We can't stay here any longer."

Shangguan Haitang explained: "A lot of things happened during this time that you don't know about."

"I know."

Gui Hai said with a knife: "So, I will go with you."


Lin Pingzhi and the others were taken aback for a moment, a little unable to hear what the other party said clearly.

How did he know what had happened recently?

and also.

Why do you want to go with me?

"Although that guy is kind to me."

Guihai Yidao explained: "But I really can't stand what he did.


I can also be your right-hand man. "

When he said this, he looked at Lin Pingzhi.

It means that he wants to join Lin Pingzhi's Fuwei Escort.


Lin Pingzhi did not refuse.

after all.

The addition of such a No. [-] person really has a great effect.

His martial arts can be regarded as a master, not a peak, at least it can be regarded as a top-notch peak.

It is estimated that it will not be long before reaching the peak.

"it is good!"

Hearing such a conversation, Shangguan Haitang was undoubtedly the happiest.

Unexpectedly, brothers and sisters can work together.

"It's not too late, you should hurry up and pack your things."

Lin Pingzhi urged.

Guihai Yidao didn't say anything, and turned around to pack his things.

After a while.

Everyone has assembled.

Looking at the people who were about to leave in front of him, Zhu Wushi didn't have the slightest nostalgia.

Except Su Xin.

no way.

After all, he can't give Su Xin the result now, and without the Tianxiang cardamom that can save her life, he can only let her go with Lin Pingzhi.

The key is to be willing.

This made Zhu Wushi very distressed, but he couldn't refuse.

"Su Xin, let me know if you want to come back."

He looked at the woman he loved in front of him, and his heart was like a knife.


Su Xin agreed on the surface, but in fact it is impossible to come back.

It's my own enemy who killed my husband and my son, how can I continue to flirt with him?

I'm sorry for the dead in the ground.

"Lin Pingzhi."

Zhu ignored and looked at Lin Pingzhi again.

There was a hint of warning in his eyes.

There was also some threatening meaning, and said: "If you dare to make her wronged, I promise not to tear you into pieces."

"Don't worry, I don't want to die yet."

Lin Pingzhi smiled happily.

Originally, he thought that Zhu Wushi in the TV series could be described as infatuation.

But in front of you.

He felt that the word licking the dog was more appropriate.

He is really a role model for my generation.

Lick the dog, lick the dog, and end up with nothing.

Lin Pingzhi sent him a word, but he could only say it once in his heart.

"Let's go."

The group packed their things and got into the carriage immediately.

Lin Pingzhi and the others led the way on horseback in front, and hurried on the road, wanting to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Looking back, Shangguan Haitang and the others felt a lot.

I have lived here for such a long time, and now I suddenly want to sever ties with it, and I feel a little bit emotional.


There is no hesitation in my heart.

"Yi Dao, where did you know those things?"

Lin Pingzhi suddenly asked Gui Hai for a knife, wanting to find out.

Some things have to be guarded against.

For Guihai Yidao, Zhu Wushi did not hesitate to use his own life to guarantee it.

This friendship is very important.

To be honest, Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised that Guihai Yidao could be put down so quickly.

So it's better to be careful.

"The old fellow told me that himself."

Gui Hai's sharp answer surprised everyone.

Was Zhu ignoring himself and voluntarily confessing?

This is really the sun coming out from the west, and the sun is shining.


Gui Hai sneered, as if he thought it was a bit ridiculous, and said, "What he means is that he wants me to stay by Su Xin's side and be a bodyguard."

That's it.

Everyone can understand.

Zhu Wushi's infatuation is obvious to all, and this has to be admired.

He doesn't need to let his image be shattered, but also let Su Xin have an extra bodyguard, he is really infatuated.

Licking to the extreme is infatuation, which Lin Pingzhi also admitted.

in the original.

It is precisely because of the infatuation of Lord Shenhou that the saying that evil cannot overcome good continues to come true.

Otherwise, relying on those few people, they really are no match for Lord Shenhou.


Su Xin in the carriage had a somewhat complicated expression.


It was because I heard what Gui Hai Yidao said just now.

The so-called people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless.

Even though she killed her closest relative, after living together for so many years, she certainly knows how that person feels for her.

It's a pity that we can never be together in the future.

Second come.

I also noticed some small strange things about the whole thing.

for example.

Why did Zhu Wushi let Lin Pingzhi leave unharmed?

Is it just because of my own words?


Su Xin doesn't think so.

The situation can never be that simple.

Sensing the change in the expression of the woman in front of her, Shangguan Haitang broke into a sweat for Lin Pingzhi: "I see how you can handle it."

That night.

All camped out.

The men were responsible for finding matches to light the fire.

The women are warming themselves by the fire.

Lin Pingzhi finally found out that something was wrong with Su Xin, so he went up to ask and take care of it.

"Su Xin, are you also in a bad mood? Or are you tired of traveling?"

Lin Pingshou stepped forward and took the opponent's hand.

Su Xin didn't resist, but showed some indifference: "I suddenly can't figure out some things."

This look already shows that things are not easy.

Lin Pingzhi could make a rough guess.

According to the intelligence of the woman in front of her, it will be a matter of time before she is discovered something strange in the matter.

Therefore, he planned to attack first and take the initiative to admit it.

First of all, he sighed to heighten the atmosphere, and said, "Hey, Su Xin, I actually lied to you about something."

"what's up?"

Su Xin asked.

Lin Pingzhi explained: "You must be wondering why Zhu Wushi let us go?

That's because I have the last Tianxiang cardamom in my hand.

Because it can save your life, he dare not take us lightly. "

"is it?"

Su Xin's tone was light.


Lin Pingzhi hesitated and said, "I did this to protect everyone's safety.

If that guy really makes a fool of himself, none of us can leave.

I didn't tell you before because I was afraid that you would be too sad. "

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