river or lake

Chapter 427 The Cabin

Strange to say, as soon as he entered the teahouse, the black air naturally dissipated, and people were neither sleepy nor cold.Although this was the first time I saw such a situation, the ancestor surnamed Huang didn't dare to go out to try it again. He planned to stay in the teahouse for one night and go out to check the situation tomorrow morning.

What makes people feel strange or unimaginable is that early the next morning, as the sun rises from the east, the black air in the whole city suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never happened; It's a pity that there are many people lying on the street, which makes people really feel that all this is not a dream.

These people lying on the street were 'touched' by his ancestors, and they had already lost their breath. If he hadn't returned to the teahouse in time, they would probably be dead. Thinking about it, I feel a little scared.

Why is there such a weird situation?There was a lot of talk on the street, but no one could tell why.There were still many officers and soldiers in the city who escaped from Yizishan that night. Everyone spontaneously gathered together, and then called some people from the rivers and lakes, and set off to Yizishan to find out what happened again.

His ancestors also felt that this matter had something to do with Yizishan, but they had long since lost the mood to go to Yizishan. The friend who drank tea with him yesterday was now lying bloody on the street.

Unexpectedly, that night, the black air shrouded the city again. The situation was the same as yesterday, forcing everyone to stay at home.The same is true for the next few days. Every time the sky gets dark, the black air will come as promised, but it will dissipate when it is dawn.What makes people feel uneasy is that the team that went before has no news after that, and may not come back.

Afterwards, everyone discovered that the black air was only found in the city at night, but there was no trace of black air outside the city. Day after day, year after year, gradually, this place was called a ghost town.

After saying this, the middle-aged man surnamed Huang seemed to feel a little thirsty, and without waiting for others to ask questions, he quickly picked up a cup of tea on the table in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.The rest of the people began to whisper to each other, but no one questioned them. It was obvious that the words of the middle-aged man had been recognized by everyone.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the story of the ghost town seems to have been told almost, and it is meaningless to stay any longer, so Chen Feifei got up and went upstairs to his room to rest. After all, he had to get up early tomorrow to go to Yizishan.

Early the next morning, the two of them left the inn, rode out of the south gate, and ran towards Yizi Mountain; the sun shone across the mountain on the land, and the dazzling light eliminated the night and the black air. It removes the fear in people's minds http:///19181/.

The two were riding horses side by side, but they were talking all the way. Chen Feifei turned to look at Ling Yani who was beside him, and saw that Yiren was silently looking ahead, as if he was preoccupied.

"Yani, what's the matter?" Chen Feifan couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing." Ling Yani shook her head lightly, then turned her head and asked, "Brother Fanfan, last time you were poisoned by Yao Xiaolei, how did you get better? I remember the 'medicine' that Sister Chu gave you, it was just temporarily stable. It's just staying poisonous."

Chen Feifei didn't expect Ling Yani to ask this suddenly, but seeing the expectant expression on the beauty's face, he was not a saint, so he was naturally a little tempted by that appearance, and felt that the other party might just want to change the subject; thinking about it this way, he didn't want to hide anything , opened the mouth and said: "That's because the zhenqi in my body drives out the poison in my body."

Although Chen Feifei spoke vaguely, Ling Yani didn't ask any more questions, but nodded, as if she knew the answer.For a while, the two of them had nothing to say, and hurried on their way, with the sound of horseshoes in their ears.

Both of them rode good horses, and in less than half a day, Yizishan was close at hand. If not for hearing the story last night, Chen Feifei really wanted to go to Yizishan to see what happened.But when he got near Yizi Mountain, he was a little bit hesitant. Right now, the mountain is full of gray stones, no trees or grass, it is bare, even the sky above is gray. one slice.

"This is Yizishan?" Chen Feifan couldn't help asking. Last night, the middle-aged man surnamed Huang only told the story of Yizishan 200 years ago, and did not mention the current situation.

Ling Yani nodded, and said with a wry smile: "This is Yizishan, Brother Fanfan, if it's nothing serious, don't go in."

"Then let's take a look around here." Chen Feifei naturally agreed with Ling Yani's opinion.

The two rode on horses, and they didn't get close to the Yizi Mountain, they just wandered around.Suddenly, Ling Yani pointed to a place in the distance and said: "The picture should be that forest."

Following the direction Ling Yani pointed, Chen Feifei looked intently, and there was indeed a faint green forest there, which looked a bit out of place against the backdrop of the Yizi Mountain, but even so, this forest was still here, which made people feel more unusual.

The two proceeded cautiously, rode for a while, and found that there was actually a small path around the foot of the mountain on the ground. This path was walked out by someone, which made the two feel a little excited, which just showed that there were indeed people walking here.After entering the woods, after a while, the two felt even more excited that there was really a log cabin here.

"Is anyone there?" Chen Feifei shouted as he got off his horse. Seeing that there was no movement around him, he raised his voice and shouted again, but there was still no movement.

"Brother Fanfan, the old man may not be here, let's go in and have a look." Ling Yani pointed at the cabin.

"Is anyone there?" Chen Feifei called out again, while Ling Yani dismounted and walked towards the cabin.

Just as the two of them walked to the 'door' of the wooden house, the voice of an old man behind the house suddenly sounded: "Who is this person, and what are you doing here?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feifei hurriedly replied: "I'm Chen Feifei, I was entrusted by Zuo Tian to come here."

"Where is the other person?" As soon as he finished speaking, the old man slowly came out from the back of the house. Chen Feifei looked over there, and it was indeed the old man he had seen in Shocking City back then, but now that he was wearing a Taoist robe, he seemed to be the same old man. He has a somewhat blunt and fairy-like appearance, unlike the old man who sells horses at the stable.

Chen Feifei thought about it, and decided to tell the truth: "I'm afraid he is no longer in this world."

The old man frowned, and glanced at Ling Yani who was silent at the moment, his eyes flashed strangely, then he turned his gaze to Chen Feifei again and said: "I know you, the time you bought a horse, you You are also there, but the old man may not believe you."

"This is what Zuo Tian asked me to bring." Chen Feifei said while handing over the letter in his arms to the old man.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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