river or lake

Chapter 428

The old man took the letter in Chen Feifan's hand, looked at the two of them again, and then opened the letter. Chen Feifan and Ling Yani stood quietly, waiting for the old man in front of him to read the letter.

"Hey." After reading the letter in his hand, the old man let out a long sigh, "Forget it, the fate is over, and the old man and the Dark Wind League no longer have anything to do with each other."

"Darkwind League?!" Chen Feifei didn't expect that the old man in front of him had a connection with Darkwind League before, but when he thought that Zuo Tian was from Darkwind League, he was relieved.

"Dark Wind League. Hmph." When mentioning Dark Wind League, the old man was full of disdain, "If it wasn't for Zuo Tian, ​​this old man wouldn't have helped."

Chen Feifan originally thought that he was entrusted by Zuo Tian to help the old man in front of him stay away from the Dark Wind Alliance; but he didn't expect that the meaning of keeping away was something else.

"Senior, you've also read Zuo Tian's letter, and I don't know what to do in the future?" Chen Feifei asked, although he didn't know what the other party's martial arts was, but Zuo Tian entrusted him before he left, and he dared not forget it.

"Haha." The old man laughed loudly, "Boy, the old man has been a little busy recently. Since you are here, why don't you compete with the old man and me first, and let's talk about other things after the competition is over, how about it?"

Chen Feifan nodded, gave a salute and said, "I don't know what to call senior? Junior Chen Feifei, this is my friend Ling Yani."

"Just like Zuo Tian, ​​just call the old man." The old man glanced at Ling Yani and said, "This girl also knows martial arts, do you want to fight alone, or do you want to fight together?"

Ling Yani hurriedly waved her hands and said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, the little girl is still inexperienced, so she dare not compete with senior."

"Since this girl won't come, you kid can play with the old man." The old man picked a stick from the pile of wood beside him and weighed it in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him only took a wooden stick. Chen Feifei was slightly stunned, and then walked towards the pile of wood.

"Wait." The old man pointed at Chen Feifei with a stick, "Compare me with your sword or knife."

"Senior, I'm afraid it's not very good?" Chen Feifei doesn't think the opponent can beat him with a wooden stick. If it comes to swordsmanship or saber technique, he may not be as good as others, but how can the opponent's sword energy be the opponent? The wooden stick in his hand can withstand it.

The old man tilted his head and asked with a smile: "Why, do you really want to kill this old man?"

"Senior, you were joking." Chen Feifei smiled awkwardly, had no choice but to stop, put the phantom spirit sword on the ground, and drew out the Lieyang knife on his back. Since the opponent didn't plan to use all his strength, he just took advantage of it The opportunity to try the knife in hand again.

"Lieyang Knife." The old man was stunned when he saw the knife, and then he looked indifferent again, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you, Shan Mocheng?"

This time it was Chen Feifei's turn to be at a loss. He didn't know Shan Mocheng, but looking at the old man in front of him, he seemed to know the origin of this knife, so he had to tell the truth: "This knife was sold by a man named Shan Kuo. For the younger generation."

The old man waved his hand and said: "Although Shan Mocheng is an old friend of the old man, it has nothing to do with who owns his knife. Boy, you don't need to say more, just show your real skills, don't let the old man Disappointed."

Chen Feifan looked at the Lieyang Knife in his hand, it was red all over. It would be strange to say that this knife has no story; but even if it has an unusual story, if it is in his hands, it is his own.

"Come on." After saying that, the old man took a few steps back, held the wooden stick in his right hand, and looked at Chen Feifan, standing there motionless, as if indicating that the other party should attack first.

The venue in front of the wooden house is huge, which is also suitable for two people to compete. Seeing this, Ling Yani softly said "be careful" to Chen Feifei, and then slowly stepped aside.

Chen Feifei didn't hold back when he said it, he held the Lieyang knife tightly, kicked his foot, and rushed towards the old man.In terms of saber technique alone, Chen Feifei only knows Fantiangu's Wuxin saber technique, so he doesn't have much choice, just use all of them, it depends on whether the opponent can stand up to it.

The distance between the two was close or far, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Feifei was in front of the other party, swiping the big knife in his hand, and slashed at the waist.The Wuxin Saber Technique is intended to be Wuxin, a seemingly random strike, but it is also a great threat. Coupled with a weapon like the Lieyang Saber, people have to be prepared for it.

The old man on the opposite side was not afraid of danger, he didn't move at all, he seemed to be full of confidence, he said it was too late, but when he saw the opponent's sword coming down his waist, the wooden stick in his hand rose and fell, avoided the sharpness of Lieyang knife, and slapped fiercely on the ground. on the blade.Such a huge force suddenly came from the blade, Chen Feifan had no choice but to tilt the blade and miss the blow.

The two had just met each other, and Chen Feifei immediately felt that the old man in front of him was difficult to deal with, and his cultivation was a bit unfathomable, but the opponent probably didn't want to hurt himself when he used the wooden stick; , Chen Feifan has nothing to worry about, as long as he doesn't use sword energy, he can do whatever he wants.

With certainty in his heart, he hurriedly moved his left foot together, raised the Lieyang knife in his hand again, and began to try the second attack.This time, the old man took a step across and lightly raised the wooden stick in his hand. Before Chen Feifei could drop the knife, he lightly tapped the blade and once again dispelled the opponent's attack.

He was easily dispelled by the opponent twice in a row. Unwilling, Chen Feifei quickly retracted and let go, and swung the saber again; this time, he took a diagonal step forward, came to the right side of the old man, and aimed the Lieyang Dao at the opponent's waist. Slash diagonally.This time Chen Feifei was extremely fast, just wanting to give the opponent such a blow when the opponent had no time to turn around.

Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him didn't need to turn around at all. The wooden stick in his right hand pointed forward and hit the back of the saber. With a little force, Chen Feifan's saber fell ahead of time. empty.At the same time, the old man backed away to avoid the blow that Chen Feifei might have when he retracted the knife.

Chen Feifan felt a little strange, it seemed that the old man had no intention of attacking at all, but even so, Chen Feifan would not stop there, not to mention that the first two times were just probing.However, after that, the two exchanged more than a dozen rounds of moves, and every time the old man used tricks to avoid the blade and used the wooden stick in his hand to defuse his attacks one by one.

The old man only defended but did not attack, while Chen Feifei only attacked but did not defend. Even so, Chen Feifei couldn't do anything to the opponent; he was not a fool, knowing that the old man on the other side kept giving way to him, but he still couldn't hurt the opponent; the blame could only be blamed on himself. The technique is not good, if you continue to fight like this, as long as the old man on the other side makes a move, you will lose.

So, he made a big leap backwards, retracted Lieyang Dao, clasped his hands together and said: "Senior, junior lost."

The old man also put away the wooden stick, and replied: "Boy, this Lieyang Dao is in your hands, it is really reckless, and Wuxin's sword skills are only in shape, I really don't know how you, kid, have survived until today .”

"What the senior taught me is that the junior will definitely practice more." Chen Feifei was not angry because the other party taught him a lesson, but he was a little surprised. He didn't expect the old man in front of him to be able to see that he was using the Wuxin sword technique.

The old man seemed to be still interested, he raised the wooden stick again, pointed to Chen Feifei and said: "This is the end of this matter, try again with your sword, don't let the old man down again."


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