river or lake

Chapter 426

The reason why the ancestor surnamed Huang stretched out his hand to stop this person was because even though it was dark and the fire was dim, he still noticed at a glance that the person he stopped was different from others: this person looked ordinary, and his clothes were nothing more than soldiers What is surprising is that there seems to be such a black air entangled in this man's body, which is looming; it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye to such a strange thing.

The soldier was scared, but he was covered in black energy, and his body was a little weak. He knew that he couldn't run anymore when he was stopped by the people in the river and lake, so he could only sigh and stop resignedly.The ancestor knew that the situation was critical at the moment, and it was not an option to stay here any longer, so he took the soldier in front of him and asked him something while walking up the mountain with the crowd.

Seeing that the other party didn't intentionally stop him, the soldier was delighted for a moment, and answered every question he had.It turned out that this soldier followed General Fu to search for the source of the black gas. During the search, one person accidentally discovered a hole. Seeing the black gas continuously coming out of the hole, he knew it without guessing. It is the source of black air.

This hole is not big, it is as tall as a person, but in terms of width, it can barely accommodate three people side by side.The first person to enter the cave was the Taoist priest who was with General Fu, the second was General Fu, and then his adjutant generals. After that, it was flickering, and some of them simply went out and then couldn't be lit again, so that no one could see the situation before and after, but even so, no one stayed for half a step.

The soldier who told the story had just stepped into the entrance of the cave when he heard someone shout "run" in the cave, and then someone ran out of the cave in a panic.Before him, there were about 80 or [-] people who went in, but the entrance of the cave was too small, and it was not easy to escape now. The entrance of the cave was crowded and chaotic.When the soldier saw this situation, how could he dare to go any further, he turned around and ran away, he didn't know what happened in the cave, what happened to the general and the Taoist priest, he didn't know anything about it, of course running for his life was the most important thing at this time.

When the soldier said these words, the ancestor surnamed Huang had been watching him. The black air condensed and never dispersed, and it kept entwining around the soldier, as if it was there originally, and it seemed that the black air was It was as if he had found a host, and he clung to the soldier and refused to let go.Thinking about it this way, the ancestor didn't hesitate any longer, finding out the truth was not as important as his life, and regardless of the soldier beside him running slower and slower, he ran up the mountain and down the mountain with the crowd all by himself, without looking back. Between them completely escaped from Yizishan.

Along the way, there were people full of blackness and chaotic shouts everywhere. People around them fell one after another for no reason. The whole Yizishan seemed to be shrouded in an atmosphere of weakness and pain.The ancestor also managed to pull himself together in a daze and moved forward all the way, only to escape from death; strange to say, once he got out of Yizi Mountain, the kind of fear that surged in his heart was no longer there.

When it was dawn, the situation of Yizishan was completely different from yesterday's daytime. Now Yizishan is surrounded by a piece of black air, and that black air is still spreading slowly.Everyone who has escaped from Yizi Mountain does not know what is going on, but everyone understands that something big has happened. After all, there were 1 troops marching into the mountain yesterday, but now there are only one standing outside the mountain. There are only more than [-] people, not to mention that the general and the Taoist priest did not come out.The army without a leader suddenly became scattered, and the people in the rivers and lakes who came together also walked away and scattered.

There are so many people whose deaths are unknown, so some people don't want to worry about it, so thousands of people plan to go to the mountain to look for it again, and the ancestor surnamed Huang didn't care about the life and death of the army, so he went to the ghost town with a group of people.He stayed in the ghost town for half a month. During this period, there was no definite news about the army in the mountain. He didn't know what happened to the general and his Taoist at the end. Each argument.

The reason why the ancestor lived in the ghost town for half a month was because a friend he met in the rivers and lakes also entered the mountain this time, but he never found that friend came back, so he planned to wait for news.There are quite a few people who are waiting for news like him, not because they don't want to go back and find out for themselves, but because of the black air and the scene of that night, they have completely lost the courage to enter Yizishan again. Some people stayed here, and his ancestor was one of them.

At this point in the story, the story about Yizi Mountain is almost finished. Chen Feifei remembered that when he went to the extremely evil desert, someone mentioned that an emperor once wanted to conquer these four forbidden areas. Unexpectedly, it happened 200 years ago. thing.The middle-aged man surnamed Huang took a sip of crude tea, then cleared his throat, indicating that the main point of the story was coming soon.

Living in the ghost town for half a month, his ancestors had nothing to do except inquire about friends. At that time, they were unmarried and alone, so they wandered around during the day and drank tea and chatted with others at night. They lived a comfortable life; Until one night, he was sitting on the second floor of a teahouse drinking tea with a friend, looking at the night scene outside the window.

At that time, the moonlight was bright in the sky, and the lights of thousands of houses on the ground were shining together. Such a ghost town made people temporarily forget the horror of Yizi Mountain not far away; , is also the city of prodigal sons.

Suddenly there were exclamations in the south of the city, which seemed a little unusual. His ancestor was just surprised, but didn't feel that anything was going to happen. Instead, he continued drinking tea and chatting with his friends; Not only did the exclamations not disappear, but they became more and more numerous, getting closer, and finally turned into exclamations of fear.

The two suddenly felt that the situation was a bit serious, and hurriedly put down their teacups and looked out of the window, only to see that the lights outside were still brightly lit, but the street was completely dark, and the noisy street suddenly became deserted; The ground can hear people's voices, but not a single person can be seen.

The two of them were thinking about what happened outside, when the waiter from the shop downstairs suddenly ran up, panting heavily and said that something serious happened outside.For a while, the whole teahouse became lively, and there were loud voices and the sound of rushing up and down the stairs from time to time.At this moment, the two of them couldn't sit still anymore, so his ancestor went downstairs with his friends, paid the tea money and went out, but as soon as they went out, they couldn't help but exclaim.Although it is dark night, the darkness outside is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. You can see the lights outside upstairs, but you can't see a gleam of light at the door downstairs; when you look up at the sky, you can't even see the moonlight. It was as if a black cloth covered the sky.Both of them had never heard of such a strange thing, so they had to go home to talk about it. Fortunately, the teahouse was only two streets away from home, and the two parted from the teahouse, and ran home separately.

The ancestor surnamed Huang originally thought it was just blackness, but after running for a long time, he discovered the problem. He didn't expect that there was black air mixed in the surrounding blackness. Rather than saying that, it was better to say that the black air made the night darker; It reminded him of the experience in Yizi Mountain, so he hurried home again.But the black air was different from the one on Yizi Mountain last time, this time it came overwhelmingly, and before he could turn around and run away, he was entangled in those black air.

Once this black air attached to his body, his ancestor felt a little cold, and a sense of fear emerged from his heart, and gradually he almost lost the strength to walk, and his eyelids began to become heavy.At this time, it seemed that someone pushed him in the dark, which made him startled, but he was a little sober. Just this moment, he felt a little scared, so he didn't dare to go any further, turned around and returned to the teahouse middle.


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