river or lake

Chapter 412 Fighting Changmu Taoist Again

The visitor was dressed in white and green, and came down with a sword. He suddenly appeared at this moment, and Chen Feifei was shocked. He found out that he knew this person, who could fly with a sword. He didn't know many people, and Bai Muqi from the Unrestricted Sect was one of them.

"Brother Chen, stay safe." Bai Mu laughed and jumped off the flying sword, landing in front of him.

"Bai Muqi." Chen Feifei was stunned for a moment, but after a while he was overjoyed, because there was such a great disciple of the Unrestricted Sect here, and this time they were completely saved.

Bai Mu nodded his head, and then asked, "Did Lu Jie make trouble for you this time?"

"No. However, he is fighting alone on the opposite side now." Chen Feifan pointed to the opposite side of the broken bridge.

Bai Muqi didn't look directly at it, but said to Chen Feifei: "There is no way around this mountain, could it be possible to pass through this cave?"

"There is a waterway in the cave, and you need to hold your breath for a while to get to the water pool over there." At this point, Chen Feifei suddenly felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly said, "There are many injured people in the team going back now, so I'm afraid I can't hold my breath to swim that way." Long."

"It's okay." Bai Muqi said, "I'm here this time to escort you out of here. Why don't the wounded let me take them out of the mountain?"

Since Bai Muqi came to help, that's really great, someone came into the cave to inform Taoist Priest Tanmi.After a while, Daoist Tanmi led the crowd out, and everyone was naturally overjoyed to see this outstanding disciple of the Wushu sect.

Therefore, Chen Feifan and others continued to guard the entrance of the cave, Taoist Master Tan Mi led some people into the cave and swam towards the water pool, while Bai Muqi began to fly with the sword, flying away with a wounded person every time, and sent them to the cave. By the pool.

The side of the Broken Bridge has already begun to retreat one after another, and Lu Jie on the other side of the Broken Bridge has become more confident as the battle progresses. Seeing a cloud of black energy coming from the bottom of the pagoda, he quickly pointed forward with the Shocking Rainbow Sword in his hand, and a red sword energy pierced directly. To that exquisite pagoda, the six flying swords followed closely behind and rushed towards the pagoda.

What people didn't expect was that the red sword energy pierced through the black air in an instant. It didn't seem to be affected by the black air, and it went straight to the real Fuchen not far away, and the black air was pierced the moment it was pierced. It has also disappeared.

Facing the unimpeded red sword aura and the six flying swords that followed, Master Fuchen no longer had the arrogance just now, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes at this moment.

It was too late and then too soon, seeing that the red sword energy was about to collide with the Linglong Pagoda in front of Daoist Fuchen, suddenly a yin and yang disk popped out from the side, sucking all the red sword energy into the disk, and the six flying swords after that The sword was also stopped by the threat of the Linglong Pagoda and the Yin-Yang plate.

The owner of this yin-yang disk is naturally the blue-clothed man named Taoist Chang Mu, standing side by side with Daoist Fuchen at this moment.The two of them had long since lost the relaxed look they had at the beginning, and now they looked a little uneasy, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Lu Jie put down the Shocking Rainbow Sword in his right hand, and the six flying swords immediately returned to his side, surrounding him again.Although he has enough confidence in Master Fuchen, Taoist Chang Mu who is opposite him is obviously better than Master Fuchen, he dare not be arrogant, and will never act recklessly in a flash.

"Two seniors. Are you going to deal with me, this junior?" Lu Jie returned to his previous respectful attitude.

Through the contest with real person Fuchen, the four knew that Lu Jie was not an ordinary junior, and his strength had already surpassed their imagination, so they dared to underestimate him.Daoist Fuchen did not dare to fight alone with Lu Jie now, for fear of losing his life in case of some accident, and Taoist Chang Mu beside him did not take him lightly because the yin and yang disk in his hand caught the opponent's sword energy.

"Unexpectedly, the disciples of the Wuju Sect are really capable." Taoist Chang Mu said, taking back the Yin-Yang disk hanging in mid-air into his hands.

"Senior, I'm kidding." Lu Jie was not in a hurry to make a move, but stood still and waited for the other party to make the first move.

Seeing that Lu Jie didn't intend to make a move, the two of them hesitated. Daoist Fuchen didn't dare to make another move, for fear of losing face; Daoist Chen looked embarrassed, and felt that he should not be careless and should use all his strength.

Lu Jie has been waiting for the people behind him to take the opportunity to escape from here. Naturally, the longer the delay, the better, and he will definitely not take the initiative to attack.If the four Immortals of Baimu Island stand here, if they don't move, the Dark Wind Alliance people behind them will not dare to remind them. After all, they have seen their abilities. If they are a little careless, they will really anger the four of them. I'm afraid my life will be lost, so I might as well let it go.

The two people in front of them hesitated for a moment, Taoist Chang Mu felt that the stalemate could not continue like this.So, I threw the yin-yang disk up again, and saw that the yin-yang disk stopped in mid-air, flickering a few times, and as Taoist Chang Mu muttered something, two groups of will-o'-the-wisps, one red and one blue, suddenly appeared on the disk. thing.

These two groups of will-o'-the-wisps, one red and one blue, were getting closer and closer to Lu Jie.No one knows what the hell it is, but no one doubts the power of these two will-o'-the-wisps either.

Lu Jie didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly held the sword in his right hand, pointed forward with his left hand, and the three flying swords hanging beside him quickly flew out in the direction pointed by his fingertips.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three flying swords collided with the two will-o'-the-wisps. At first, everyone thought that this would be a head-to-head contest between the two, but they never expected that the three flying swords had nothing to do with it. Passing through the two will-o'-the-wisps with difficulty, he went straight to Taoist Chang Mu; similarly, the two will-o'-the-wisps seemed to be unaffected, and continued to drift slowly towards Lu Jie.

The two seem to have never met before. This situation puzzled everyone in the Dark Wind Alliance, and most of them were amazed by it. Lu Jie was also a little puzzled when he saw the two will-o'-the-wisps that were getting closer and closer to him. .

Looking at the three flying swords that were rushing towards Taoist Chang Mu, the color became lighter and lighter as they flew closer. When they approached, the three swords turned into three wisps of light smoke and disappeared without a trace. The sword did not appear by Lu Jie's side again.Obviously, the three flying swords must have been affected by something when they passed through the two will-o'-the-wisps just now.

Lu Jie took a step back, and the remaining three flying swords beside him rushed forward. This time, just like before, the three flying swords still passed through the two balls of will-o'-the-wisps without hindrance.

Seeing the blank face of the other party, Taoist Chang Mu chuckled and moved his left and right hands together, and saw that the two will-o'-the-wisps suddenly accelerated and flew in front of the other party.

Lu Jie didn't expect that the originally slow will-o'-the-wisp would be so fast. Before he could react, the red and blue will-o'-the-wisps merged into one and exploded with a bang.


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