river or lake

Chapter 411 Delicate Pagoda

There were indeed some masters locked in the dungeon this time, and naturally some high-quality weapons would be brought over. Hearing what Cai Kai said, everyone started talking about it.

Taoist Master Tanmi saw that everyone was ready to move, and knew that he would not be able to persuade them to come back now, so he said: "Everyone, time is running out, and it is best to find it. If you can't find it in a while, then come back immediately. After all, life is more important than life." Weapons are important."

Each faction has people who are thinking about the weapons of each faction, so it is not too late, so a group of people followed Cai Kai and continued to go up; while another group of people led Li Jun and the others into the original cave; There are still some people below, but standing at the entrance of the cave, neither looking for weapons nor entering the cave, including Chen Feifan.

This time they were divided into three groups again. Fortunately, the suspension bridge was broken, and the crowd was not as panicked as before. Now they were waiting for the good news from Lu Jie.

Besides, on Lu Jie's side, seeing this exquisite pagoda getting closer and closer to him, Lu Jie had no choice. Just wait and see.

The exquisite pagoda glowed with white light, and when it was only three feet away from the top of the head, suddenly a black light shot out from under the pagoda, and the six flying swords beside Lu Jie reacted extremely quickly, and quickly blocked it; The middleman, it is estimated that just this one blow is enough to kill him.

"Some skills." Master Fuchen flipped his right hand, palm up, and the exquisite pagoda returned to his hand again.

Lu Jie didn't speak, just smiled, this real Fuchen really has some skills, just because of what he just did, he can't be serious.But Lu Jie is still [-]% sure that he can win. The so-called one of the four immortals of Baimu Island in front of him is not a fairy at all. In his opinion, if the other party meets his elder brother Bai Muqi, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to escape today.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Jie's attitude was not as humble as before, so he said: "Senior, the junior will make a move."

Daoist Fuchen didn't care, he laughed and said: "This old man is thinking about it, come on, show your true skills."

"Okay." As soon as Lu Jie finished speaking, he pointed forward with the Jinghong Sword, and saw three flying swords beside him flying towards Master Fuchen.

When Master Fuchen saw it, he quickly sent the Linglong Pagoda forward, and the Linglong Pagoda flew half a step away, then stopped in mid-air, quietly waiting for the arrival of the three flying swords.

The three flying swords were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of the pagoda in the blink of an eye. When they were about to bypass the pagoda and face the real Fuchen directly, a trace of black energy emanated from the exquisite pagoda, killing Lu Jie's body. The three flying swords were tightly entangled, and he couldn't take a step forward.

If it is said that this is a fairy method, Lu Jie does not agree. In his opinion, these methods of the other party are either demonic or demonic, and there is a trace of strangeness in the surprise.

Although the three flying swords were entangled so that they couldn't move, the black air couldn't touch them. It just entangled them and prevented them from getting close to Master Fuchen, but it couldn't destroy them.

Based on this, Lu Jie was immediately full of confidence. He pointed the tip of his sword at the opponent again, and the remaining three flying swords also rushed over.

Seeing this, Master Fuchen quickly made a few seals with both hands, muttered something, and then shouted: "Go."

Just then there was a sound of dragon chant coming from the Linglong Pagoda, and then the white dragon that was entrenched on the pagoda was like a living thing, wagging its tail, and then flew out of the Linglong Pagoda, stepping on the black clouds, Opening his mouth, he bit one of the flying swords oncoming, and the other two flying swords were also swept away by it with the dragon's tail.

It is different from punching and kicking or clashing swords and swords in the rivers and lakes. Although the contest between Lu Jie and Daoist Fuchen is not done by himself, the two of them have one tower and one sword. The degree of benefit is not ordinary people in the rivers and lakes It can be done.This opened the eyes of the Darkwind League and the crowd who were watching, and they also knew the gap between themselves and the Xianxia faction. This gap is not just a little bit, but a world by world.

The evil dragon in front of him seemed to be rampant and domineering, and even bit a flying sword into pieces, but now Lu Jie was confident, he made a vacant move with his left hand, and the remaining five flying swords turned into emerald green sword energy.

Although the black air on the exquisite pagoda could catch the formed flying swords, it couldn't catch the emerald green sword air, and could only watch them fly towards Lu Jie.

As soon as the five strands of green energy reached Lu Jie's side, they merged into one ball, and when they parted again, they turned into six emerald green flying swords.Changing from sword to qi, from qi to sword, Lu Jie's transformation of sword qi has reached a state of perfection.

"Senior, you have to be careful." Lu Jie waved the Jinghong Sword in his hand, and the six flying swords flew out at the same time.

The white dragon on the opposite side was originally parked in mid-air, baring its teeth and claws, but when it saw it, it rushed towards Lu Jie's six flying swords.

Speaking of the power of Lu Jie's six flying swords, it is quite different from the competition with the Nighthawk Gang just now. At that time, it was only a shape at best, but now it is transformed from shape to reality.The current six flying swords are what Lu Jie really wants to show off.

I saw that the six flying swords did not go towards the opposite Daoist Fuchen, but the real target was the evil white dragon that was also rushing towards him at this moment.

Soon, the two sides became entangled. The evil dragon bit one of the flying swords in one bite, and each of its front and rear claws also grabbed a flying sword. The dragon bites or scratches.The remaining flying sword seized the opportunity to strike at the waist, the evil dragon suffered from pain and tossed a few times in the air, but it didn't let go of the other five flying swords, that flying sword didn't give up, and once again struck The sword fell on the dragon.

With a low growl, the flying sword in the mouth of the evil dragon flew out without difficulty; after suffering twice, the evil dragon was obviously a little afraid of the flying swords in front of him, and was no longer as unruly as before. .

Seeing that the other party was a little timid, how could Fei Jian give up such a great opportunity? The two flying swords took the initiative to attack, one from the left and the other from the right, stabbing at the evil dragon in turn; In addition, there is no power to fight back, occasionally spewing out black air from the mouth, but it can't hurt the two flying swords; while the dragon's body was slashed by the two flying swords, the white dragon's body is already looming, and it seems that it is about to die. Signs of annihilation.

At this moment, Master Fuchen's face was ashen-colored, he hastily waved his right hand, urged the Linglong Pagoda to take the evil dragon back, and then sprayed a cloud of black air from the bottom of the tower, attacking the six flying swords in front of him.

Obviously this real person Fuchen is not Lu Jie's opponent at all, not to mention the so-called Four Immortals of Baimu Island, even the gang members of Tingfengtang in the Dark Wind League can see it.

Chen Feifan stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at Lu Jie's battle situation on the other side of the broken bridge, but because the distance was too far, he really couldn't see clearly. Just when he was disappointed, a person fell from the sky and slowly floated in front of him.


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