river or lake

Chapter 413

Lu Jie never expected that these two groups of will-o'-the-wisps would explode suddenly, but in the blink of an eye, he had no choice but to deal with it hastily.He took a step back and blocked the Jinghong Sword in front of him, but the blast still forced him back a few steps.

With the sound of the explosion and the clouds of smoke that filled the air, everyone in the Dark Wind League was so happy that they almost shouted out, thinking that the other party was either dead or injured; Taoist Chang Mu stood on the spot with his arms crossed, Let the yin and yang plate stay in the air, without any expression on his face, neither happy nor sad, and he doesn't know what is going on in his heart.

After the smoke dissipated, Lu Jie dusted off the dust on his body. Except for some worn out clothes, nothing serious seemed to be wrong.

Taoist Chang Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then praised: "That's right, the younger generation is awesome."

This Taoist Chang Mu is obviously much stronger than the real Fuchen just now, Lu Jie hastily summoned six flying swords to protect his body, and then continued: "How dare, how dare, the senior is far superior to the junior."

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Master Fuchen took the Linglong Pagoda away, retreated behind Taoist Chang Mu, and returned to the side of the other two.

The original two-on-one situation turned into one-on-one again, but Lu Jie was not at all happy.At first, he thought that the four immortals of Baimu Island were just exaggerating, but when he met Master Fuchen, his idea was confirmed; if the other three were like Master Fuchen, then these four people really did not deserve to be called immortals. Self-proclaimed one-on-two is not a problem; but now meeting Taoist Chang Mu, he is a little thankful that he was not arrogant just now.

Seeing Lu Jie's attitude, Taoist Chang Mu became a little respectful again, knowing that the explosion just now had an effect, he quickly put on an elder attitude and said: "I am a cultivator, and I shouldn't care about the affairs of people in the world. As long as you will We captured all those people just now, and we Four Immortals will never embarrass you."

When Lu Jie heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said: "Senior, this matter is not allowed. The junior knows that he is wrong, so he really shouldn't care about such Jianghu affairs, but now that the matter is over, it is better to let them fight and kill, the junior does not want to interfere anymore Go in, otherwise this junior is afraid that he will make mistakes again and again."

Taoist Chang Mu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting. Since you are not willing to make a move, then let me do it." After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand, and two will-o'-the-wisps came out from the Yin-Yang plate in front of him, and the same It's one red and one blue.

The two will-o'-the-wisps in front of him seemed to be heading towards the people from different factions on the opposite mountain, but Lu Jie knew in his heart that he was the biggest threat to Taoist Chang Mu right now.So he pointed forward with his left hand and shouted: "Break." The six flying swords flew towards Taoist Chang Mu at the same time, and none of them stood by Lu Jie's side.

The speed of both sides is very fast, if the two will-o'-the-wisps confront the six flying swords, if the result is the same as before, it will still be Lu Jie who will suffer.However, this time, both sides looked confident, and obviously had no intention of continuing to test each other, and they both showed their own abilities.

Soon, Lu Jie's six flying swords changed, from flying swords to sword qi, and the six sword qi were divided into three groups. After passing the two will-o'-the-wisps, two flew towards the Yin-Yang disk, and the other two flew directly towards Taoist Chang Mu.

Taoist Chang Mu's two will-o'-the-wisps were also different from the ones just now, they suddenly bypassed the sword energy and rushed directly towards Lu Jie.

The will-o'-the-wisp and the sword energy didn't collide, which disappointed the Dark Wind Alliance watching the battle, but what happened next opened their eyes again.

Look at Lu Jie first, the two will-o'-the-wisps are getting closer and closer, he hastily swung the Shocking Rainbow Sword forward, and saw the sound of the sword burst out a sword glow about an inch, and then he moved forward a few big In a few steps, the two will-o'-the-wisps hadn't joined together before being disturbed by the Shocking Rainbow Sword with a sword glow in his hand.

As soon as the sword light of Jinghong Sword touched the two will-o-wisps, sword energy leaked from the sword light, and the emerald green sword energy permeated into the red and blue will-o'-the-wisps. It took only a few breaths before and after to see that The two will-o'-the-wisps struggled, seeming to have lost their menacing aura just now; after a while, they disappeared without a trace together with those small and long sword auras.

This time, the two groups of will-o'-the-wisps were not allowed to succeed, obviously Lu Jie already had a way to deal with the will-o'-the-wisps.

Looking at Taoist Chang Mu again, the two sword qi that pierced the ghost fire turned into flying swords again and flew towards Taoist Chang Mu; while the two sword qi that flew towards the yin-yang disk did not change at all. Seeing that the two were about to collide, Taoist Chang Mu hurriedly moved his hand and retracted the yin and yang plate; at the same time, the other two sword qis flew towards Taoist Chang Mu at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, there are two flying swords and four sword qi directly rushing towards Taoist Chang Mu. If ordinary people in the Jianghu encounter such a thing, they will either die or be injured; but Taoist Chang Mu claims to be one of the four immortals, so he naturally has his abilities .

He muttered silently for a while, and the yin-yang disk in his hand suddenly emitted a piece of blue light. In a blink of an eye, the light broke away from the yin-yang disk and appeared in front of him, forming an oval blue shield.

Lu Jie's two flying swords came later and rushed towards the shield first; while the other four sword qi were on the left and right, trying to bypass the shield and attack Taoist Chang Mu directly.

Taoist Chang Mu did not blindly defend himself, he saw a flash of light in his eyes, a red light shot out from the yin and yang disk, and as soon as it left the disk, it transformed into a fiery red arrow, like a bow and arrow off the string, flying straight to Lu Jay away.

Although the blue shield blocked the two flying swords, it couldn't block the emerald green sword aura coming from both sides. Lu Jie muttered a few silent words, and saw the four sword auras attacking Taoist Chang Mu at the same time.Taoist Chang Mu hurriedly moved the yin-yang disk and the blue shield in front of him, but he was too close to deal with it hastily, and in the end his left arm and back were injured by the four sword qi.

Before Lu Jie could be happy, the flaming red arrow also arrived in front of his eyes. He held the Shocking Rainbow Sword and went forward to meet it. Unexpectedly, the arrow split into two, two into four, four into eight, eight into ten. six.From one arrow to sixteen arrows in an instant, Lu Jie was stunned for a moment. He regretted it a little, but it was too late, and he still couldn't avoid the pain of flesh and blood when he blocked from left to right.

This time, both of them were injured, and in the eyes of the Dark Wind Alliance, the two were evenly matched, but Lu Jie was slightly dissatisfied in his heart, he felt that he was just being careless.Although his clothes were ripped and torn by the sixteen arrows, these were minor injuries. Obviously, the opponent's arrows did not pose a real threat to him.

The situation of Taoist Chang Mu was different. On the surface, the four sword qi only hurt his left arm and back, but only he knew the pain.Although the wound was shallow, it looked like a minor injury, but what was frightening was that Lu Jie's sword energy still remained on the wound, irritating his sore spots again and again. It will take some time and effort to remove completely.

Lu Jie urged the sword energy of the Jinghong Sword again, but was stopped by a person behind him: "Enough."


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