river or lake

Chapter 388 The Future Is Uncertain

Chen Feifei raised his head and looked at the top. It is at least seven or eight feet high from the top, but it is not difficult for everyone. Everyone is from various schools and schools, and they can go up with a few light kung fu. The same goes for climbing.

This time it was not Daoist Tanmi and Xu Tian who took the lead this time, but Cai Kai of Baiyue Pavilion and his two juniors. The three of them were really good at lightness kung fu. After a few times of pedalling, they reached the top of the mountain wall. Then the three of them stood up, and it seemed that there was a place for people to stand on it.

Seeing that the three of them had successfully stood on the top, and the people below were already eager to try, Chen Feifei felt that his qinggong was not bad, so he rushed up ahead and went up with the others.

Standing on the top of this mountain wall, Chen Feifan discovered that this place was not the end, what was presented to everyone was a hole, a hole with light coming in and allowing people to enter.

The three people in Baiyue Pavilion stood where they were and did not intend to advance rashly. Chen Feifan and the other people who came up with them also stood still.Not long after, Xu Tian and Daoist Tan Mi came up with some people, and they were also surprised when they saw the hole.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a way here." Xu Tian said softly.

Taoist Tanmi replied in a low voice: "Maybe it's a trap."

"If you don't go, then there is no other way to go." Xu Tian seemed a little helpless.

Taoist Master Dun Mi nodded in agreement, "We can only take one step at a time."

After that, he walked forward alone, Xu Tian was worried, so he hurriedly followed, and the rest of them also followed after seeing this.The hole was not wide enough for two people to walk side by side, and it was not high but luckily they couldn't touch each other. Therefore, everyone could only walk slowly one by one.The further you walked, the brighter the front, but the pace of the leader, Kunmi Michishang, was still not in a hurry.

After walking for a long time, Daoist Tanmi stopped suddenly, turned his head and made a silent gesture to everyone, and heard someone talking in front of him.

One person asked, "When will the Zhengdao gang come here?"

Another person replied: "They should be here in a few days, the leader said, let them all die here."

"What about those people in the prison, are they all killed?" The man continued to ask.

The person who answered just now replied: "You have to ask the leader about this matter, how can the leader's plan be known to us?"


Afterwards, the two people in front began to talk about irrelevant topics, Taoist Master Tanmi turned around and whispered something to Xu Tian who was behind him, and then the two walked forward together quickly.

Chen Feifei and the others also hurriedly and softly caught up. As the light ahead became brighter, after turning a corner, it suddenly became clear, as if they had reached the exit of the cave.Daoist Tan Mi and Xu Tian were standing alone at the entrance of the cave, and a disciple of the Dark Wind League was lying under their feet, and they had no breath at this moment.

After leaving the cave, the crowd discovered that they were standing on a large open space in the mountain and looked around. In fact, they were still in the cave, but this cave was bigger than the previous one.However, it is only a dozen steps away from the entrance of this larger cave. Looking out through the larger cave, there are patches of woods and a big mountain on the opposite side. Obviously, if you go out of this cave, you will be outside.

"Let them all come here." Daoist Tan Mi said to the disciple Ming Jing Guan who was behind him.The two people lying on the ground are enough to show that this is the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance, and no one dares to be careless.

While waiting for someone, Xu Tian and Chen Feifan had already arrived at the bigger hole, but no one went out, they just poked their heads from time to time to see what was going on outside.

I don't know how long it took, the open space was crowded with people, Taoist Master Tan Mi said: "Let's go out and have a look. Be careful, everyone, this is already the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance." This time, everyone didn't make any difference The team walked out in twos and threes, and they all came out of the cave after a while.

As soon as he got out of the cave, Chen Feifei couldn't help looking around, and found that this place was neither at the foot of the mountain nor on the top of the mountain, but halfway up the mountain.Looking around, there is a suspension bridge about ten feet down from here, which is actually connected to the opposite mountain.

Xu Tian looked around, and said to Dunmi: "This may not be Heishui Mountain anymore."

Priest Tanmi nodded in agreement, then pointed to the suspension bridge and said, "Let's go there and have a look."

"We want to go up and have a look." Cai Kai suddenly walked over and said to the two of them.

Although Baiyue Pavilion is one of the Fifteen Gangs in the South, it has always liked to be alone.But going deep into the enemy's hinterland now, if you insist on going your own way, it will be more disadvantageous.Priest Tan Mi wanted to persuade, but he was afraid of hurting his peace. At the moment of helplessness, Lu Jie said from the side: "Brother Cai and I will go to the top of the mountain together to find out the situation for you."

"That's good." Since Lu Jie was accompanying him, Daoist Tanmi didn't have to worry about anything, "Be careful."

Lu Jie is different from the previous Yingjie Conference, he has matured a lot.He is a disciple of the Wuju faction, and he could observe the surrounding movement unscrupulously in the air, but because he was afraid of scaring the snake, if the Darkwind League found out, it would be bad for Chen Feifei and the others, so he was like everyone else, Choose to come here on foot.

As a result, the soldiers were divided into two groups, most of them went down and continued to advance, while Lu Jie and the others chose to go up.

No one knew what was in front of them. Everyone was very careful, and they arrived in front of the suspension bridge in a short while.This suspension bridge is made of thick ropes as thick as a wrist. One end is scattered and wrapped around several big trees that can only be hugged by several people. No one knows how the other end is fixed. .

Below the suspension bridge is a large forest. Looking down from where Chen Feifan and the others are standing, it is roughly estimated that the suspension bridge is about a few tens of feet high from below.If you are walking on a bridge and it breaks suddenly, it can really kill you. Even if you have the best lightness kung fu, if you fall straight down like this, you will still be half disabled if you don't die.

Standing in front of this suspension bridge, everyone hesitated, the future was uncertain, and no one knew what was on the mountain opposite.

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