river or lake

Chapter 387 Diving into the pool

"Lu Shaoxia, what's the situation in the water?" Taoist Master Dun Mi asked hurriedly.Level zero master http:///19181/ The rest of the people around were swimming forward slowly. Originally, it was impossible to go forward on the water, because the position on the water was already a mountain wall.The passage extending forward at the bottom of the pool seems to be quite spacious, Chen Feifei didn't touch the walls up, down, left, and right, and there were only a few people swimming side by side with him, which obviously was much wider than he had imagined before.

The light here is extremely dark, like the night, but fortunately, it's not to the point where you can't see your fingers, and the figures around you can still be seen slightly, so everyone swims forward cautiously and slowly.I don't know how long I swam, but I saw a little light above, and everyone swam up one after another, and Chen Feifan followed suit.

Chen Feifan didn't expect that he could still hold his breath. It took almost a cup of tea, so he couldn't help but feel a little happy.He kicked his legs down, stroked his hands down, and followed the crowd to swim upstream quickly. The higher he went, the brighter he went, and he swam out of the water in a short while.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Feifei saw Fang Zhong standing on the shore for the first time, and he was the second group of people who came in.What Lu Jie said is correct, there is indeed a cave here, as soon as you land on the shore, you will find a huge open space, and then you will see three caves in front of everyone, each cave is as tall as one person and as wide as three or four people.

This reminded Chen Feifei of the peeping hole in the back mountain of the Foundry Villa. Some people present had the same feeling as Chen Feifei.

The torches on the mountain wall were lit by everyone, illuminating the open space very brightly, which is more than enough to accommodate dozens of people.

Fang Zhong pointed to the hole on the far left and said to the crowd: "Ming Jingguan, they left from here, everyone after that, we will also go first."

After saying this, the second group of people who came in walked towards the top of the mountain on the right. Among them, one of them was holding a torch. Although it was a bit dim, it could still barely illuminate the path in the cave.

Chen Feifan didn't bring a torch, but someone from Fan Tiangu and other sects had torches, and with a pack of oilcloth, even if they came in by water, they could still be lit.

When Lu Jie came out of the water again, the fourth group of people also swam ashore. According to common sense, it is time for Chen Feifei and the third group to set off. Xu Tian simply said to the group of people who just landed After looking at the general situation here, he called everyone to walk towards the cave in the middle.

The cave is pitch black, and if you don’t have a torch in your hand, it’s really difficult to move forward. After all, this place is too strange. No one knows what’s in front of you, so everyone showed their weapons one after another, and then Xu Tian took the lead to move forward slowly. Row.

Chen Feifan and Hua Xiaotian walked side by side, only two people were separated from Xu Tian who was at the front. Hua Xiaotian walked slowly with a torch in one hand and a knife in the other, and Chen Feifan also maintained the same attitude. Speed, neither of them spoke.When it wasn't just the two of them, everyone in the cave didn't speak, only the slight sound of footsteps could be heard.

Before he knew it, Chen Feifan noticed that the sky above was much brighter, and Xu Tian, ​​who was at the front, suddenly stopped and extinguished the torch in his hand.The people behind him also understood, and extinguished the torches in their hands one after another.

As soon as the gun went out, someone rushed over from the front, Xu Tian quickly put the knife in front of him, and was ready to fight, when the figure on the opposite side whispered: "It's my own."

Everyone took a closer look, and indeed, these people in front were the first group of Daoist Tanmi and Fang Zhong's second group.It seems that these three caves are not a dead end, and they finally converged together. What is the meaning of this?Everyone was a little puzzled, and the most puzzling thing was that there was no danger in this hole except for a little darkness.

After leaving the cave, there is another open space here, and this open space is bigger enough to accommodate hundreds of people, but there is no other exit except for the three caves in front of us.However, Chen Feifei noticed that he could barely see the surrounding things without using torches. This was due to the light above their heads, but there was a dense roof above their heads, and no light came in.

But what is certain is that these lights are indeed coming from above, and there must be something above.Everyone noticed this, so they were extra careful and didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear that someone above would find them.

Daoist Tanmi and Xu Tian touched the mountain wall here, it was not slippery but also a little uneven, so they decided to let some people go up to inquire first.

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