river or lake

Chapter 389 Suspension Bridge

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have killed those two people just now.

"How about, let's look for it carefully in this mountain." Liu Fei of Mingyue Valley said at this time.

Fang Zhong also said, "Maybe they are in this mountain."

"Since there is this suspension bridge, there must be something in the opposite mountain." Qi Jie also clarified his point of view.

As soon as several people discussed, they opened up the topic, and everyone talked about each other, each with their own opinions.Daoist Tanmi stood aside, frowning. If the enemy is in front of him, if the opinions are not unified, it will be chaos.

Chen Feifei also thought about it carefully at this time, this way, there are so many people, and he walked around Heishuishan, but he didn't find a single person, which is indeed a bit strange.Besides what happened last night, this matter is also strange. If you want to talk about going to Heishui Mountain this time, only you and the Darkwind League know about it, and there should be no third party. If there are righteous people in the world, then there will be no such thing as the Zhengtian Gang.

Can't cross the suspension bridge?Chen Feifei couldn't make up his mind, and only found two members of the dark wind alliance who were not well-guarded here. I'm afraid no one knows what the dark wind alliance is going to do this time.No one knows exactly where Li Jun and the others are locked up. The only thing they know now is that there is a trap here, and the Dark Wind Alliance wants to put them to death.

Everyone insisted on their own opinions, if they want to continue to fight like this, I am afraid that many things will be delayed, Taoist Master Tanmi hurriedly said: "Everyone, everyone, can you listen to the poor Taoist?"

The face of Ming Jingguan was still given by everyone, and the surroundings quickly fell silent when Taoist Master Tanmi made a sound.

Seeing this, Taoist Master Tan Mi hurriedly said: "Everyone, the poor Taoist priest told Lu Jie earlier that no matter what happened above, he had to go early and return early, how about this, how about we wait for Lu Jie to come down and then make a decision? "

"Okay." Jiang Qi replied, "Then listen to what the Taoist priest said. However, Jiang insists to go to the opposite side of the suspension bridge first. I wonder if anyone wants to go there with Jiang?"

"Me." Hua Xiaotian stood up at this moment and replied.

"Master, I'll go with you too." Liu Hua also stood up.When Jiang Qi said this, it was impossible for the other disciples of the Pishan Sect not to follow him.

Afterwards, some people from other sects also asked to go over, and now there are more than [-] people who want to cross this suspension bridge.Taoist Tanmi did not dissuade them, but only told them to be careful.

Chen Feifei knows that most of these people are eager to save people, but the zero-level master http:///19181/ is dangerous and unknown here, and his life is at stake. , decided to stay and wait for news from Lu Jie.

I saw more than [-] people, led by Jiang Qi, lined up one by one to move forward.The suspension bridge seems to be made entirely of thick ropes, with a layer of wooden boards laid on it. The width of the bridge can accommodate at most two people, but it is about a mile long. It is not known who built the suspension bridge.If it was the work of the Dark Wind Alliance, then what is the use of building such a long suspension bridge?

The people who were going forward seemed to have not thought about it that much. Looking at their backs that were drifting away, Chen Feifan and the others stood in place together, waiting for Lu Jie to bring news.

After about half a stick of incense, a figure descended from the sky, everyone looked up and saw that it was Lu Jie from the Wuzhi sect, and they saw him jumping off the flying sword and coming to the side of Taoist priest Tanmi.

Before Taoist Priest Tan Mi could speak, he said first: "Prince Taoist, there is no one there, and the three of them are also rushing here, why don't you go to the opposite mountain to have a look?"

Taoist Master Tanmi thought for a while and said, "Lv Shaoxia, for the sake of caution, how about Pindao going down the mountain with you to see what's going on?"

Lu Jie shook his head and said: "Don't look, Daoist. There are cliffs all around, and there is no way down the mountain at all. The Black Water Mountain should be behind this mountain. Apart from the waterway just now, maybe there is only this bridge to get here."

After Lu Jie said this, everyone had no other suggestions, and the suspension bridge in front of them became the only way to pass.

So, everyone followed the footsteps of the twenty or so people in front, and walked onto the suspension bridge one by one, while Lu Jie flew with his sword, going back and forth on both sides of the suspension bridge to prevent accidents.

It was the first time for Chen Feifei to walk such a suspension bridge. Although the bridge was a bit shaky when walking, he felt at ease when he stepped on the wooden planks.There is a forest at the foot, looking down from here, no matter how good Chen Feifei's eyesight is, he can't see clearly what is in the forest.

More than 100 people all passed the suspension bridge smoothly, but standing here, everyone began to encounter difficulties again. There are three roads here, one goes down, one goes left, and one goes down.

If this mountain is really the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance, it might not be a good thing if more than 100 of them are divided into three, and they act independently.

This time, Xu Tianxian said: "Let's go up first to see if this mountain is still adjacent to other mountains, what do you think?"

No one objected to Xu Tian's proposal, since that's the case, then there is no need to delay, all go up, and the leaders are Taoist Tanmi and Lu Jie.Except for the roads up and down the mountain, this mountain is surrounded by lush trees, which somewhat obscure the view of everyone, making people more cautious.

Chen Feifan looked back at the mountain just now, and suddenly felt a little weird, but he couldn't tell what went wrong.

Everyone was neither fast nor slow, and after walking for a while, the first few people stopped suddenly, turned around and shouted to the people behind them in a low voice: "Hurry up, hide, someone is coming ahead."

Everyone didn't care whether there were traps in the surrounding trees, and quickly hid. The trees on both sides were too lush, and more than 100 people hid in it.Everyone looked at each other, only saw the trees, and couldn't see anything strange, it was simply a good place to hide.

After a while, I saw three people coming from the front. The clothes of these three people were the clothes of Tingfengtang that Chen Feifei had seen before.Of course, Chen Feifei is not the only one who knows this place, and many people also know it. Obviously, this place is the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance, and no one will doubt it.

It seems that a big battle is inevitable. Chen Feifei touched the hilt of the sword on his back, but he did not take it out of the sheath. Instead, he quietly pulled out the Lieyang Knife from his waist. Try your own knife skills and the power of this Lieyang knife.

The three people in Tingfengtang didn't notice the danger on both sides at all, and walked forward in silence, as if they were patrolling past here as usual.

Seeing that the three of them were about to pass by, Fang Zhong couldn't hold his breath, and jumped out from both sides with several disciples of Ling Daomen, and surrounded the three of them.

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