river or lake

Chapter 371

Seeing the sword aura and the silk ribbon flying over at the same time, the three of them responded hastily. The one-eyed Taoist raised his long sword and stabbed forward into the void, and saw a red sword aura fly out, while the other two stayed where they were. He took a defensive posture.

Unexpectedly, the woman in red suddenly flashed from their right, followed by a sword aura, followed by a white ribbon.At the same time, the left side of the three of them was not idle, the sword energy of the woman in white came towards them, and behind the three of them was the sword energy of the woman in blue clothes.Naturally, the woman in Tsing Yi is holding the front, but at the moment she is busy dealing with the red sword energy of the one-eyed Taoist just now.

The three of them lined up, and with a wave of the Wuying knife in Guo Xu's hand, he immediately broke through the sword energy on the right, but the big knife was wrapped tightly by the white silk belt that followed; Taking a short stick, he struck the sword energy on the left with one stick, and that sword energy disappeared without a trace; the one-eyed Taoist standing between the two swung his long sword behind him, and the sword energy hit the sword. Qi, that is fleeting.

The three of them are so powerful, how can they be hurt by sword energy alone.In addition to the four elders, Gu Yufei and the others naturally also wanted to make a move. One of the white ribbons was wrapped around the carnivorous eagle's short stick, while the other was wrapped around the one-eyed Taoist's long sword.

But these were useless to the three of them. In the blink of an eye, the one-eyed Taoist pulled the whole white silk belt over, and Gu Yufei at the other end of the ribbon hurriedly Let go, for fear of being pulled over again; the carnivorous hawk is even worse, holding the short stick and stirring it in, forcing Liang Liang to let go of the ribbon; The white silk ribbon was cut, and Shang Lin let go of it, and threw the white ribbon on the ground.

To say that this seven-color sword formation is an original formation created in conjunction with Hongyanmen's martial arts and mental techniques, other sects can't learn it at all, so the power can be imagined.

Now they are facing three masters, but the seven people in this sword formation have uneven martial arts. Although they can advance and retreat together, their power is much weaker, and it is inevitable that they cannot exert the maximum power of this sword formation.

The seven of them took off again, surrounded the three of them, and the sword energy and the ribbon flew over at the same time, this time at a faster speed and at a more tricky angle than before.Seeing this, the three of them didn't dare to make a fuss, and they no longer lined up in a row, so they could only move their feet and stand back to back, forming a triangle.

If you still think that the three of them can easily deal with the seven of them, you are completely wrong. As the phantom steps of the seven become more and more erratic, the power of the colorful sword array began to be slowly revealed.

As soon as the carnivorous eagle blocked a sword qi with its short stick, it was scratched by another sword qi on its left arm, and the short stick was entangled by two white silk belts, one left and one right; although Guo Xu was not injured, But blocking from left to right also made him a little uneasy; among the three, the one-eyed Taoist priest was in the most dangerous situation. The white silk ribbons from all directions first entangled his limbs, and then came from all directions. Sword Qi followed.

After all, the one-eyed Taoist priest is a master of martial arts. As soon as the white silk ribbons wrapped around his limbs, he broke free, but the sword energy around him came too quickly. He could have dodged it with his agility. The other two had no choice but to move their long swords forward and choose to face them directly.

The sword qi from the hands of the four elders, although different in strength and weakness, is better than appearing at the same time, up, down, left, and right, and the opponent has no chance to think.

The one-eyed Taoist couldn't care less, after sending out a horizontal red sword aura, he raised his right hand slightly, and blocked the right sword aura with his long sword; It actually blocked a sword qi on the left; the remaining sword qi was not the two taken for granted, but four sword qi.In desperation, he had no choice but to swing his long sword lightly, and played a few sword games, but there was still a sword energy that brushed past his left shoulder.

As for his red sword aura, its power is extraordinary, and he forced Shang Lin and the woman in red to retreat one by one, but after a few magic steps, the two of them merged into the colorful sword formation again .

"When I was young, I heard that the seven-color sword formation of Hongyanmen was extraordinary. Now it seems that it is true. This time, Pindao can fight with all his strength." The one-eyed Taoist said, throwing the long sword on the ground, The long sword was abruptly inserted into the hard stone slab on the ground, and then he reached out and took off the blindfold on his right eye.

After his action, all the people present were stunned. Unexpectedly, the right eye under the blindfold was intact, and he was not one-eyed at all.

"This is troublesome." Lin Yaokun said to himself.Most of the people present are old Jianghu, needless to say everyone understands the difference between one eye and two eyes, this also means that Taoist Qingju wants to show stronger martial arts at this moment.

The Taoist grinned, and regardless of what others thought, he charged forward with his sword. Seeing this, the two people around him hurriedly stepped forward, changing from the original triangle to back-to-back.Hongyanmen's magic steps are notoriously unpredictable, but this Taoist Qingju, who can no longer be called a one-eyed Taoist priest, is equally agile. I saw his feet kick forward, and then plunged to the right. With a wave of the long sword, the woman in red was forced out of the colorful sword formation formed by seven people.

As soon as the woman in red retreated, there was a gap in the seven-colored sword array in an instant. The three of them took this opportunity, and the Taoist priest changed his feet and went straight to Shang Lin. Who was Shang Lin? Forced to retreat seven or eight steps back.

At the same time, the carnivorous eagle retracted the short stick in its hand and jumped up, which was as high as two feet from the ground. The seven people didn't know what he wanted to do, but they had to be wary of him.He only stayed in the air for a moment, and then suddenly went straight to the woman in white from top to bottom.

Seeing this, the woman in white hurriedly walked together, trying to avoid it, but unexpectedly, the carnivorous eagle was also capable, and was able to land on top of her without any mistakes, and then swung a short stick over her.Since she couldn't avoid it, the woman in white had no choice but to raise her right hand and greet her with the long sword.

One touch of a stick and one sword, one can tell the difference in strength between the two. The woman in white put her left hand on the hilt of the sword with both hands, but she still couldn't resist the blow of the carnivorous eagle, which made her mouth tremble. Ma, took a few steps back.

Looking at Guo Xu again, he is the deputy leader of the Mad Tiger Gang, so he is naturally capable. The Wuying Saber in his hand opened and closed, and instantly transformed into sixteen saber auras, which flew in all directions, and then he also went out. As soon as he rushed, the big knife in his hand swung towards the woman in blue clothes.The woman in orchid clothes knew how powerful the opponent was, so she didn't block her forcefully, she stabbed forward, and saw a flash of white light, and a sword energy went straight towards Guo Xu.

Apparently, Guo Xu didn't pay much attention to the sword energy in front of him. With a casual swing of the Wuying knife, the sword energy disappeared without a trace, and then he continued to move forward.The distance between the two was only four or five steps away. Liang Liang who was on the side saw her and hurried over to help.Guo Xu didn't even look at it, he just waved his saber casually to the side, and saw several sword auras in the saber, and went straight to Liang Liang who was beside him.After all, Liang Liang was still young, and after several times of resisting and dodging, she was still injured by the knife's energy on her right shoulder.

Chen Feifan and Lin Yaokun could see clearly that due to the sudden change of the Taoist priest, the seven-colored sword array fell apart.If the Hongyan Sect has no other options, then the situation will be settled immediately, and today is probably the day when the Hongyan Sect will be wiped out.Although both of them knew this, but because they were both injured, they couldn't step forward to help, they could only see it in their eyes and worried in their hearts.


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