river or lake

Chapter 372 Piaomiao Sword Formation

When Gu Yufei and the three of them heard this, they quickly stepped back and came to Chen Feifan and the others. Although they didn't know what the four elders of their sect were going to do, with their current martial arts, it would be okay if they didn't help. It might not be a good thing, when the three women, Bai Lanhong heard this, they all retreated to the side of the woman in Tsing Yi zxs

The four of them invariably took out what looked like a pill from their bosoms without taking a second look. After eating it, the faces of the four of them instantly became much older, wrinkled and wrinkled. The hair is also gray. From this point of view, these four elders are indeed old, and their appearance looks like they are 70 or [-] years old.

"You four old fellows are finally willing to use your full strength." Taoist Qingju laughed.

The woman in Tsing Yi did not reply, but said to the three people beside her in a deep voice: "Piao Miao Lai" The four of them seem to have gray hair, but their movements are still flexible

The red-clothed woman flashed to the side, and she came to the carnivorous eagle in just a few minutes. This speed and movement were nothing like the two of them just now. No one dares to be careless

Seeing this, the carnivorous eagle quickly raised the short stick in its hand, but unexpectedly, the woman in red just feigned an attack. Seeing her faltering, she disappeared again, but this is not over yet. The woman in white appeared next to the woman in red just now. One time she stabbed with a long sword straight into the face of a carnivorous eagle

Before the carnivorous eagle could make a move, Taoist Qingju swung his long sword, and a red sword energy flashed, knocking away the long sword of the woman in white

Guo Xu on the other side didn't want to sit still, so after taking a few steps forward, he waved the black shadow knife in his hand, and the sixteen sword qi rushed straight ahead. At this moment, the woman in blue clothes had already circled behind him, holding The long sword moved forward, a sword energy flew over, and suddenly a red sword energy flew over rapidly, knocking the sword energy of the woman in blue clothes into nothingness

Taoist Qingju's abilities are really admirable. The four elders have greatly increased their skills at this moment, and he can actually help the two people around him resolve them one by one. With such an opponent, no one dares to relax

I saw the woman in Tsing Yi stood on tiptoe and came to the back of Taoist Qingju in an instant, then jumped up again, from top to bottom, directly piercing the top of Taoist Qingju's head

Facing the woman in green clothes falling from the sky, Taoist Qingju hastily raised his right hand and stabbed his long chest. At this moment, the woman in red and the woman in white clothes and the zero-level god http:///19181/woman in blue clothes moved her feet , all three of them stabbed Taoist Qingju

Taoist Qingju helped him just now, and now that he is in trouble, Carnivorous Eagle and Guo Xu will naturally not be indifferent, as soon as the two recovered their senses, they rushed over

Unexpectedly, the white-clothed woman suddenly turned around and made a backhand sword. Seeing this, the carnivorous eagle who was facing her leaned back quickly, but the chest of the clothes was still cut open; similarly, the blue-clothed woman flickered, Instead of stabbing Taoist Qingju, he came up behind Guo Xu in a phantom step, and then stabbed with his sword. Guo Xu's reaction was fast enough, he quickly stepped forward, turned around halfway, and lifted the black shadow knife in his hand , happened to be with that long only; among the three women, the red-clothed woman immediately acted according to the circumstances, thrusting her right hand forward, and the long sword in her hand drove straight in, and went straight to Qingju Taoist's waist

Taoist Qingju roared, and the long-horned sword light in his hand appeared, and then the sword light suddenly increased by several inches, so that the woman in Tsing Yi who was above him was a little caught off guard, so she had to turn over and fall to the side Looking at the woman in red again, just when she was about to stab his waist with the long sword in her hand, suddenly a red light flashed on his body, she couldn't pierce it, and she wouldn't be so stupid as to stay where she was, and hurriedly Phantom step together, step aside

Seeing how difficult this Taoist priest was, the woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, stepped back quickly, and said to the other three: "Let's go!"

Daoist Qingju felt a little bad, he put away the long sword light in his hand, and said to the two people beside him: "Be careful"

As soon as the words fell, the four elders jumped up at the same time. Before the three on the ground could see what was going on, they saw the ribbons in the hands of the four above.

Seeing Taoist Qingju, a red sword qi went straight to the woman in white among the four people above; Guo Xu who was on the side also slashed upwards, and the eight sword qi that appeared at the same time also went straight to the woman in white; At the same time, the carnivorous eagle jumped up vigorously and flew towards the woman in white

The target of the three people is actually the same person, so naturally the four people above will not sit idly by, flipping their hands quickly, and instantly interweaving a large net with those silk ribbons, throwing it down, the four people also spread out in the air, one after another The falling of the four corners made the short stick in the hand of the carnivorous eagle come to nothing, and the sword and saber aura of the other two only scratched the ribbons.

As soon as the four of them landed on the ground, the woman in blue and the woman in red went straight to Taoist Qingju who had her back to them, the woman in white stabbed at the carnivorous eagle who was still in the air from below, and the woman in blue and the woman in white also killed carnivorous eagle

Two against one, even if it was a sneak attack from behind, Taoist Qingju could still deal with it calmly. I don't know if he really has eyes behind him. When the swords of the two were only a few inches away from him, he saw his figure move, Actually escaped the blow from the two women; but it was also two-on-one, the carnivorous eagle was not so capable, he hit it down with a short stick in the air, and the woman in white naturally parried this heavy stick The long sword in Buzhuan's hand was pushed back, and the woman in Kelan clothes flew into the air, taking the opportunity to stab his right arm with a sword from the side

Guo Xu, who was left on the sidelines, would definitely not give up. He swung the black shadow knife in his hand and slashed towards the carnivorous eagle. she hit

How could the white-clothed woman at the side let him succeed? She flipped her left hand quickly, and a white silk ribbon flew out of it, entangled his Wuying knife. He pulled it hard, but unexpectedly, the ribbon was different from the original one. , under a pull, there is no sign of breaking

One of the three has already been injured. The situation seems to be that the four elders have the upper hand, but the outcome is still undecided, and no one dares to be careless

Guo Xu's knife was tightly entangled by the white silk belt, and the woman in blue clothes fell down at this moment, and stabbed at him before her feet landed. Guo Xu wanted to break free when he saw this, but another white ribbon flew over. , This time, the carnivorous eagle that entangled his right arm and the knife together not far away had injured his right arm, but the brute force was still there. Seeing that Guo Xu hadn't escaped, he quickly switched to his left hand holding a stick, and smashed it on the white On the silk belt, it was so powerful that the woman in white had to let go

At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi said again: "Dress!"

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