river or lake

Chapter 370 7 colorful sword array

Just when Chen Feifei and the others were at a loss, Shang Lin ran over from behind with a dozen or so disciples, and stopped when she saw the two of them.

"The four seniors in front are...?" Lin Yaokun asked Shang Lin who was close to him first.

"It's the elders of our sect." Shang Lin said helplessly, "It happened suddenly, so we had no choice but to ask the four of them to leave the customs early."

"The other party is not an idler. The master is gone, so we can only rely on the four elders." Liang Liang, who was standing on Shang Lin's left, said.

It seems that this battle, the Hongyan Sect is all out, no matter what the outcome is, it will be a painful experience for them.If the Dark Wind League attacks again and again, I don't know how long the Hongyanmen can last.While Chen Feifei was worried about Hongyanmen, he also thought of his Danyun Villa. If one day he faced the Darkwind League head-on, how would his three brothers be able to withstand so many experts from the Darkwind League.

Looking at the three people not far away, the one-eyed Taoist priest danced with a long sword in his hand. The two women, Lan Bai, were not his opponents at all. How strong is it?Just one master of the Dark Wind Alliance made Hongyanmen so unbearable, if there were more, wouldn't the result be even more worrying.

Chen Feifei was thinking like this, but unexpectedly, two people walked out from the dilapidated gate of Hongyanmen, one of them was carrying a big knife, and Chen Feifan recognized that rough face as Guo Xu, the deputy head of the Wild Tiger Gang; And the other man, in his thirties, walked lightly and held a stick in his hand. He was obviously not a member of the Wild Tiger Gang, but he didn't seem to be a mediocre person either.

The two looked relaxed, and had no intention of making a move at all, as if they came here specially to watch a good show.The Hongyanmen side took a deep breath. Now it seems that the one-eyed Taoist priest is not the only one who came to suppress the formation.

When Gu Yufei was all right, the woman in red rushed towards the one-eyed Taoist priest with a sword in hand.It will be a pair of three soon, and the two people behind the one-eyed Taoist priest are still standing there calmly. There are two situations in which the two of them do this. One is that the one-eyed Taoist priest is superior, so there is no need to worry; The other is a stand-by attitude.

The martial arts of the woman in red is higher than that of the other two, but the situation of the one-eyed Taoist is obviously the former of the two, one against three, after more than a dozen rounds, the two sides are only tied.

At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi who was standing by the side finally made a move. Her speed was extremely fast. From drawing her sword to colliding with the sword of the one-eyed Taoist priest, it took only a blink of an eye. It was four against one.The strength of the woman in green was higher than that of the woman in red. In terms of martial arts, she ranked first among the four. Her joining naturally reversed the situation in an instant.

The one-eyed Taoist priest was not a fool either. After blocking and thrusting, he hurriedly retreated a few steps and came to Guo Xu and the others.

"What? There are times when you, a perverted Taoist priest, can't stand it. Haha." Guo Xu joked gruffly on the side, but his right hand has already pulled out the big knife on his back. This knife is not only big but also The whole body is jet black, called Wuying Dao.

The one-eyed Taoist grinned and said, "The poor Taoist just wants you two to come and have fun."

"If the carnivorous eagle beats them all to a pulp, will you feel bad for Taoist priest?" Guo Xu didn't pay attention to the four people in front of him at all, and still joked about the one-eyed Taoist priest.

"Those are all old guys, why should I feel sorry for you?" the one-eyed Taoist said with a face full of indifference.

While the two were talking, the four elders of Hongyanmen were not idle, they rushed forward together with their swords in hand, and the three people on the opposite side immediately set up their postures when they saw this. know.

The one-eyed Taoist swung his long sword in his hand, naturally he was fighting with one against two, while Guo Xu slashed his sword and made a match with the woman in red who was coming towards him, and the other man with a short stick fought with the woman in white. .

In this seven-person battle, no one else could get in their way. I saw the one-eyed Taoist opening and closing the long sword in his hand. He was extremely overbearing. The two elders Qing Lan couldn't get close to him at all, so they could only use magic steps. While waiting for an opportunity to find a one-hit kill.Look at Guo Xu brandishing the broadsword in his hand, and he was evenly matched with the woman in red.And the man called the Carnivorous Eagle beat the woman in white with one stick after another, faster and stronger than the last, until the woman in white couldn't fight back.

It was only then that Chen Feifei remembered that this man named Carnivorous Eagle should be the second child of the Nine Evil Eagles in the Nighthawk Gang that Zuotian once said. The short iron rod in his hand was called "Minced Meat". He is the strongest among their nine eagles.

Although the woman in Tsing Yi was in the battle group, she could see the situation clearly, and hurriedly said to the other three: "Retreat."

Seeing the four of them backing away quickly, and the three on the opposite side not in a hurry to chase, they saw the one-eyed Taoist take a step forward, laughed and said: "I can't think of you four immortals, but you haven't improved much in martial arts. The poor Taoist is still so In a word, as long as you hand over Du Mengyue, you can keep your Hongyan Sect."

"Bah. Dreaming." The woman in blue clothes said angrily.

"Hey. The poor Taoist had no choice but to keep the four of you here." The one-eyed Taoist once again put on a stance.

The woman in Tsing Yi said at this time: "It seems that we have to set up the colorful sword array."

"The three of them." The woman in red was a little worried, and looked at the few people behind her.

The woman in Tsing Yi sighed and said: "The matter has come to this, there is no other way, today's battle is related to the survival of Hongyan Sect."

The three people the woman in red was referring to were Gu Yufei, Shang Lin, and Liang Liang. When the three of them heard the woman in green mentioning the Seven-Color Sword Formation, they immediately drew their swords and stepped forward.This seven-color sword formation is the strongest formation of Hongyanmen. There must be seven people. The stronger the strength of the seven people, the greater the power of this formation. It's really unpredictable.

The current situation is seven against three, and the three people from the Dark Wind Alliance are all masters, especially the one-eyed Taoist priest, whose martial arts are so high that no one present can compete with him one-on-one.If they don't put out this seven-color sword formation, I'm afraid Hongyanmen will be doomed.

The woman in green was the first to rush towards the one-eyed Taoist priest, while the woman in red went straight to Guo Xu, the woman in white continued to confront the carnivorous eagle, and the other four wandered around them, playing by ear.But the three members of the Dark Wind Alliance have high martial arts skills, except for their four elders, the other three are somewhat weaker after all.

After a few rounds, the woman in Tsing Yi said "Get up", and saw the seven people retreat quickly, and then, four sword qi flew towards the three of them.


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