river or lake

Chapter 357 In Trouble

Du Mengyue and Daoist Bai Mi teamed up together. Normally, no master would dare to underestimate them.But now, Qian Batian dared to meet him with a sword alone, and what he held in his hand was the Tianxia Sword that he had just snatched not long ago.

One is only [-]% successful, and the other is only [-]% successful. Even so, if it is Qian Batian who is in the Zhengtian Gang, he is not arrogant enough to make the move of [-]v[-] at this moment.But now Qian Batian heard him shouting loudly behind him: "No one is allowed to interfere, today these two are mine."

Du Mengyue stabbed with all her strength, and saw Qian Batian's long sword forward, directly under the Guanghan sword, and then raised it, lifting the Guanghan sword abruptly, at this time Bai The Qingyun sword in Mi Daochang's hand has arrived.Seeing this, Qian Batian hastily retracted the Tianxia sword, and then quickly moved forward, firmly blocking the Qingyun sword.

The first cooperation between the two actually ended in failure. Such a result was not what everyone wanted to see.Qian Batian took a step back, put the Tianxia Sword away, and said with a laugh: "The two of you are not my opponents now."

Du Mengyue didn't gnaw, and with a wave of the Guanghan sword in her hand, more than a dozen sword qis went straight to Qian Batian who was facing him.How powerful Du Mengyue is, Chen Feifei has experienced it before, so the dozen or so sword qi should not be underestimated.But seeing that Qian Batian didn't show any nervous expression, he swung the Tianxia Sword in his hand several times against the dozens of sword qi, and easily dispelled those sword qi. At this time, Daoist Bai Mi attacked again. Come.

Daoist Bai Mi held the Qingyun sword and used Ming Jingguan's meditation sword technique. The mystery of this sword technique is that it seems neither rush nor slow, but it hides murderous intentions. Sometimes it seems to be very slow, but it is actually extremely fast.

Just as Du Mengyue's dozens of sword qi had just disappeared, Qingyun Sword pierced Qian Batian's left rib.This sword was fast and accurate, but it was obvious that Qian Batian had a better skill, he turned his body to the left, and the Tianxia sword on his right hand blocked the equally fast Qingyun sword at a very fast speed.In the eyes of ordinary people, Qian Batian was able to easily do this action, which is impossible in the eyes of ordinary people. I am afraid no one knows how strong he is now.

Just as Daoist Bai Mi's attack was blocked, the white silk ribbon in Du Mengyue's left hand had already flown over, and the mist from the Hongyan Gate was light and subtle, allowing the opponent to be attacked unconsciously.

This white silk ribbon is like a spirit snake, bypassing Tianxia Sword and entwining Qian Batian's right arm. Naturally, Daoist Bai Mi would not miss this opportunity. With a flick of the long sword in his hand, he continued to stab straight at the opponent's left arm. rib.Although Daoist Bai Mi only has [-]% of his skills now, the speed of this blow was pitifully fast, like lightning.

However, what was even more frightening was that Qian Batian could tear off the white ribbon wrapped around his right arm without any effort, and then easily blocked the blow of Daoist Bai Mi.Daoist Bai Mi and Du Mengyue were both surprised by such a powerful strength. Even if their skills were restored to the original level, they might not be Qian Batian's opponent in two-on-one.

But thinking about it, the two of them would not back down because of this, they stabbed towards Qian Batian with swords at the same time.Both of them are swords with sword lights. Of course, Qian Batian will not be careless. He took a deep breath, first thrust the sword forward, and then took a big step forward to the right. With a flick forward, he stabbed Qing Yunjian's blade with the tip of the sword.

This blow from the side completely destroyed Qingyun Sword's forward momentum, making Daoist Bai Mi's attack blocked again.But Qian Batian was not finished yet, he pressed down the tip of the sword slightly, then pushed forward with force, and immediately picked up the Qingyun sword, then took a step with his feet, continued to move forward, and pushed the Guanghan sword on the other side. Block, then a swipe, and then a stab.

Although the Tianxia Sword didn't have a sword light, Du Mengyue could feel its danger, so she quickly took a phantom step and stepped back a few steps.That day, the lower sword was at her original position, and in the blink of an eye, she stabbed several times.Fortunately, this stab failed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

This blow pierced the air, but Qian Batian didn't take it back, and then turned his sword and swung it directly at Daoist Bai Mi who was beside him.

When Daoist Bai Mi saw it, he hurriedly blocked Qingyun Sword forward.Qian Batian's seemingly casual sword, but Daoist Bai Mi was extremely painful to block it. He tried his best to block the sword until his mouth was numb.Then he immediately rushed forward, Qingyun Sword drew a circle in the air, and the tip of the sword pointed at Qian Batian again.At the same time, Du Mengyue's sword energy and white ribbon also struck again.

Sword, sword qi, silk belt, the Tianxia sword in Qian Batian's hand moved, and in the blink of an eye, these three attacks were blocked one by one.Qian Batian stood motionless, looked at the two people who were a little dumbfounded, and laughed, "Pan Heng's swordsmanship is really good."

Not only Daoist Bai Mi and Du Mengyue were dumbfounded, but everyone around them were also dumbfounded. May I ask, who can deal with Qian Batian alone?The Tianxia Sword has its mysteries, but Qian Batian's own strength is beyond doubt.

Everyone around looked weak, only Chen Feifei, Song Sheng and Lin Tai, the three of them did not fall for Zuimengxiang.

"Let's go together, kill Qian Batian first!" I don't know who shouted this sentence in the crowd, most of the decent people are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, at this moment, everyone is determined to fight to the death .

At this time, Li Jun stopped loudly. "No."

Although two fists are hard to beat with four hands, but with the strength of today's people, facing Qian Batian is like several children beating an adult.

, no one knows.

Li Jun's shout made everyone calm down a lot, Daoist Bai Mi knew he couldn't beat Qian Batian, so he hurriedly said to everyone: "Retreat."

If they want to retreat, of course Daoist Bai Mi and Du Mengyue will not move, and the disciples behind them will not run away either.The rest of the gangs, led by the leaders of their respective sects, rushed out directly.Lin Tai helped Lin Yaokun up and followed among the crowd. Chen Feifan returned the sword in his hand, but he shook his hand and said, "Give it back to me after you get out."

At this moment, Song Sheng walked up to Chen Feifei and asked softly, "What are you going to do?"

On one side were the people who were trying to fight their way forward, and on the other side were the people led by Daoist Bai Mi and Du Mengyue. Chen Feifei didn't think too much about it, and quickly replied: "I want to stay and help Daoist Baimi." them."

"Okay." Song Sheng nodded, and didn't indicate whether he wanted to leave or stay.

Although everyone only has [-]% to [-]% skill, each sect and sect also have their own unique skills, not to mention that the masters in the sect cannot be stopped by ordinary Dark Wind League members, and soon everyone rushed out. This banquet hall.

Seeing this, Qian Batian laughed, and said: "I knew you would be like this. Fortunately, I saved a hand. Nighthawk Gang, it's your turn."


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