river or lake

Chapter 358

With Qian Batian's order, two people flew over from the eaves elsewhere, and then ten people jumped down from another place.

Of the two people in the lead, one of them was a woman with a flute in her hand. Chen Feifei remembered that Zuo Tian had said that there was indeed a woman in the Nighthawk Gang, the third eldest, named Ecstasy Eagle, but what kind of abilities did he have? I can't remember for a while.The other person is a man with a knife in his hand. The weapons of the boss, the fourth child, and the seventh child are all knives, so it is not known whether this person is the boss or the fourth child.

Before, Chen Feifei had also met several members of the Nighthawk Gang, including the Man-eating Eagle, the Spiking Eagle, the Nether Eagle, and their deputy leader, the Silent Swordsman, Mo Ying.

"The ones in the hall are mine, and the ones outside the hall are yours." Qian Batian shouted again.

"Stop dreaming!" With a wave of the Guanghan Sword in Du Mengyue's hand, more than a dozen sword qi flew towards Qian Batian again. Is exhausted.

This time, Qian Batian didn't dare to take it too seriously, and saw him quickly step back a few steps, stabbing the sky with the Tianxia sword in his hand several times, and saw several sword qi rushing towards him, two kinds of sword qi They collided together, and no one would let anyone else go. In the end, the fight was completely wiped out, leaving only a trace of coolness in the air.

That's almost [-]% of Du Mengyue's skill, but Qian Batian seems to have used only half of his skill to resolve it. The situation is not optimistic, and everyone who stays knows it well.

Looking outside the hall, everyone has gathered into a team instead of running away separately.Li Jun and Bai Xiaonan, the leader of the Green Lake Clan, took the lead to charge forward. The people on both sides and the rear of the team were leaders from their respective sects, and the further inward the team were those who were not strong in martial arts or recovery skills.

How could the ordinary members of the Dark Wind Alliance stop such a team.But the appearance of the Nighthawk Gang changed the situation. The leading man and woman came to the front of the crowd and set up a posture. middle.

Immediately, the whole team became chaotic, and Li Jun and Bai Xiaonan at the front were naturally the first to bear the brunt.The man with the knife took a stride forward and slashed towards Li Jun. He was also holding a knife. Naturally, Li Jun would not suffer, so he immediately went up to meet him.And Bai Xiaonan at the side saw that the woman opposite was holding a flute in her hand and had no other weapons, so she rushed over with her sword.

"Be careful." Li Jun reminded softly. As a member of the Nighthawk Gang, he brought a flute. Either he was arrogant or something else was wrong. He didn't think that this woman came to fight without a weapon.

Since Bai Xiaonan can become the leader of the Cuihu Gang, she must have some strengths. This time she seemed to move forward recklessly, but she had already thought of a way out, and she swung the long sword in her hand, pointing directly at the opponent's forehead .

When the sword was about to get close, Bai Xiaonan suddenly pressed down with her right hand, and saw the long sword in her hand change from stabbing to slashing, aiming at the flute in the opponent's hand.

The Ecstasy Eagle seemed to have been prepared for a long time, just when Bai Xiaonan suddenly changed her move, she had already kicked back a few steps, put the flute in her hand to her mouth, and suddenly an unknown melody came from the flute It was passed out.

But while listening to this song, Bai Xiaonan suddenly found that he couldn't hear the sound, originally he still had [-]% of his gong power, but at this moment, for some reason, his whole body lost his strength, and only [-]% of his gong power remained, maybe even lower.

Bai Xiaonan was not the only one affected by this, the whole team heard this song, those with deep internal skills just couldn't hear the sound for a while, while those with low internal skills, at the slightest, lost their strength again, and at worst, fainted or became demented.

Although he couldn't hear the sound, the power of the big knife in Li Jun's hand did not weaken a little because of this.The man on the opposite side is the fourth eldest in the Nighthawk gang, called Baying, and usually kills people like cutting people into pieces. His sword skills seem to be full of domineering, but there is no flaw in the slightest.

Both of them are extremely skilled in swordsmanship, and no one loses when they come back and forth, but Li Jun only has [-]% power, which seems a bit lacking in stamina, so he can barely make a draw.

There was already a battle outside, but everyone inside hadn't made a move yet. The two sides stood facing each other, separated by a distance of more than ten steps.

Song Sheng originally planned to go out, but when he saw the situation outside, he immediately turned around. Although he is not from the Dark Wind League, he is not from a famous and decent school in the martial arts, so he naturally has his own little plans.

Chen Feifan couldn't figure it out. Although his side has the upper hand in terms of numbers, it is not certain who will win if there is a real fight now. If people from outside cooperate with each other, the Dark Wind Alliance will have a greater chance of winning, but it is so It's a good opportunity, but Qian Batian has his hands behind his back, showing no sign of fighting.

At this moment, Daoist Bai Mi seemed to have sensed something, and said, "Let's withdraw too, don't fall into his tricks."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Batian smiled and said, "Master Daoist, it's already too late."

Everyone still didn't understand Qian Batian's words, one of them who was not far from the door suddenly pointed to the outside and said, "Look at the roof outside."

As soon as everyone heard this, they looked out through the wide open doors and windows, and saw that the surrounding roofs were full of people at the moment. Through the light of the fire, they could see that everyone was holding a bow in their hands. These were obviously archers.

It seems that Qian Batian didn't do anything just now because he was waiting for them. Now it can be said that there is a net of heaven and earth, and it will be even more difficult for everyone to get out.

Seeing that the crowd did not advance or retreat, Qian Batian walked back and forth for a few steps with his hands behind his back, then stopped at one place, turned to face the crowd and said, "I think you should surrender. With the current situation, you The Righteous Way can no longer defeat our Dark Wind Alliance."

Daoist Bai Mi pointed his sword and said, "Qian Batian, do you think you can destroy so many sects of ours? The Dark Wind League is just the running dog of Prime Minister Ling Zuo, so why not be afraid of it?" .”

Qian Batian laughed, waved his long sword in his hand and said: "Then let us wait and see, you must stay here tonight. I want to see what will happen if the orthodox sect has no leader."

"Qian Batian." Du Mengyue rushed forward again, her Guanghan sword met Lu Xue's double sword.

The fight between the two women seemed to have a beautiful sword posture, but hidden murderous intentions could be said to be fatal with the sword.Even though Du Mengyue only has [-]% of his skills, he has more than enough energy to deal with Qian Batian, but he is still more than enough to deal with Lu Xue. After more than a dozen rounds, Lu Xue is already at a disadvantage.

Seeing this, the fake Lin Yun on the side rushed forward to help, but Daoist Bai Mi stopped him.

Two against two, Qian Batian behind was not in a hurry to make a move, but chose to continue watching the battle from the sidelines.

Chen Feifei knew how powerful Qian Batian was, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and the same was true of Song Sheng beside him.However, if this continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable. . . .


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