river or lake

Chapter 356

) ) When the woman saw him, she quickly knelt on one leg and said, "Leader.

Qian Batian ignored her, but looked around and said: "It seems that the situation has changed a little."

"Leader, everything is still under control." The woman still knelt down with her head bowed.

"Where did the two of you come from here?" Qian Batian asked.

The woman hesitated for a while, but finally replied truthfully: "I don't know."

"Then go and find out." Qian Batian waved his hand.

"Yes." The woman clasped her fists in both hands, took off the gorgeous clothes on her body, revealed a strong outfit, took out a dagger from her waist, one left and one right, and rushed towards the two of them.

Seeing that it was Qian Batian who came, and hearing the woman call him the leader, the various sects hurriedly meditated and tried to force out the Zui Mengxiang from their bodies, but it was obviously in vain.Without the slightest bit of strength, the true energy in the dantian is also extremely loose.Seeing that the war was about to break out, everyone became more and more anxious.

In this situation, Qian Batian was not as nervous as everyone else, but pulled a chair from the side and sat down slowly.

This woman's skill is even stronger than those eight people and the fake Lin Yun. Seeing that she blocked Lin Tai's Rain Pattern Sword abruptly with a single strike, this changed the original situation in a blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, this woman could block a sword with seventy percent of his strength with just one hand, Lin Tai was naturally unconvinced, he retracted the sword, moved his foot, and suddenly stabbed forward with the sword from the side.Seeing this, the woman dodged nimbly and dodged, while the fake Lin Yun beside her waited for the opportunity to slash at him.

Lin Tai hastily pulled the Yuwen sword back to block the fake Lin Yun's knife. At this time, the woman's hands danced with both swords. Lin Tai didn't dare to step forward carelessly, and hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

It was two against one over there, one left and one right attacking Lin Tai, while Chen Feifei had one against six, but he was not at a disadvantage. There is no chance to fight back.

After smelling the smell in Song Sheng's vial, everyone had a little strength, and most of them recovered at least [-]% of their skills, but this was far from enough, and Song Sheng himself understood that the medicine's effect could only last for a while. Time, and then it will still make them weak all over.

"Are you Lu Xue?" Daoist Bai Mi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, spoke at this moment, and he asked the woman who was fighting against Lin Tai.

When the woman heard this, she took a step back and said with a smile, "I didn't expect someone to recognize me."

Bai Midao was taken aback. Others may not know who Lu Xue is.But Daoist Bai Mi still remembers that it was more than 20 years ago. At that time, there was a woman named Lu Xue in Jianghu, she was a murderous female devil, and many people in Jianghu died in her hands. .But after half a year, she disappeared. Some people said that she was ambushed and killed, while others said that she committed suicide because she knew she had committed a serious crime.Now it seems that those previous rumors were all false, she was arranged by the Dark Wind League to be a fake leader's wife in the Zhengtian Gang.

At this moment, Daoist Bai Mi has only recovered [-]% of his power, while among many masters, Du Mengyue of Hongyanmen has recovered [-]% of his power, she is the fastest to recover, maybe because she drinks less.Li Jun recovered [-]% of his power, and Yang De, who was kind and benevolent, also recovered [-]% of his power, and some people recovered [-]%, but this was far from enough.

This Zhengtian gang has become the territory of the Dark Wind Alliance. If everyone wants to escape, they must kill a bloody way out, but who will stop Qian Batian is the key, but the current state of everyone is probably more ominous than good.

Looking around, they are superior in number in the hall, but everyone's skills are not recovering as expected. In the face of a master like Qian Batian, just being superior in number is simply deceiving oneself and others.

After thinking about it, Daoist Bai Mi didn't dare to step forward, but continued to meditate with his legs crossed, watching the changes. Most of the people here are the pillars of various gangs. Although everyone has the determination to fight to the death, but It really died here, so how will the various factions resist the next wave of attacks from the Dark Wind Alliance.

Now it seems that the best way is to escape if you can. The two strangers and Lin Tai in front of you are the key to this collective escape.Daoist Bai Mi was thinking about the plan, but there was no expression on his face. Instead, he closed his eyes slightly and slowly recuperated.At this time, the rest of the people were similar to Daoist Bai Mi, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and slowly began to recuperate.

The most leisurely person in this hall was Qian Batian. He was sitting on a chair, leaning against the back of the chair, quietly watching everything around him.

After Song Sheng let everyone around him hear it, he returned to Chen Feifei again. He had a long sword in his hand at some point, and he didn't use his best iron fan because he didn't want to reveal his identity.

Song Sheng's swordsmanship was indeed terrible, but luckily Chen Feifei was by his side. When the two teamed up, the six of them were no match at all. After a while, the six of them were all defeated.Although the six people did not die, they also suffered a lot of injuries. After Chen Feifei and his two defeated the six people, they did not take advantage of the victory to pursue them. retreat.

Looking at Lin Tai again, although Lu Xue has great swordsmanship, she was evenly matched with Lin Tai with the fake Lin Yun. In Chen Feifan's opinion, the current Lin Tai is much stronger than the Lin Tai when they first met. few.

At this time, Qian Batian roared: "Open the window, open the door."

The surrounding windows and doors were destroyed one by one from the outside, and the outside of the banquet living room was already full of people from the Darkwind Alliance, obviously trying to catch a turtle in their urn.

Seeing this, everyone stood up one after another, took out their weapons, and prepared for this life-and-death battle.Daoist Bai Mi also stood up, and immediately shouted to the surroundings: "Everyone, don't disperse, get together first."

With this shout, most of them moved towards Daoist Bai Mi, except for a few people from the small sect who refused to listen to dissuasion and insisted on rushing out.In the end, relying on recovering [-]-[-]% of his skills, he was just a few steps out of the banquet hall when he was brutally killed on the spot by the dark wind alliance.

Lin Tai and those two fought for more than 100 rounds, and there was no winner. Looking at the situation at the moment, he hurriedly jumped back, quit the battle circle, and came to Daoist Bai Mi.And Lu Xue and the fake Lin Yun originally wanted to chase, but were immediately called back by Qian Batian.

As soon as Lin Tai retreated, Du Mengyue of the Hongyan Sect lit up the Guanghan Sword in her hand and rushed towards Qian Batian, followed closely by Daoist Bai Mi.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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