river or lake

Chapter 353

"Brother Zhang, you don't need to worry about this. You need to use a special potion to take it off, but after you take it off, you can't use it again. That is to say, after you take it off, this human face will be useless."

Chen Feifan nodded. Song Sheng obviously came prepared, so he was relieved, but he was still a little curious about what method Song Sheng would use to sneak the two of them into the Zhengtian Gang.

Before Chen Feifan asked, Song Sheng said, "Brother Zhang, just follow me."

As soon as this leg was lifted, Song Sheng turned his head and said again: "By the way, brother Zhang, these two weapons of yours are a bit conspicuous, so you can't bring them in."

This knife and sword, Chen Feifei had been with him all day long, and now he was in the wilderness, how could he not take it with him, so he hurriedly asked, "Brother Wang, what's going on?"

"I'll let someone take care of it properly. Come with me." After Song Sheng said this, he stopped talking and walked straight forward.

Now that the other party has made arrangements, Chen Feifei will believe in others to the end, no longer be suspicious, and continue to move forward with him.The two walked forward for a while, and then they came to a village, not far from the Zhengtian Gang, with few houses and few people.

Song Sheng is naturally familiar with this place, came to one of the houses, knocked on the door lightly, and shouted inside: "Uncle Li."

"Who is it?" A person in the room half-closed the door and asked softly.

"It's me. Xiao Song."

"Oh. It's Young Master Song! Please come inside, please come inside!" The man quickly opened the door and let the two of them in.

"Uncle Li, you have worked hard these past few years." Song Sheng said and put a bag of money into the other party's hand.

"Should be, should be." The man didn't seem surprised by Song Sheng's appearance, as if he knew it a long time ago, took the money bag Song Sheng gave him with both hands, and then took out two bundles and a letter from another room .

"Brother Zhang, let Uncle Li take care of your weapons. Don't worry, Uncle Li is one of his own." After finishing speaking, Song Sheng took out a dagger from his pocket and handed it to Chen Feifan, "This dagger can be used for self-defense."

Song Sheng said so, Chen Feifei naturally trusted him, so he didn't ask any more questions, and handed over all the phantom spirit sword and Lieyang knife on his body to Uncle Li.

The two left Uncle Li's house, left the village, continued on foot, and arrived at another village, but this time they were farther away from the Zhengtian Gang. This village was bigger than the one just now, and Song Sheng was still Familiar with this place, he quickly brought Chen Feifei to a room.

He knocked on the door lightly a few times, only to hear a lazy voice from inside the room: "Who is it?"

Song Sheng quickly replied: "Uncle Huang, I am Wang Er, Uncle Li asked us to come here to find you."

"Come in." As soon as the words fell, a girl opened the door and welcomed the two into the room.

"What did Xiao Li ask you to do?"

Song Sheng immediately answered: "Uncle Huang, my name is Wang Er, and this brother is called Zhang San. We want to go to Zhengtian to help find some work."

That Uncle Huang sat up slowly from the lazy chair, Song Sheng hurriedly took a step forward, and together with the girl, he helped Uncle Huang up from left to right.

Seeing Song Sheng so well-behaved, Uncle Huang showed a smile and asked, "Why do you want to go to the Zhengtian Gang?"

"Because I have money to earn." Chen Feifei showed a simple, honest and silly look.

Uncle Huang shook his head and smiled: "The frog at the bottom of the well."

"What do you mean?" Chen Feifei scratched his scalp and tried to look stupid.The girl next to her burst into a smile, knowing that she had lost her composure, and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Uncle Huang took a sip of the tea on the side and asked, "Then what do you know?"

"We two brothers don't know anything, but we are strong and can do rough and tiring work." Song Sheng replied.

Uncle Huang thought for a while, and said with embarrassment: "Only strength...Maybe the Zhengtian Gang won't accept it."

"Here is the letter from Uncle Li, and this." Song Sheng took out the letter and a tael of gold from his body, and handed it to Uncle Huang with both hands.

That Huang Bo laughed immediately: "You, Uncle Li, are too polite." Even so, he was not polite, and took both items.

After reading the letter, this old man named Uncle Huang, with a smile on his face, has long since lost the lukewarm face at the beginning, and said to the two of them: "You guys are going to the Zhengtian Gang. It's easy to say, easy to say. Lao Zhang should be at home, let’s go, I’ll take you to have a look.”

"Then trouble Uncle Huang." Song Sheng said and helped him up.

"Yingying, take good care of the house. I'll come with them." Uncle Huang said to the girl beside him, and the girl nodded obediently.

The three of them went out and turned to the left, then walked forward dozens of steps, then turned to the right, and continued walking for more than ten steps, until they arrived at the door of a house.Uncle Huang was obviously very familiar with this family, he just pushed the door open and walked in without any greeting, and even shouted loudly: "Old Zhang, Lao Zhang, are you there?"

"It's Lao Huang, what's the matter?" An old man came out from inside. Although he was about sixty years old, he was still as strong as a young man, obviously he had practiced before.

"Old Zhang, these are my two nephews from the countryside. They don't know anything, but they are strong and honest. Let them go in and fight, shouldn't it be okay?"

"Old Huang, we already have enough people here, it's more difficult these days."

"You are accommodating." As he said, Lao Huang took out four taels of silver and handed it to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang put the silver into his arms calmly, and asked the two of them, "You have strength, don't you, can you chop wood?"

"Yes." Both of them nodded. At this moment, Chen Feifei finally understood the purpose of Song Sheng's disguise this time, and he actually used this identity to sneak into the Zhengtian Gang.

"Old Huang, when do you two nephews want to go there?"

"The sooner the better, their family is poor, and they hope to work and earn money sooner."

"Okay, follow me later, I'll ask Xiao Li to arrange something for you."

"Thank you Uncle Zhang." The two hurriedly thanked each other.

"You two work hard, then I'll go first." Uncle Huang patted the two of them on the shoulders, greeted Lao Zhang, and left alone.

As soon as Uncle Huang left, the old Zhang immediately put away his smile, and said to the two with a straight face: "What are your names? You will join the Zhengtian Gang in a while, so don't talk nonsense."

The two clicked and reported their names, and each of them only had a baggage, and the rest fell to Uncle Li. There was nothing else, so naturally they could leave as they wanted.

So, Lao Zhang took the two of them straight to the Zhengtian Gang.


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