river or lake

Chapter 354 Drunk Dream Fragrance

Unexpectedly, such a big gang like the Zhengtian Gang would have such a thing. It's really that money can make ghosts turn the clock.

Since the farewell of the Yingjie Conference, although Chen Feifei has met Lin Yaokun several times, the Zhengtian Gang has never been here again. Now that he comes in again, there seems to be no change here.

At this moment, Chen Feifei had an extra firewood knife in his hand. He and Song Sheng were just chopping trees and firewood in the Zhengtian Gang. Such a job, with their abilities, was really overkill.In order to avoid being suspected, the two of them naturally worked without exerting any effort, maintaining the same strength as others.

Three days later, there will be the Wind Removal Conference. Song Sheng is naturally considerate. During these three days, the two of them can be familiar with this place without arousing the suspicion of these subordinates. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, on the first day of the Wind Removal Conference, many sects from all corners of the world poured into the Zhengtian Gang. The two of them were servants here, so they had no way of knowing the situation in the hall. Not a big deal.

After finishing their work, they sneaked out. There were guards around the hall, and it would be too eye-catching to jump on the roof to eavesdrop in broad daylight, so they had to give up.

In this wind removal meeting, all the sects and sects of the righteous way were supposed to come, even Jin Youbao and Lengye Mountain Villa also sent people, but no one came from the Wuzhi faction, maybe in their eyes , Jianghu affairs have nothing to do with them.

The meeting was planned to be held for three days. Song Sheng did not act in a hurry, but waited until the night of the third day before they took any action, because he felt that something would happen tonight.Before, they heard from those servants that the Zhengtian gang had already been sent to each gang in groups of three, so that each sect and each faction could keep in touch with each other when they fought against the Dark Wind Alliance.

On the third night, there was a big banquet in the banquet hall, and the firewood they chopped was more than enough for tonight's banquet.Therefore, the two of them had nothing to do, which also allowed them to go to the banquet hall to find out.

Song Sheng was wearing an iron fan, while Chen Feifei was wearing a dagger on the surface, but he still had a soft sword gifted by Ling Yani at his waist. After talking for more than a month, the poison on his body has long since disappeared, and he can fully exert himself by then sword spirit.The two of them have their own bottom line in their hearts, so naturally they are not afraid of anything.

The crescent moon was on the tree, the night was dark, and the breeze was blowing. In this situation, Song Sheng took out two sets of night clothes from his bag. Chen Feifei was not surprised at all, he was used to this situation where everything was ready.

The two put on their clothes respectively, jumped onto the roof, and walked quickly between the houses. Chen Feifei's lightness kung fu was not as good as Song Sheng's, but he didn't hold back either.There was no one up there, and there were fewer people around than the previous two days. The Zhengtian Gang was so lax tonight, which surprised Chen Feifei, but Song Sheng seemed to have expected it.

Arriving at the top of the banquet hall, the two gently moved a few bricks and tiles to make room. The two of them were located above an inconspicuous corner of the hall, but with their extraordinary eyes and ears, the people in the hall Things are naturally panoramic.Looking around, in the hall, there were indeed many people from various sects and sects, many of whom Chen Feifei knew, and some of them were acquaintances.

It seemed that the dinner had just started, and Lin Yun, the leader of the Zhengtian Gang, said: "Everyone, all sects and factions have done their best in this wind removal meeting. Lin is very pleased."

"Leader Li, it is our duty to deal with the Dark Wind Alliance, and we must do our best." It was Li Jun from Fantian Valley who spoke.

"Now that the Dark Wind Alliance is becoming more and more rampant, how can we just sit idly by?" Pu An, the current leader of the Northern Seven Gangs, also said.

At this time, Daoist Bai Mi of the Southern Fifteen Gang Alliance also said: "In fact, we are all very grateful to Leader Li. If it weren't for this wind removal meeting, Pindao believes that facing the Dark Wind League, all sects and sects would still be the same. Like a pot of loose sand, at the mercy of others."

"Everyone." Lin Yun stood up at this moment, raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Come on, let us finish this glass of wine, and hope that this time we can completely eradicate the Dark Wind Alliance."

"Do it." All the people present got up one after another, picked up the wine in their cups, and drank them all in one gulp, only some women just took a sip.

As soon as the wine was finished, the atmosphere suddenly became lively. Greetings, chatting, drinking, drinking, eating, and toasting, only Lin Yun's table was drinking and eating on its own. Lin Yun and Lin Yaokun are busy with socializing.

Song Sheng frowned slightly. Chen Feifei knew what he was worried about, and quietly took out the dagger in his arms at this moment. The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, so the two of them can see clearly from top to bottom.

At Lin Yun's table, apart from Lin Yun and Lin Yaokun, there was also a strange woman. This woman should be Lin Yun's wife, and the rest of the people present were all strangers. Without Lin Tai, could they have discovered that Lin Tai was the traitor?At this time, Chen Feifei didn't dare to speculate, and could only wait and see what happened.

Suddenly one person fell on the table. It is not surprising that it is common to get drunk on the table.But then, the people at that table fell down one after another, some directly fell to the ground, some were lying on the table, and some were slumped on the chairs and wanted to stand up but couldn't stand up.

This table was like throwing a stone in the middle of a calm lake, which immediately caused ripples, which soon affected the surroundings, and everyone on the other wine tables also fell down one after another.In such a situation, even if a fool knows, it is impossible to be drunk, and the only possibility is to be poisoned.

All the people around were stumbling around, only a few people with high skills and a few women could barely stand their ground.

At this time, Lin Yun snorted and said with a smile: "It seems that Zui Mengxiang still can't defeat you guys."

"Lin Yun... What are you?" Li Jun could barely stand up and speak, but his limbs were already weak, and he still felt drowsy. He held on, and now he has already fallen to the ground unconscious.

"Hmph. Didn't expect that?" Lin Yun smiled and pulled Lin Yaokun, who was already unable to stand beside him, to the ground. Only Lin Yaokun fell down at their table, and the rest stood up, including the middle-aged man. woman.

"Are you from the Dark Wind Alliance?" Du Mengyue, who was speaking cross-legged on the ground, asked.

"This girl is not bad!" A person beside Lin Yun showed a greedy look.

"She is an old monster in her 50s, don't make trouble for me, go back to Hongyanmen next time, and let you have a good time." Lin Yun reprimanded loudly.

"That's right. We are members of the Dark Wind Alliance." The woman beside Lin Yun finally spoke.

"Father, mother. What's the matter with you?" Lin Yaokun, who was lying on the ground on his back, was puzzled. The largest and most decent Zhengtian gang in Jianghu was actually a member of the Dark Wind League, and his parents were also members of the Dark Wind League. He was the only one in the Zhengtian Gang kept in the dark?

At this time, there were shouts and killings outside, followed by screams. Chen Feifei and Song Sheng looked outside, and there were flames everywhere. It seemed that people from the Dark Wind League had come.At this moment, many people suspected of being from the Dark Wind Alliance came from all around, killing all the guards of the Zhengtian Gang around the hall.

At this moment, Chen Feifan wanted to do something, but Song Sheng whispered in his ear: "Wait a little longer."

The two took a deep breath, and continued to lie on the roof to watch. They saw Daoist Bai Mi sitting cross-legged on the ground, as if he was meditating to force poison, while Pu An rushed towards Lin Yun, but was slapped by the person beside him. After pushing out seven or eight steps, he finally lay down on the ground in embarrassment.

"Boy, you heard clearly, we are not your parents, we have been Lin Yun for almost 20 years, and this time I can finally be myself." After speaking, Lin Yun drank the bottle of wine in front of him in one gulp.

"Yes, they are not your parents, nor my brothers." Lin Tai kicked open the door at this time, and strode in from the outside. The long sword in his hand was already bloody, obviously he had fought all the way in.


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